

Study on Urban Expansion and Heat Island Effect of Three Provinces in Northeast China

【作者】 王斌

【导师】 姜琦刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济的持续发展,我国的城市化进程不断加快,传统的监测方法难以快速有效的获取城市的扩展信息。自上世纪70年代以来,随着遥感技术的不断发展和完善,结合遥感与地理信息系统技术研究城市扩展具有周期短、劳动强度小、节省资金等诸多优势,逐渐成为监测城市扩展的主流方法。本文采用覆盖东北三省的1975年左右的MSS影像、1990年左右的TM影像、2000年左右的ETM影像、2007年左右的CBERS影像作为主要数据源,结合前人经验及城市建成区的光谱特征建立解译标志,采用人机交互解译的方式得到四期城市矢量数据。研究了城市的分布现状,计算了其面积变化、动态度、扩展强度等信息,并结合统计资料,采用灰色关联度分析方法,对城市扩展的驱动力进行了分析。另外,还基于分形理论,对东北三省城市体系的规模分布和空间结构进行了研究。同时,利用MODIS LST和Landsat TM/ETM数据,反演了地表温度和不透水面等信息,从宏观和微观两种尺度研究了城市热岛效应。本文通过上述研究得到以下结论:1、东北三省城市在4个时期的面积及分布特征东北地区地势平坦,自然条件优越。城市建成区主要分布在500m以下、坡度8°以下、起伏度75m以下的地区。城市主要沿交通干线及水系分布,经统计,大部分区域分布在交通干线及水系周边10km的范围内。因此,城市的分布具有明显的轴向特征。在1975年、1990年、2000年、2007年4个时期,东北三省县级以上行政区建成区的面积分别为2039.35km2、3829.70km2、4641.24km2、6693.91km2。辽宁省建成区的面积始终为最大,分别为875.69km2、1615.43km2、2040.57km2、3020.81km2,其次为黑龙江省,面积分别为700.87km2、1322.34km2、1556.81km2、2128.24km2,最后为吉林省,面积分别为462.79km2、891.93km2、1043.86km2、1544.86km2。2、东北三省城市的扩展情况及特征新扩展的区域主要分布在海拔500m以下、坡度5°以下的地区。1975~1990年,黑龙江、吉林、辽宁以及总体城市建成区年均扩展率分别为5.91%、6.18%、5.63%、5.85%;1990~2000年,分别为1.77%、1.70%、2.63%、2.12%;2000~2007年,分别达到了5.24%、6.86%、6.86%、6.32%。东北三省城市在扩展的过程中具有明显的相似性特征,以1975~1990年的扩展速度为基准,都经历了先慢速扩展后快速扩展的过程。从第1阶段的5.85%下降至第2阶段的2.12%,而后上升到第3阶段的6.32%。在城市的扩展过程中,副省级城市在扩展过程中一直处于核心地位,地级城市是城市扩展的主体,县级市及县则是一直处于快速扩展的阶段,除1990~2000年,扩展动态度高于副省级城市及地级市。扩展强度比较显著的地区主要分布在哈大交通经济带上。这些区域以点、团状的形式分布,彼此之间相对较为独立,扩展模式上主要以哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、大连4个中心城市为核心,呈辐射状向周边发展。在3个阶段的扩展过程中,第2阶段的扩展强度整体上小于第1阶段,第3阶段较前两个阶段,扩展强度明显提高,特别是沿海城市带提高程度最为明显,这些区域在图中表现为由点、团状发展成大片的面状的形式。东北三省城市主要分布在广阔的平原地区,城市扩展受地形影响较小,多表现为蔓延式扩展;部分沿江河的城市,受河流的限制,表现为连片扩展;能源型城市受资源点分布的影响,扩展形态上更多的表现为飞地式扩展。应用灰色关联度理论对城市扩展的驱动力进行了分析。结果表明,GDP与城市建成区面积的关联程度最高,其次为非农人口数、房地产投资额、铁路及公路运输线路长度。3、东北三省城市群规模分布和城镇体系空间结构的分形特征应用分形理论对东北三省辽中南、哈大齐、吉中三大城市群的规模分布和城镇体系的空间结构进行了研究。结果表明,经过30多年的发展,哈大齐城市群城市规模分布逐步得到优化,城市群内城市的发展趋于均衡,城市群的空间结构趋于紧凑。吉中城市群则经历了先优化而后又趋于分散的过程,但总体上,空间结构也趋于紧凑。另外,还发现哈大齐和吉中城市群城镇体系结构仍然不够完善,城市规模不连续。辽中南城市群内副省级城市、地级市、县级市及县三级城市规模差异很大,各级之间出现明显的脱节现象,城市群的空间结构经历了先趋于均匀化,而后受交通干线的吸引,空间结构具有明显的轴向特征。4、东北三省城市热岛效应特征在冬季,东北三省温度的分布情况主要受纬度的影响,即随纬度的不断增加温度逐渐降低,在春季、夏季和秋季,温度的分布情况更多的受地域的影响,西部及西南部的温度整体上高于东部和北部地区。出现热岛效应的区域主要分布在城市及其周边地区以及工矿附近。夏季的热岛强度普遍高于春秋两个季节。受空气中烟尘等污染物的影响,冬季还会出现城市冷岛效应。采用Artis&Carnahan单通道法计算了长春市的地表温度。研究表明,长春市的高温区多分布在工业园区,低温区主要分布在旅游风景区。对比1993和2001年两期温度数据,研究表明,经过8年来的城市发展,城市热岛区域面积明显增加,高温区和极高温区的面积有所减少。应用光谱混合分析法(SMA)对长春市的不透水面信息进行了提取。研究发现,不透水面率、地表温度、NDVI三者之间具有相关性。当NDVI>0时,NDVI与地表温度之间呈线性关系,地表温度随NDVI的增加而逐渐减小。不透水面率与地表温度存在线性关系,地表温度随不透水面率的增加而逐步升高。随着城市的不断扩展,不透水面区域面积逐年增加,城市热岛区域的面积将不断增多。不透水面率与NDVI同样存在线性关系,NDVI随不透水面的增加而不断减少。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with sustained development of economy, China’s urbanizationprocess is accelerating. Traditional monitoring methods are difficult to get theinformation of the urban expansion fast and efficiently. Since the1970s, RemoteSensing technology has been developing and improving continuously. RemoteSensing and Geographic Information Systems technology have many advantages instudying the urban expansion, for example, a short cycle, low labor intensity, andsaving money and so on, and gradually become the main methods of monitoringurban expansion.In this paper, MSS data in the1975s, TM data in the1990s, ETM data in the2000s and CBERS data in the2007s of covering the three provinces in northeast chinawere used as the primary data source. Based on previous experience and the spectralfeatures of urban built-up areas, interpretation signs were established. The fourvector data of cities was processed by the Human-computer Interaction Interpretation.This article studied the situation of the city’s current distribution, calculated its areachanges, the dynamic degree and extended intensity information and so on, and usedgray correlation degree analysis method to analyze the driving force of the urbanexpansion on the base of data of statistics. Based on fractal theory, scale distributionand spatial correlation of the urban system of three provinces in northeast china werestudied. At the same time, MODIS LST and Landsat TM/ETM data were used in theinversion of the surface temperature and impermeable surface so that the urban heatisland effect was studied from both macro and micro scale. This paper gets thefollowing conclusions based on the above studies:1. Area and distribution characteristics of cities in three provinces in northeastchina in the four periods.The terrain of northeast region which has superior natural conditions is flat.Urban built-up areas are mainly distributed below500m, undulating below75m; theirslope is below8°. The cities mainly distribute along the major trunk roads and drainage. According to statistics, most of the region distributes in the distance of10km from transportation routes and rivers, so the distribution of the city has theobvious characteristics of the axial. In1975,1990,2000and2007, areas of thebuilt-up areas within the Administrative Region above the county level arerespectively2039.35km2,3829.70km2,4641.24km2and6693.91km2in threeprovinces in northeast china. Areas of the built-up areas in Liaoning Province whichhave always been the largest are respectively875.69km2,1615.43km2,2040.57km2and3020.81km2; followed by the Heilongjiang Province, areas of the built-up areasare respectively700.87km2,1322.34km2,1556.81km2and2128.24km2; areas of thebuilt-up areas in Jilin Province which have always been the smallest are respectively462.79km2,891.93km2,1043.86km2and1544.86km2.2. The expansion situation and features of cities in three provinces in northeastchina.The newly expanded urban built-up areas are mainly located below the elevationof500m and the slope of5°. The average annual rates of expansion of Heilongjiang,Jilin, Liaoning and overall urban built-up areas in1975-1990are respectively5.91%,6.18%,5.63%and5.85%; the average annual rates of expansion of Heilongjiang, Jilin,Liaoning and overall urban built-up areas in1990-2000have decreased, respectively,1.77%,1.70%,2.63%and2.12%; in2000-2007, the average annual rates ofexpansion of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and overall urban built-up areas arerespectively5.24%,6.86%,6.86%and6.32%.Cities in three provinces in northeast china have the similar characteristics in theprocess of expansion. Based on the pace of expansion of1975-1990, they have gonethrough the process of the slow expansion in the first and the rapid expansion later.From5.85%in the first stage, they fall to2.12%in the second stage and then rise to6.32%in the third stage. In the process of urban expansion, the sub-provincial citieshave been at the heart; the prefecture-level cities are the main body of urbanexpansion; the county-level cities and counties have been in a stage of rapidexpansion; in addition to the1990-2000, expansion dynamic of the county-level citiesand counties degrees are higher than the sub-provincial cities and prefecture-levelcities. The larger expansion intensity area is mainly concentrated in Harbin-Daliantraffic economic belt. These regions which distribute in the form of the point and thedough are relatively independent of each other. Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang andDalian which are treated as the core in the expansion mode develop towards thesurrounding in the form of radiation. In the three-stage expansion process, urban expansion intensity of the second phase on the whole is less than the first stage; theextension strength of the third stage over the previous two phases improves clearly,especially in the coastal cities; these regions develop from the shape of point to theshape of large areas of the face in the figure.Cities in three provinces in northeast china are mainly distributed in the broadplains. Urban expansion is less affected by the terrain and shows the form of spreadmostly; some cities along the river are restricted with river, so they show contiguousexpansion; energy cities which are influenced with distribution of resources showenclave expansion.This article analyzed the driving force of urban expansion in the gray correlationdegree theory. The results show that the GDP and the area of urban built-up areashave the highest correlation degree, followed by the non-farm population, real estateinvestment, rail and road transport routes length.3. The scale’s distribution of urban agglomeration and the fractal characteristicsof urban system’s spatial structure in three provinces in northeast china.The scale’s distribution and urban system’s spatial structure of Liaozhongnanurban agglomeration, Hadaqi urban agglomeration and Jizhong urban agglomerationwere studied in fractal theory in three provinces in northeast china. The results showthat scale’s distribution of Hadaqi urban agglomeration has gradually been optimizedin30years; urban development in the urban agglomeration tends towards equilibrium;the spatial structure of the urban agglomeration tends to be compact. Jizhong urbanagglomeration has experienced optimized at first and then tends to disperse, but ingeneral, spatial structure tending to be compact. In addition, urban architecture of theHadaqi urban agglomeration and Jizhong urban agglomeration is still not perfect; thescale of cities is not continuous. Sub-provincial cities, prefecture-level cities,county-level city and county third-tier cities of Liaozhongnan urban agglomerationare very different in scale and appear significantly out of line between levels; thespatial structure of the urban agglomeration which has the obvious axis characteristicstends towards homogenization at first and then is attracted by transportation routes.4. Characteristics of urban heat island effect in three provinces in northeastchina.In winter, the distribution of the temperature in three provinces in northeastchina is mainly affected by the dimensions, namely the temperature decreasesgradually with the increasing dimension; in the spring, summer and autumn, thedistribution of the temperature is more affected by the geographical impact, the temperature of the western and southwestern is higher than that in eastern andnorthern regions on the whole. The region where the heat island effect appears ismainly distributed in the city and its surrounding areas, as well as mining nearby. Theintensity of heat island effect in summer is generally higher than that in spring andautumn. Urban cold island effect will appear in winter because of soot and other airpollutants.The surface temperature of the Changchun City was calculated in theArtis&Carnahan single-channel method. Study shows that the high temperature zonein Changchun City is located in the industrial park; the low temperature region ismainly located in the tourist scenic spot. Contrast to the two temperature data from1993and2001, study shows: after eight years of urban development, area of urbanheat island effect increases, but area of the high temperature zone and very hightemperature zone, however, reduces.Opaque surface information was extracted by spectral mixture analysis (SMA)in Changchun City. The study finds that the rate of impervious surface, surfacetemperature and NDVI are relevant. When NDVI>0, NDVI and surface temperatureshow a linear relationship; surface temperature gradually decreases with the increaseof NDVI. The rate of impervious surface and surface temperature show a linearrelationship, surface temperature gradually increases with the rate of impervioussurface increasing. With the continuous expansion of the city, the area of impervioussurface increases every year, and the area of the urban heat island region will continueto increase. NDVI and the rate of impervious surface have a linear relationship, NDVIdeclines with the rate of impervious surface increasing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

