

Reservoir Modeling Study on Fracture-cave Carbonate in Tahe Oilifeld

【作者】 崔文彬

【导师】 康志宏;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 油气田开发工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩油藏是一个与古风化壳有关的岩溶缝洞型油藏,由于多期岩溶作用改造和后期的洞穴垮塌作用,造成了油藏储集空间复杂多样,非均质性极强,储层定量评价和表征难度较大。随着技术的进步和勘探开发的要求,进行精细储层描述,建立精细的三维定量地质模型已成为当务之急。本文以塔河油田四区缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层为研究对象,综合应用多学科理论、方法和技术,建立了该类油藏储层单井、二维、三维地质模型。本文分析了塔河油田奥陶系储层发育特征,在此背景下,综合地质、测井、三维高分辨率地震等静态资料及生产动态资料,充分发挥井点资料垂向分辨率高和地震资料横向信息丰富的优势,按照单井地质模型-二维模型-三维模型的建模思路,将确定性建模和随机建模相结合,在储层分布预测的基础上,刻画缝洞型储层的地质模型和属性参数模型。通过以上研究,取得的成果认识有:1、缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层地质建模是一项综合性极强的工作,需要岩心、测井、FMI成像测井、地震等多种资料,综合建模;2、采用确定性建模和随机建模相结合的方法,可以极大地降低不确定性,提高储层建模精度;3、本次划分储层在测井资料的基础上,结合钻井、产量和酸压等生产资料,将储层划分为:溶洞型储集体(未充填型、半充填型、全充填型)、裂缝型储集体和裂缝孔洞型储集体,三个岩溶带,建立单井地质模型;4、通过分析统计地震属性与溶洞储层,建立了RMS和波阻抗与溶洞储层之间的定量关系,建立溶洞储层概率体;5、采用序贯指示的模拟方法,加上地震属性数据的约束,建立溶洞型储集体模型和属性模型;6、利用成像资料和岩性资料刻画常规测井的裂缝参数,提高了裂缝参数的解释精度,分别利用蚂蚁体追踪技术和经验公式计算建立大尺度裂缝模型及属性模型。最后,模型的好坏,既取决于建模工作者对储层地质条件的认识和了解程度,也取决于对建模原理方法和软件的熟悉程度,但地质认识更为重要。

【Abstract】 The Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Tahe Oilfield is a large fracture&cavesystem formed by supergene karstification. The maltiphasic karstification and thecollapse of karst cavities lead to complex reservoir space and a highly heterogeneousof reservoir. So, quantitative evaluation and characterization of the reservoircharacteristics is more difficult. As technology advances and to meet the needs ofexploitation, it is necessary to make accurate description and build refined threedimensional geological models. Based on the carbonate reservoir in in4district ofTahe Oilfield, combining with interdisciplinary studies, this thesis discussed themethod to build single-well model, two-dimensional models and three dimensionalgeological models.First of all, the article analyzes the geological characteristics of the Ordoviciancarbonate reservoir in Tahe Oilfield. It takes geology, logging, high-resolution3Dseismic data and dynamic production data as guidance, and makes full use of welldata. Then the article combines deterministic modeling methods with stochasticmodeling methods following the step of single well model--two dimensionalmodel-three dimensional model. Finally, geological model and property model offracture-cave carbonate reservoir of this area are established.The author comes to the following conclusion and understanding through aboveresearch:1. Geological modeling of fracture-cave carbonate reservoir is a verycomprehensive work, which needs various information and should follow the way ofintegrative modeling method;2. Combining deterministic modeling with stochasticsimulation, we can greatly reduce uncertainly and increase reservoir modelingprecision;3. Based on the logging data, combining with well drilling, output and acidfracturing data, the author divided the reservoir to cave reservoir(unfilled cave,half-filled cave, filled cave), fracture reservoir and cave-fracture reservoir. At thesame time, three karst belts are recognized and single well geological models are built;4. By analyzing seismic attribute and cavity reservoir, the article describes thecorrelativity between RMS, acoustic impedance data and cave reservoir, buildsseismic probability model of cave reservoir as well;5. By utilizing “SequentialIndicator Simulation” method and restraining of the seismic property data, the authorbuilds the cave reservoir model and property model;6. This article improves theinterpretation precision of fracture parameter through FMI and core data. Figuring up big size fracture models and property model by ant body tracking technique andempirical equation. Reservoir geological modeling establishment is subject toperson’s understanding about geological conditions of reservoir, and to person’sfamiliarity degree of modeling theory and software, among which geologicalknowledge is the most important and basic factor.


