

Immersion Prediction Research of Yanqing New District Planning Area of Beijing

【作者】 王迎霜

【导师】 慎乃齐;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 浸没是一个典型的库区环境地质问题。水库蓄水后地下水位抬高引起周边地区环境和生态问题的经验教训,使浸没问题引起了人们的重视。延庆新城位于北京市西北边,地处延怀盆地东部,西临官厅水库,妫水河自东北向西南流经县域。受官厅水库蓄水的影响,新城妫水河两岸曾发生浸没灾害,土地出现沼泽化,房屋部分倒塌,给当地人民生活和工农业生产带来不利影响。近些年来,由于气候干旱,官厅水库水位较低,区域地下水位亦呈逐年下降趋势,研究区浸没区范围趋于减小。但考虑到延庆规划新城区高层建设不断增多,并且其地基持力层主要位于地下水位以下,若一旦降雨量增多,水库水位大幅抬升,周边地下水位壅高,必将会对新城规划建设产生一定的危害。因此,本次论文对新城规划区的浸没问题进行系统分析评价,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值,主要技术方法还可推广应用于其它类似的科研工作。根据研究区的区域地质和气象水文资料,查明官厅水库及延期新城规划区的浸没发展概况,分析了浸没的影响因素,重点研究了库水位变化与浸没灾害的关系。利用地下水动力学法和Modflow数值模拟分析两种方法对研究区地下水位的变化情况进行计算,得出不同库水位条件下的地下水位高程,预测研究区的浸没范围及危险程度。最后根据研究区浸没特点及发展趋势,提出了有效的防治对策。其中,介绍了Modflow计算的基本原理和内部结构,分析了模型边界的设置原则,利用反演法算出了水文地质参数,使得拟合效果较好,模拟预测结果具有一定的参考性。同时,运用地下水动力学法与和Modflow数值分析两种方法共同预测研究,结果基本吻合,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Immersion is a typical geological problem of reservoir environment.Groundwater level has risen after reservoir was built and starting to impound water,which caused environmental geological problem surround the area. With theexperiment and lessons, the immersion has caused much attention.Located in the northwest side of Beijing, Yanqing new district is lie in theeastern of Yanhuai basin and closed to Guanting reservoir. The Guishui River flowsthrough the country from northeast to southwest. Affected by the storage of Guantingreservoir, the disaster occurred in the banks of Guishui River, such as land swampingand houses collapsed, which has brought adverse impact to local people’s life anddamaged to the industry and agriculture production. In recent years, due to the dryclimate, the Guanting reservoir water has always been in a low level, regionalgroundwater level is also reduced, and the submerged area of the study area trends todecrease. But considering the increasing number of high-risk building in the Yanqingnew district planning area, and the foundation bearing layer is mainly located in theunderground water level. If the rainfall increased, reservoir and surrounding areawater level will both rise up, it may cause certain hazards to the planning andconstruction. Therefore, systematically analyzing the formation mechanism andinfluencing factors of reservoir immersion has the important theoretical meaning anduseful value. The main technical method can also be applied to other similar researchwork.This article has researched regional geological and meteorological andhydrological data of the study area, found out the immersion situation of Guantingreservoir and Yanqing new district. And then, the factor of immersion has beenanalyzed, the relationship between reservoir water level change and immersion hazardhas been analyzed emphatically. Also, the groundwater dynamics method andModflow numerical simulation has being used to calculate groundwater level underdifferent reservoir water level condition in the study area, and then predict theimmersion range and degree. Finally, according to the immersed characteristic anddevelopment trend, effective countermeasures have been put forward. Among them,the basic principle and internal structure of the Modflow calculation has beenintroduced, the setting principle of model boundary has been analyzed, the inversionmethod has been used to calculate the hydrogeological parameters, the imitative effect is well, the prediction results of simulation has a certain reference. Simultaneously,the results are basically the same, according to the forecast simulation based ongroundwater dynamics method and the Modflow numerical simulation, which hascertain practical value.

  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】63

