

The Research and Implementtation for Mathematic Basis of Basic Scale Mapping

【作者】 杜会倩

【导师】 付宗堂;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基础制图软件在当前数字制图生产中占据主导地位,特别是代替了以前繁重的手工劳动,是地图生产的一次革命性变革。目前国内市场上应用比较广泛的是MapGIS和ArcGIS两种制图软件,其数学基础的生成繁琐且不符合国家标准规范。ArcGIS软件为美国ESRI公司产品,因其为国外公司研制,与我国制图标准规范相差甚远,不能应用在我国正规出版图件中。MapGIS软件是我国武汉中地数码科技有限公司推出的大型基础地理信息软件,其面向众多行业研发,所以只能满足制图的基本需求。制图过程还需要大量人为干预操作,费时费力。数学基础是地图最重要的特性之一,能帮助地图使用者迅速、准确地判读地理信息,因此地图数学基础的自动化绘制迫在眉睫。地图数学基础包括椭球体、坐标系、投影类型、制图比例尺和地图坐标网等内容。这些内容之间并非孤立存在,互相之间有内在联系。地图数学基础的核心要素是制图比例尺,一旦其确定,则地图的坐标系及坐标网随之确定,从而确定地图的坐标系参数及关于图幅的一系列参数。首先研究了比例尺与我国常用坐标系和投影类型之间的关系,比例尺和坐标网之间的关系,然后分析坐标网组成要素,包括内外图廓、图廓点经纬度注记、分度带、坐标网注记等。最后,根据《地形图图式》规定,总结我国基本比例尺地图的坐标系、投影类型及坐标网的参数及三者之间关系,把符合国家标准规范的数学基础参数用Access数据库进行存储。利用Visual C#编程语言,采用面向对象的技术,自动获取图幅坐标系及坐标网等数学基础一系列参数,计算地图投影参数,绘制图廓线、坐标网线、分割线等数学基础要素,成功的实现了地形图数学基础自动绘制功能。系统采用模块化结构以供其他系统调用,实现了模块的可移植性。结合“基于数据库的标准化制图系统”和“航空物探出版图自动整饰软件”项目,将数学基础模块应用到实践,实现了ArcGIS平台用要素方式自动绘制数学基础,MapGIS平台生成具有一定数据格式的数学基础明码文件。在2个平台均达到预期的效果。

【Abstract】 The basic mapping software to dominant in the current production of digitalmapping, in particular, instead of the heavy manual labor is a revolutionary changein the production of the map. The MapGIS and ArcGIS mapping software used morewidely in the domestic market, whose mathematical basis generates cumbersomelyand does not comply with national standards. ArcGIS software is the product of U.S.ESRI’s. Because it is developed by foreign companies and is far cry from ourmapping standard specification, it can not be applied in maps of chinese formalpublication. The MapGIS software, which is launched by Wuhan Zhongdi DigitalTechnology Co., Ltd., is the basic geographic information software in China.Because it is researched and developed for a wide range of industries, it can onlymeet the basic needs of the mapping. The mapping process also requires a lot ofhuman intervention operations, time-consuming and laborious. The mathematicalbasis is one of the most important characteristics of map, which can help map-usersto interpret geographic information quickly and accurately. So map mathematicsbasic is drawn automatically, which seems imminent.Map mathematics basis, including the contents of the ellipsoid, coordinatesystem, projection type, mapping scale and map grid and so on. These elements,which not exist in isolation, are intrinsically linked to each other.The core element of map mathematics basis is the mapping scale. Once it isidentified, the map coordinate system and coordinate grid are determined, and thenthe map coordinate system parameters and a series of parameters on maps aredetermined. First, we studied the relationship between the scale and our commoncoordinate system and projection type, and the relationship between the scale andcoordinates grid. Then, we analyzed the elements of coordinates grid, includinginside and outside the map border, latitude and longitude annotation of the mapborder point, indexing with short-term, annotation of coordinate grid and so on. Last,according to the provisions of the "topographic maps", we summarize parametersand relationship among coordinate system, projection type and coordinate grid of China’s basic scale maps in order to store parameters of the mathematics basic inline with national standards by the Access database.Using Visual C#programminglanguage and object-oriented technology, we can automatic access to a series ofparameters of coordinate system and coordinate grid of the map mathematics basis,and calculate the map projection parameters, and draw elements of mathematicsbasis of map border, grid line and dividing line. The automatic drawing functions ofthe mathematical basis of topographic map are successfully realized.The system uses a modular structure for other system calls to achieve moduleportability. Combined with the projects of "the standardized mapping system basedon the database" and "the automatism decoration software of published map in AeroGeophysical Survey", the mathematics basis module was used into practice. As aresult, map mathematics basis automatically were drawn using elements on theArcGIS platform and a clearly file with certain data format of mathematics basisautomatically were generated on the MapGIS platform.They achieve the desiredresults on the both platforms.


