

Risk Assessment of Collapse Disaster Along Nan-yan Section of Provincial Road S219

【作者】 刘江梅

【导师】 孙进忠; 祁生文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 S219南雁路段公路,位于北京市门头沟中北部,是连接G109与昌平区的交通要道。该区地层岩性主要以沉积岩、火成岩为主,岩石主要是粗安岩、角砾熔岩、玄武岩、灰岩等硬岩,边坡主要为块状结构和碎裂结构。基于上述工程地质条件和地灾调查,崩塌是该段公路的主要地质灾害,由于该区段地理位置非常重要,车流量较大,崩塌灾害又常有发生,考虑到行车和行人安全,有必要对该区段崩塌灾害做地质灾害调查并选用合理的防治措施进行防治。本论文在对S219南雁路段公路进行地质勘察的基础上,统计了该区段崩塌边坡及崩塌隐患点,然后结合以往经验文献和上述统计资料,得出了该区段公路崩塌灾害的主要类型、分布特点、发育规律,该区段崩塌灾害主要类型为滑移式崩塌,倾倒式崩塌,并在此基础上进行了崩塌灾害成因机制分析。基于上述研究结果,本论文以K24+400、K24+540崩塌点边坡为例,利用工程地质类比法、有限元法、赤平投影法定性的分析崩塌点边坡稳定性,采取极限平衡法及强度折减少法定量的计算了边坡稳定性系数,并综合给出了稳定性分析结果,为后续的危险性评价做基础工作。同时,为考察这些崩塌灾害点及隐患点在公路运营中所产生的影响,本论文进行了崩塌灾害危险性评估。该评估主要为三方面的内容,第一个是崩塌灾害点发生的可能性大小评估,此评价主要是利用崩塌灾害点稳定性评价的结果,并利用《地质灾害危险性评估规范》进行评判。第二个方面是对于崩塌灾害点所产生的危害性大小进行评价,本评价主要利用AHP法(层次分析法法)建立指标体系、确定指标权重、最终运用模糊综合评判数学模型进行评价。第三个方面是灾害危险性综合评判,主要利用上述两个方面的结果,根据规范给出的标准进行评判。根据危险性评价得到的结果,本论文最后进行了该区崩塌灾害点的工程地质分区,并给出了关于崩塌点治理的一些建议和措施。

【Abstract】 Nan-Yan Section of S219Province Road located in the middle north of Mentougou District, is a major route of transportation connecting G109and Changping District. In the study area, the main formation lithology is sedimentary rock and igneous rock and rocks are mainly trachyandesites. breccias lava, basalt, limestone and sort of hard rock. And slopes mainly consist of block structure and cataclastic structure. Based on above engineering geological condition and geological disaster investigation, collapse is the main geological disaster in this area. Because of important geographical location, large car flow, collapse often happens, and consider safe of cars and people, it is necessary to investigate collapse disaster and choose the appropriate control measures in the study area.Based on the geological exploration of S219Nanyan road, statistics collapse slopes and rock falling disaster hidden point and combined with experience literature and former statistical data, we can obtain the types of collapse disaster, distribution feature, development law. In this area, rock falling disaster has two major types: falling-type collapse, slip-type collapse and toppling-type collapse. And then we can analysis the genetic mechanism of collapse.According to the above results, the slope stability in collapse was then analyzed, taking the slope of K24+400-K24+540as an example. Methods of engineering geological analogy, finite element method and stereographic projections were used to the slope stability qualitatively, and stability factor of slope was calculated quantitatively with the the limit equilibrium method ansd the strength reduction method, and futher, and the result of stability analysis was given. This is a basic work for further risk assessment.Meanwhile, in order to investigate highway which is influenced by collapse disaster and rock falling hidden point, thesis evaluate collapse hazard. The assessment includes three aspects. First of all, evaluate the possibility of collapse. The result is mainly from stability evaluation of collapse and based on the "geological disaster risk assessment standard". Second, evaluate the risk level of collapse. We obtain the evaluation by using AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method to build index system and determine index weight, and then use fuzzy mathematical to evaluate. Third, according to the results of former two aspects and the evaluation standard, we assess collapse risk.Based on the results of risk assessment, thesis obtains engineering geological division of collapse in the study area, and gives suggestions and control measures about collapse.

  • 【分类号】P642.21
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】155

