

Extraction and Application of Lignin from Pulping Black Liquor

【作者】 张健

【导师】 田玉美;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 物理化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 能源危机与环境污染问题日益严重,给全球带来了巨大的压力,人们逐渐将目光转移到废物利用上来,这不仅可以充分地利用资源,节约能源,而且可以有效地减少环境污染,提高环境质量。造纸黑液是制浆造纸工艺中主要的副产物,黑色粘稠状液体,伴有特殊恶臭味,并且含有20%~30%的木质素,由于木质素结构复杂,生物降解难,因此是全球主要污染源之一。木质素是植物体次生代谢合成的天然芳香族有机高分子物质,是自然界中第二丰富的自然资源,仅次于纤维素,具有可再生性。由于木质素含碳量大,并且表面富含多种官能团,尤其是羟基基团,因此可以将其应用于活性炭的制备和部分替代双酚A型环氧树脂的制备中。本论文研究的意义在于:1.扩大了活性炭制备的原料来源,降低成本,节约能源;2.利用天然无毒高分子物质木质素部分替代有毒物质双酚A制备环氧树脂,提高了环氧树脂产品的安全性;3.对造纸黑液的充分利用,减少了污染的排放,同时有效地利用了自然资源,对环境保护起到了积极的作用。本论文以造纸黑液为原料,利用酸提取法提取木质素,并将木质素处理成球形;再以木质素粉末为原料,利用磷酸化学活化法制备球形活性炭;并利用水热法在碱性条件下使木质素溶液与环氧氯丙烷反应,部分替代双酚A制备环氧树脂,为造纸黑液中木质素的应用提供了可行性途径。在恒温水浴中,利用酸提取法在反应温度为90℃,pH值为2,反应时间为8h的条件下提取造纸黑液中的木质素,收率较高,纯度较好,形貌基本呈球形,粒度分布均匀,颗粒直径大约为100nm左右,表面官能团破坏性小。同时,利用此提取法提取造纸黑液中的木质素成本较低,操作简单易行。再以球形木质素粉末为原料,利用磷酸活化法制备活性炭,在浸渍比为1:7,碳化温度为700℃,反应时间为1h的条件下,制备出的活性炭BET比表面积可高达1797m2/g,含碳量高达68.0wt%,孔径分布以微介孔为主,灰分含量较低,并且活性炭形貌呈球形颗粒状。利用木质素部分替代双酚A制备环氧树脂,考察了反应温度、木质素添加量对环氧树脂性能的影响。实验证明,所制得的环氧树脂环氧值范围为0.0548~0.0976mol/100g,粘度最大可达到408mPa·s,粘度越大说明聚合程度越高,分子量越大。

【Abstract】 As energy crisis and environmental pollution are becoming more serious problem,increasing global pressure to recycle and reuse waste has become necessitated. Notonly can make full use of resources, economize energy, but also can effectively reduceenvironmental pollution and improve environmental quality.Pulping black liquor is one of the main by-products of the paper industry, and isconsidered a pollutant because it is a kind of black and viscous liquid with specialodor, and contains20%-30%of lignin. The complex structure of lignin is verydifficult for biodegradation, so it is one of the world’s major sources of pollution.Lignin is the second most abundant natural and renewable raw material aftercellulose, and is a mixture of polyphenolic compounds with a rather complexchemical structure. Due to the large amount of carbon content of lignin and a varietyof functional groups on the lignin surface, especially hydroxyl groups, it can beapplied in the preparation of activated carbon and partial substitute for bisphenol Atype epoxy resin.The significance of this thesis is:1. It expands the source of the raw materials forpreparation of activated carbon, reduces the cost and economizes the energy.2. Thenatural non-toxic polymer material of lignin partly insteads of the toxic substances ofbisphenol A in the preparation epoxy resin, and it can improve the safety of the epoxyproducts.3. Making full use of pulping black liquor to reduce pollution emissions,and making efficient use of natural resources have played a positive role inenvironmental protection.This thesis supplies a method of extraction and two aspects of application of thelignin from pulping black liquor. The lignin was extracted by acid precipitation,activated carbon was prepared by phosphoric acid activation method, and epoxy resinwas synthesized by hydrothemal method. Spherical lignin with highest extraction yield, better purity, good dispersivity,particle size of about100nm was produced under mild reaction conditions, that is, thereaction was at90oC with pH=2for8h, and surface functional groups were notdestroyed seriously. The key features of this methodology are its operationalsimplicity and low cost.The spheroidal microporous/mesoporous activated carbon was activated spheroidallignin by H3PO4at700oC with impregnation ratio of1:7and reaction time of1h. TheBET surface area was1797m2g1, and the high carbon content was68.0wt.%.Furthermore, the ash content was very low.Replacing bisphenol A by the lignin partly to prepare epoxy resin, the effects of thelignin content and reaction temperature on the epoxy resin property were discussed inthis thesis. The results showed that the epoxy value range was0.0548~0.0976mol/100g, the largest viscosity was408mPa·s, polymerization was higher, and themolecular weight was larger.

【关键词】 造纸黑液木质素活性炭环氧树脂
【Key words】 Pulping black liquorLigninActivated carbonEpoxy resin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

