

The Construction of Management and Assessment System in Groundwater Over-exploited Regions

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 崔亚莉;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地下水作为我国生产、生活重要的供水水源,对我国饮水安全、粮食安全、经济安全和生态安全发挥了十分重要的作用。然而,长期以来对地下水资源不合理的开采,造成部分地区严重超采,形成了大面积区域性降落漏斗,部分地区已面临地下水源枯竭的威胁。由于超采地下水,引发地面沉降、海(咸)水入侵、生态恶化等一系列地质环境问题,给社会经济发展和人民生活带来了严重威胁。我国超采区划分管理工作已经开展十余年,由于缺少地下水超采区管理导则及超采区管理评估的具体办法,国家对超采区治理进展及成效未能全面掌握、超采区管理措施及经验也未进行系统评估和总结,这种状况不利于全面推动超采区的治理工作。因此,全面了解超采区管理现状及存在问题、建立相对科学的超采区管理评估体系,对加强地下水超采区治理和地下水管理具有重要意义。本文系统的总结了全国典型超采区的划定过程、治理措施。在此基础上,根据超采区管理所涉及的各个阶段,从超采区的监测体系建设、治理措施、治理成效三个层面构建超采区管理评估体系。对典型地区的监测体系建设、治理措施方面进行定性评价并给出相应建议,对治理成效采用定量评估方式来反映超采区的变化趋势。力求真实反映超采区治理工作现状,以及对超采区管理工作进行总结及分析。最后将所建立的评估指标体系应用于河北省、江苏苏锡常地区管理评估。对河北省和江苏苏锡常地区超采区的监测体系建设、治理措施进行了定性的分析并给出了相应的建议,对其治理成效进行定量评估分值分别为64分、99分。从评估过程和结果来看,我国超采区管理目前还处于薄弱阶段。建议完善监测体系等基础性建设,其次出台超采区管理规范性法规制度来进一步加强超采区的管理,使得我国地下水资源得到切实有效的保护。

【Abstract】 As the main supply source of our country’s industrial and living water, thegroundwater plays an essential role in ensuring the security of our drinking water,food, economy and also ecology. However, due to the long-term unreasonableexploitation, large areas of regional depression cones have been formed, and thegroundwater in some districts is in the danger of depletion. The overexploitation ofthe groundwater has caused a series of geologic environment problems such as landsubsidence, seawater intrusion and ecological deterioration, which brought seriousthreats to social and economic development as well as human life.It has been over a decade since the classification and management were carriedout in the overexploitation districts in our country. Yet due to a lack of themanagement guidelines and specific measures, people are still not able to master therectification progress and the corresponding effects thoroughly, meanwhile themanagement measures and experiences are not under systematical evaluation andreview. The very condition may militate against the treatment work of these districts.Hence, having a comprehensible understanding of the present management situationwith the existing problems, and also establishing the relatively scientific evaluationsystems are of great significance to enhance the treatment of the overexploitationdistricts and the management of the groundwater.The thesis makes a systematic summary of the division process, as well as thetreatment measures of some typical overexploitation districts. And based on thephases involved in the management, an evaluation system is formed from three levelssuch as the construction of monitoring system, the treatment measures and thetreatment effects. At the meantime, it provides a qualitative evaluation of theconstructive monitoring system and the treatment measures in the typical districts andoffers the corresponding suggestions. Then it reflects the variation trend of thetreatment effect by adopting a quantitative evaluation system. The purpose of which isto adequately report the present treatment progress in the overexploitation areas, andto make a summary and analysis of the management work.At last, the thesis sets out an assessment of overexploitation to Hebei Provinceand Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou district of Jiangsu Province based on the builtevaluation index system. It provides a qualitative analysis of the construction of themonitoring system and treatment measures of these two districts and meanwhile gives some suggestions. And the quantitative evaluation score for the treatment effect is64and99respectively. From the assessing process and the results, it can be seen that ourcountry is still weak in handling the exploitation districts. Thus it is highly advisableto perfect the basic constructions such as the monitoring system, and also to enactsome regulations with the purpose of further strengthening the management of theoverexploitation districts and then keeping the groundwater sources under feasibleconservation.


