

The Influence of Nitrous Oxide on Growth of CVD Single Crystal Diamonds

【作者】 苏颖

【导师】 李红东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 凝聚态物理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,大尺寸化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石单晶的高速生长和性质研究,引起国内外众多研究者的关注,引入不同气氛高速生长CVD金刚石单晶成为其中研究热点之一。本论文采用微波等离子体CVD(MPCVD)方法,在H2:CH4=750sccm:90sccm的气氛条件基础上,分别引入不同形式的氮氧元素(氮气N2,氧气O2,笑气N2O)在高温高压法(HTHP)合成的Ib型(100)金刚石单晶籽晶上同质外延生长金刚石单晶。对样品进行显微镜、OES、Raman、PL光谱以及SEM、AFM表征,研究了氮、氧引入后对CVD金刚石单晶生长速率、生长机制以及质量、光学性能等的影响。在反应气氛中引入N2O,CVD金刚石单晶的生长速率在氮、氧基团共同作用下,有较大的提高,最大速率达到135μm/h。Raman光谱和PL光谱研究表明,引入2sccm N2O时,样品的氮含量最少、质量最好。不同N2O流量条件下生长的金刚石单晶表面形貌变化很大。适当引入N2O,金刚石表面刻蚀坑尺寸和数量减少,显露出典型的台阶流动生长模式。氧、氮对台阶传播的竞争作用,使得生长出形貌较好的金刚石成为可能,为CVD金刚石单晶的多次生长奠定了良好基础,有利于大尺寸单晶的合成。与其他气体(N2和O2)相比,引入N2O生长金刚石有助于提高金刚石的生长速率,同时保持良好的品质,对高速生长高品质金刚石单晶有积极作用。

【Abstract】 Single crystal diamond attracted many researchers’ attention because of itsexcellent properties. However, limited by their size, doping and cost, natural andhigh-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) diamonds are unsuitable for applications.Single crystal diamond synthesized by MPCVD technique becomes the mostpromising method.In this work, nitrogen-and oxygen-related radicals was generally introduced inthe reaction atmosphere (H2:CH4=750sccm:90sccm) with different modalities(N2,O2,N2O) to synthesize homoepitaxy single crystal diamonds. The sampleswere tested by microscopy, optical emission spectroscopy (OES), Raman,photoluminescence (PL),SEM and AFM.For an appropriate addition of N2O (at2sccm), the product presents the highestgrowth rate (135μm/h) and narrowest FWHM (2.59cm-1) of diamond Raman peak.Moreover, introducing N2O can result in the density of the large-sized pits decrease onthe top surface of SCDs. These facts are expected to realize the long-term stabledeposition required for large crystals production. The surface roughness and color areboth in respect to the N-related content. The CVD SCDs grown with N2O are of highquality, high growth rate, smooth surface, and/or enhanced transparency with respectto the products grown with the additions of N2or O2. It is demonstrated that thecombined effect of N-and O-related radicals generating from N2O in the CH4/H2plasma ambient is significant to achieve high quality and high-rate growth ofhomoepitaxial CVD SCDs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

