

The Study of Tectonic Evolution and Evaluation of Advantage Ordovician Reservoirs in Bachu-Markit Area

【作者】 吴礼明

【导师】 丁文龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 巴-麦地区是一个油气潜力巨大,勘探前景广阔,而又存在诸多地质理论和勘探实际问题的区域,研究其古构造演化,特别是古隆起的演化过程和分布特征,对于预测有利岩溶储层发育区具有极其重要的地质意义。本论文以现今构造为基础,采用逐层回剥和平衡剖面原理,结合地震、测井和钻井资料的综合利用,再现了早中寒武世、晚寒武世-中奥陶世、晚奥陶世、志留纪-中泥盆世、晚泥盆世-石炭纪、二叠纪、古近纪-新近纪地质时期的古地貌并划分了“隆起”、“凹陷”、“斜坡”分布范围。考虑断裂期次发育期次和发育模式,巴-麦地区在不同地质时期的古构造演化表明,自震旦纪以来该区构造格局发生多次调整:加里东期早期-加里东中期,巴-麦地区为“北东低,西南高”构造格局;加里东晚期调巴-麦整为“北高,南低”的构造格局;海西期,巴楚地区为“北高,南低”,麦盖提地区则为“南高,北低”的构造格局;喜山期麦盖提地区翘倾,正式转变为斜坡,同时巴楚地区隆升更为强烈,形成了“巴楚隆起,麦盖提斜坡”的现今构造格局。在地质历史的演化过程中,巴楚隆起与和田古隆起的形成时期和演化阶段也各不相同。海西期初具雏形的巴楚隆起,在后期隆起规模发生巨大改变,但对奥陶系储层的发育没有直接控制作用。加里东期开始形成的和田古隆起在平面上的逆时针方向迁移,控制着当前重点勘探区域玉北地区奥陶系岩溶储层的发育程度和分布范围。通过古隆起的迁移演化分析,巴-麦地区奥陶系地层经历早加里东、中加里东、海西早期三期古岩溶作用,位于麦盖提斜坡的玉北地区为三期岩溶的叠置区,是岩溶储层发育的最有利地区,并探讨了其奥陶系岩溶储层发育模式。结合地震属性、测井、钻井岩心资料,认为玉北地区奥陶系最优岩溶储层发育区为玉北1断裂构造带以东的大部分地区为,麦2区块以及麦2、麦3区块的交接部位为良好岩溶储层发育区。

【Abstract】 Bachu-Markit Area has huge oil and gas potentiality and broad prospect for exploration,and exists many problems of geological theory and practical exploration, so doing the researchof paleotectonic evolution of the area, especially the evolution process and distributioncharacteristics of palaeouplift have an extremely important geological significance for theprediction of favorable karst reservoirs.On the basis of current tectonic, of geological history peorids are restored by thecomprehensive utilization of seismic, logging and drilling data, according to the principle ofbackstripping analysis and balanced cross section. It includes several phases: early-middleCambrian, late Cambrian-middle Ordovician, late Ordovician, Silurian-middle Devonian,late Devonian-Carboniferous, Permian, Paleogene-Neogene. In addition, the distribution ofuplift, depression and ramp is divided according to the paleogeomorphology.Considering the development period and development model of faults, the palaeotectonicevolution of Bachu-Markit Area is analyzed. The result shows: the tectonic framework ofBachu-Markit Area has changed many times since the Sinian. In the early Caledonian andmid-Caledonian, the tectonic framework of Bachu-Markit Area appeared high in the northeastand low in the southwest. In the late Caledonian, The structural framework changed to be highin the north and low in the south. In the Hercynian, the tectonic framework0f Bachu Area washigh in the north and low in the south, but the Markit Area displayed high in the south and lowin the north. In the Himalayan, the Markit Area began to tilt and turned into the slope, Inaddition, the Bachu Area uplifted more intensely, forming the current tectonic framework ofBachu uplift and Markit slope.In the evolutional process of geological history, the formation period and evolution phaseof Bachu uplift and Hetian paleo-uplift are different. Bachu uplift forming in the Hercynian hasa dramatic change of the scale in the later period, but it has no direct control actions in thedevelopment of Ordovician reservoir. Hetian paleouplift beginning to form in the Caledonianhas an anticlockwise migration. It controls the development degree and distribution of theOrdovician karst reservoir of Yubei Area as the key exploration region.Through the analysis of the migration evolution of paleouplift, Bachu-Markit Areaexperiences three Paleokarst. Jade North region located at the Markit slope is the overlappedarea owning three stage of Karst, and therefore is proved to be the most favorable area of thedevelopment of the karst reservoir. In addition, the Ordovician karst reservoir developmentmode is discussesed. On the basis of seismic attributes, well logging, core data, the mostfavorable reservoir block is the most part of the region in the east of Jade North1fault, Mai2block and the junction part of Mai2block and Mai3block are the good reservoir developmentareas.


