

The Establishment of Fe-Pb-Zn Prospecting Model of Maizi Basin and Selection and Evaluation of Prospecting Target,Xinjiang

【作者】 曹锦元

【导师】 张招崇; 丁汝福;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 研究区位于阿尔泰陆块南缘的晚古生代火山沉积盆地内,同时也是各类金属矿产聚集地,蕴含丰富的多金属资源。前人对该区域内的多金属矿床铅锌矿床进行了一定的研究,本文在总结前人工作的基础上,选取了麦兹盆地内典型矿床—蒙库铁矿和可可塔勒铅锌进行深入的剖析,对于盆地内矿床地质特征、地球化学特征、区域矿床成因及区域成矿模型进行了较为全面的研究和探讨,矿体的产出明显受地层、构造和岩性的控制。矿石矿物较为简单,主要的金属矿物为方铅矿、闪锌矿、磁铁矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿,矿床的地质特征指示成矿具有典型的海底火山喷流-沉积-后期热液叠加改造特征。结合区域上火山沉积地层中较高的Pb、Zn含量,推断矿床的成矿金属主要来源于含矿盆地中的沉积地层,矿石中硫同位素分布范围较广(-15.3‰-+5.1‰),指示铅锌成矿所需的还原性硫来源较为广泛。基于矿床野外地质特征,并结合前人利用Rb-Sr等时线法对成矿时间的测定结果,推测麦兹盆地的主要矿床的成矿时限主要集中在晚古生代,成矿事件可能和亚洲洋闭合引发的洋壳俯冲作用有关。在此基础上,建立区域找矿模式,并选取麦兹盆地东南端的克乃特矿点进行远景评价,利用地质、物探、化探三位一体及地球化学手段展开评价工作。通过对矿区变质岩地球化学特征的研究表明克乃特矿区变质岩原岩类型主要为安山质凝灰岩、流纹质碎屑凝灰岩、角斑岩及泥灰岩、泥质岩等,对比区域地层柱状图表明矿区地层以康布铁堡组上亚组为主,该层是区域上主要的铅锌赋矿层位。通过原生晕异常圈定俩条矿化蚀变带。Ⅰ号矿化蚀变带主要为Cu异常,局部出现Ag、Pb、Zn异常,所对应的岩性主要为矿化或不纯大理岩、硅质岩(变粒岩)、片岩、浅粒岩等;Ⅱ号矿化带主要出现Ag、Pb、Zn、As异常,所对应的岩性主要为含铁锰大理岩、片岩、硅质岩、浅粒岩等。结合钻孔深部验证出现不同程度的铅锌矿化及金矿化,判断克乃特铅锌矿床具有发现受海底火山喷流-沉积-叠加热液改造型铅锌矿床及与构造—热液—蚀变有关金矿化体的良好前景。

【Abstract】 The Maizi volcano-sedimentary basin is located in the south margin ofthe Altay orogenic belt, which is all kinds of metal mineral rendezvous andcontains rich much metal resources. the author summarized the thetypicalore deposit for ore deposit geological characteristics,geochemicalcharacteristics, genesis and metallogenic model of regional on the basis ofprevious work. Acidic volcano-sedimentary rocks is mainly ore rock, orebody is controlled by the output of stratum, structure and lithology, Oreminerals are simple, the main metallic mineral is galena, sphalerite, pyrite,magnetite, magnetic pyrite. The characteristics of Submarine volcano plumedeposition-later hydrothermal superimposition-transformation is a typicalgenesis of ore deposits.Ore-forming metals come mainly from the volcano sedimentary stratawith higher Pb,Zn background value. Sulfur isotope(-15.3‰-+5.1‰)indicating the source of reduction sulfur is much more extensive in processlead-zinc mineralization Speculate the main metallogenic time mainlyconcentrated in the late Paleozoic based on the field geologicalcharacteristics of deposit and results of metallogenic time determinated byRb-Sr isochron method. Mineralization events related with oceanic crustsubduction caused by closure of Asian Ocean. On this basis, establishprospecting model and select the target area for prospective evaluation bymeans of geological, geophysical, geochemical and geochemistry.Metamorphic rocks geochemistry of Tarcrystal tuff crystal tuff get areashows that the original rocks of metamorphic rocks is andesitic tuff,rhyolitic crystal tuff, keratophyre, marlite and clay rock, etc. Comparisonof regional stratigraphic column diagrams show that strata in mining areasdominated by D2k2and the group of D2k2is the main Pb-Zn ore-bearingstrata on the area. Outlining the two mineralization-alteration belt based onprimary halo characteristics. The characteristics of No.1mineralization- alteration belt mainly shows Cu exception and partial emergence of Ag,Pb,Zn anomaly. No. II mineralized belt mainly display Ag, Pb, Zn, Asanomaly. The lithology is marble with Fe-Mn,schist, Chert, light rock,ect.Integration of anomalous characteristics of prospecting result, determine thetarget area has good prospects of discovering Submarine volcano plumedeposition.

  • 【分类号】P618.31;P618.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】96
  • 攻读期成果

