

Geological Structure and Rock and Ore Controlling Function of Yuerya Gold Mine in Kuancheng County of Hebei Province

【作者】 叶广利

【导师】 胡建中;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合大量的野外地质现象与前人的文献资料,分析了冀东宽城县峪耳崖金矿矿床的地质构造特征,主要包括地层及其岩石组合、矿体矿脉特征、岩体的平面形态和剖面形态、构造及其控矿作用和地质构造演化。冀东地区地层主要为太古宙变质岩系和中晚元古代沉积岩系;构造主要包括太古宙迁西岩群的穹状隆起和遵化岩群的弧形紧密褶皱带,以及燕山期的马兰峪复式背斜;岩浆岩主要为印支期、燕山期花岗质侵入岩。峪耳崖矿床所在地区受到由北西向南东向挤压构造应力场作用和基底构造的控制作用,于早中生代-晚印支期,形成峪耳崖-下板城断褶带雏形,到早燕山期,峪耳崖复背斜定型。峪耳崖复背斜控制了花岗岩体的主体形态,即岩体是NE向延伸;而峪耳崖的次一级背斜控制了岩体的边界,导致边界多呈港湾状。峪耳崖岩体受到复背斜核部和矿床内多组断裂的控制,平面上呈中间膨大、两端窄小的橄榄形状;在剖面上呈上小下大的倒水滴状。大量的研究显示峪耳崖金矿有两次岩浆侵入活动,第一次形成白色花岗岩,第二次形成红色花岗岩。一些前人认为峪耳崖金矿的成矿年龄在174Ma左右,同时本项目组通过用Re-Os同位素分析法得出峪耳崖金矿成矿年龄为167Ma~168Ma,因而推断成矿年龄在164~174Ma之间是合理的。本矿床受到5组断裂的影响,其中NE向、NNE向和NEE向断裂是成矿期断裂,是成矿的主控断裂,矿床90%以上的矿脉和矿体都充填于NE向断裂当中。95%的含金石英矿脉都为北东走向,倾向北西,倾角一般界于10°至65°之间,岩体浅部的矿体比较陡,向深处有略微变缓的趋势。这一系列矿脉多数呈似层状,形态较平直,在空间上大致互相平行,并大约按50m或其倍数沿倾向作等距排列。石英脉带中的“厚层”状石英矿化度较低,细脉状石英及其边缘的破碎围岩矿化度较高。

【Abstract】 Combining with a large number of field geological phenomenons and previousliterature datas,this paper analyzes the geological characteristics Yuerya gold depositin Kuancheng county,mainly including stratum and rock combination, ore veincharacteristics,plane and profile shapes of rock mass,structure,ore controllingfunction and geological tectonic evolution.In the region of eastern Hebei province, the stratums mainly consist ofmetamorphic rocks in Archean and sedimentary rocks in Middle-Late Proterozoic; thestructure includes the dome of Qianxi rocks in Archean, the fold belt of Zunhuarocks in Archean and the Malanyu anticlinorium in Yanshanian; the magmatic rocksare mainly granitic intrusive rocks in Indosinian and Yanshanian.The area of Yuerya gold deposit is controlled by the extrusion tectonic stressfrom North West to South East and basement structure, The rudiment of Yuerya-Xiabancheng fault-fold belt forming in the early Mesozoic-late Indosinian, to theearly Yanshan period, Yuerya anticlinorium basicly finalized the design. Yueryaanticlinorium controls the main body form of granite rock mass,rock extensiondirection is to NE; At the same time the sub-tissue anticline controls the border of therock, lead to the border with a harbour shape.Rock mass be controlled by the ore ofYuerya anticlinorium and by fractures within deposit, In the plane,the rock mass islike a olive, inflated intermediate and narrow in both ends.In profile,like aobsequent water droplet.A lot of research activities showed that there are two times magma intrusionactivities in Yuerya gold deposit. The white granite formed in the first time, the redgranite formed in the second timeSome previous considered that the metallogenic age of Yuerya gold deposit isabout174Ma,at the same time,with the method of Re-Os isotope analysis ourprojiect team obtained the metallogenic age of Yuerya gold deposit is about167~168Ma, so the metallogenic age infered between164Ma and174Ma isreasonable. The gold deposit is effected by five groups of fracture,among which the fractureto NE, the fracture to NNE and the fracture to ENEare the fractures in metallogenicperiod,are the main controlling fault of mineralization, more than90%of vines andore body are filling in the crack to NE.95%of the auriferous quartz veins towards NE, tilt to the north west,the digangle are between10°and65°,the tilt angle of the shallow ore body is steep,to deepthe tilt angle is slowly steep. This series of veins are most like layer,the form is flat,In the space,these veins are parallel to each other,and arranged isometricly by50metres or multiple of50metres. The mineralization of the thick layer of quartz vein islow, but the quartz fine veins and broken surrounding rock is higher.


