

Study on Technology of Producing Alcohol from Sweet Sorghum by Solid-state Fermentation

【作者】 钱世凯

【导师】 吕绍武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 生物工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 乙醇是产自可再生资源的最有发展前景的液体燃料,但目前生物法生产的乙醇主要来自糖类和淀粉的发酵。面对世界人口的急剧膨胀和粮食短缺,用粮食生产乙醇的发展将受到限制,特别是在中国这样一个人口众多的发展中大国,发展生物质能源必须始终高度重视粮食安全。为此,2006年12月,国家发改委、财政部共同下发了《关于加强生物燃料乙醇项目建设管理,促进产业健康发展的通知》,要求“坚持非粮为主,积极妥善推动生物燃料乙醇产业发展”。2007年6月7日,国务院召开了关于可再生能源专题会议,进一步明确了中国将停止在建的粮食乙醇燃料项目,在不得占用耕地、不得消耗粮食、不得破坏生态环境的原则下,坚持发展非粮燃料乙醇。甜高粱作为一种高产能源作物,是今后“非粮”乙醇生产的理想原料。在我国中原及北方地区,尤其是一些沿河、沿海地区存在大面积的盐碱地,不宜垦为农田,却是种植甜高粱等高抗逆性能源植物的理想土地。以甜高粱茎秆为原料生产乙醇产业化技术的开发成功,将使这些边际性土地成为发展生物质能源产业的宝贵资源和财富。本文主要是结合目前国内外的相关对甜高粱茎秆制乙醇技术的研究基础之上,对目前甜高粱的现状进行综合分析。然后通过对不同加水比、不同粉碎粒度、不同营养盐添加量、不同酶制剂混合使用等诸多方面进行研究。利用公司现有示范装置实验室的有利条件,对上述实验方案进行验证,从而将相关的实验结果回归并用于指导大生产。

【Abstract】 Technology of producing alcohol from sweet sorghum could mainly be dividedinto solid fermentation technology and liquid fermentation technology. Solidfermentation technology characterized as its large-scale equipment, disposal difficult,but it is more suitable for production of middle-small enterprise. Liquid fermentationtechnology which is with high-production capacity, long-transport distances and easyto form large-scale enterprises, but if we used related press engines which can makethe processing cycle concentrated by using the mature technology of the cane sugarmanufacturing industry. Syrup stored by evaporation concentration to prolong themachining cycle.In this paper, on the basis of combination with production practice, the influenceof related factors of solid fermentation technology is analyzed in more detail.In orderto seek a path of economic and efficient technical approach of production in solidfermentation, to provide a theoretical basis and experimental results for ScaleProduction.We have carried out these works:1、Analysis effect of moisture on fermentation, it was verified that increasedmoisture can improve the ferment wine production rate. Water control is to below80%could favor wine production rate of raw materials.2、Analysis effect of different addition of nutrients on fermentation, it was alsoverified that optimal addition of nutrients is favorable to improve ferment wineproduction rate.3、Analysis effect of different reduction ratio on fermentation, it was alsoverified that the current reduction ratio could meet the need of fermentation.It is notnecessary to consume energy to further improve the reduction ratio. 4、Analysis effect of edition of of glucoamylase cellulase and xylanase onfermentation, it was also verified that the current optimal additional quantity of variousenzyme preparation is favorable to increase not only sugar and cellulose utilization ofraw materials but also wine production rate of raw materials.5、Analysis effect of different addition of yeast, it was also verified that thecurrent additional quantity of yeast could meet the need for mass production. Furtheractivation and proliferation could reduce the yeast consumption.Finally, on the basis of the different experiments and comparative analysis, wecan see that sweet sorghum by solid-state fermentation is a long-term hardestengineering which need to have a further optimization system and technologyimprovement.

【关键词】 甜高粱茎秆固体发酵酶制剂影响
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

