

Geometry and Kinematies of Eastern Part of Southwest Tarim Basin

【作者】 何娟

【导师】 何登发;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 塔西南坳陷位于塔里木盆地地块西南部,面积约15×104km2,北接中央隆起,西南部与西昆仑造山带和铁克里克隆起相邻,东部为东南断隆带。该区进一步可分4个次级构造单元:麦盖提斜坡、喀什凹陷、叶城凹陷及和田凹陷。本论文主要是在对塔西南地区地质资料精细解释的基础上,运用断层相关褶皱理论对所研究的塔西南坳陷东部的三个构造带进行几何学与运动学分析,同时结合区域构造背景、钻井及测井资料,分别建立了各构造带几何学与运动学模型,最终对塔西南东部地区进行区域构造演化恢复,并探讨油气圈闭分布特征,主要取得了以下认识:1、玛扎塔格构造带以基底内部滑脱层为主滑脱面,由麦盖提斜坡向巴楚断隆地区逆冲,并形成相应的断层相关褶皱。玛扎塔格深层的层间滑动和冲断及其断层传播褶皱遭受了后期基底卷入型冲断层的破坏和改造。2、玉北1构造带整体呈北东—南西走向,向南弧形凸出,表现为“Y”型盖层滑脱型逆冲断层传播褶皱变形样式,断层滑脱始于中寒武统膏盐岩层内部,局部呈断层传播-转折混合型褶皱。3、和田南逆冲推覆构造带由上而下、自南而北是由推覆体、多个冲断席片叠加而成的叠加背斜双重构造系统以及弱变形的原地系统组成。总体上为一受和田滑脱断层控制的大型推覆体构造。推覆体之下与前缘自东向西,由基本未卷入变形到强烈卷入变形。4、从塔里木盆地西南坳陷的构造特征来看,塔西南坳陷东部构造演化可分为5个演化阶段:1)加里东早期(早中寒武世):碳酸盐岩局限台地与蒸发台地阶段;2)加里东中期(晚寒武世-奥陶纪):古隆起开始发育阶段;3)加里东晚期-海西早期(志留纪-中泥盆世):隆起形成及定型阶段;4)海西期(石炭纪-二叠纪):沉降埋藏阶段;5)喜马拉雅期(新生代):沉降掀斜阶段。5、和田古隆起的形成、演化过程对探区的油气聚集具有重要作用,该地区经历的三期岩溶作用有利于储集层的形成和保存,同时喜马拉雅运动使和田古隆起发生了南北掀斜的大规模变动,同时也为麦盖提斜坡带大型岩溶地层圈闭的形成提供了条件。

【Abstract】 Eastern part of Southwest Tarim Basin is located in the southwest of the TarimBasin with an area of about15×104km2, which is in the north of central uplift, east ofthe Western Kunlun orogenic belt and Tiekelike uplift, and west of the Southeasternfault-uplift zone. The study area further can be divided into five third-order tectonicunits: Markit slope, Kashi Sag, Shache Sag, the Yecheng Sag and Southern KhotanmaSag. This thesis is mainly on the basis of fine interpretation of geological data on thesouthwest Tarim region, the use of fault-related fold theory with the study of theeastern part of the Southwest Depression of three structural geometry and kinematicsanalysis, combined with the geodynamic setting and regional tectonic features, andreference drilling and logging data, the deformation characteristics of three tectoniczones, the period of fault activity and the role of hydrocarbon traps in the controlstudy. This study constructed the geometry and kinematics models, recovered the finalregional tectonic evolution of the eastern region of southwest Tarim, and discussedhydrocarbon traps distribution characteristics, mainly to obtain the followingunderstanding:1. The MazhaTage tectonic zone detached with basement slip layers, thrust to theBachu Faulted-uplift through Markit slopes, and formed the fault-related folds.Slippages and thrusts of deep layers, fault propagation fold have suffered destructionand transformation by the post-basement-involved thrust faults of MazhaTage tectoniczone.2. Yubei1tectonic zone, with the overall presentation of the NE-SW direction,south arc protruding, shows a "Y" type cap slipping thrust fault propagation folddeformation style. Faults slippage began in the Cambrian gypsum and salt internalswith the local was propagation-turning mixed fault-fold.3. Southern Khotan thrust and nappe tectonic belt is consists of a top-down, fromsouth to north nappe, thrust the seats piece superposition of overlay the anticline dualtectonic system and weak deformation in situ. Generally, the thrust nappe tectonic beltis controlled by large-scale Detachment in the south of Khotan. From east to west of the under nappe, the deformation include the weak deformation to strongly involvedin deformation.4. From the point of view of the structural characteristics of the Eastern part ofSouthwest Tarim Basin, the tectonic evolution can be divided into five stages:1)Early Caledonian (Early-Middle Cambrian,) with the limitations of the carbonateplatform and evaporation platforms;2) Middle Caledonian (Late Cambrian-Ordovician) with ancient uplifts;3) Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian (SilurianPeriod-Middle Devonian) with uplifts formation;4) Hercynian (Carboniferous-Permian) with settlement burials;5) Himalayan (Cenozoic) with settlement tilteddeformation.5. Formation and evolution of Khotan ancient uplift played an important role inhydrocarbon accumulations in study area. The region has experienced three stages ofkarstification which was conducive to the formation and preservation of the reservoirs.While the Khotan ancient uplift occurred in the north and south lift ramp scalechanges by the Himalayan movements, provided the conditions for the formation oflarge karst-stratigraphic traps on Markit slope.


