

The Daily Order of Shuangmiao Village-with the Angle of Division of Labor

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 刘平;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文根据发展程度和发展模式把我国的农村类型进行了区分,包括集体主义的农村如苏南模式、原子主义的农村如温州模式,不发达1的农村等六种类型。本文对不发达农村—双庙村的日常秩序进行了研究。这种类型的农村没有大事记,没有冲突,不具有典型特征,但也却是具有普遍性的中国农村的大多数,是处在不断的变化之中的,传统的秩序渐渐的瓦解,新的秩序渐渐的萌生,表面看来是无序的,但它的秩序就存在于日常生活的常态之中。为了找到双庙村日常秩序运行的依据和逻辑,本文采用分工的视角对日常事实进行了分析和解释。基于涂尔干的分工理论,本文把分工划分成为三种类型:自然分工,社会分工,技术分工。不同的历史时期,占主导地位的分工也是不同的,不同的分工形成了不同的生活方式,又决定了人行为和道德观念,因此,本文的分析逻辑是:分工—秩序—习惯—道德。本文收集了双庙村不同侧面的日常事实材料,从邻里关系、婚姻关系、经济关系、政治关系等维度对双庙村的日常秩序进行了分析和解释。从自然分工上看,在市场条件下,自然分工发生了历史错位,“男耕女织”转变为“男工女耕”,长期的农业生活和简单的分工方式所形塑出来的道德习惯,是倾向于保守、稳定和安全的,这使得很多年轻人选择回到家乡就业和生活。从先赋性社会分工上看,性别关系也发生了历史错位,女性的地位提升了,原因是女性进城务工有了更广阔的选择空更多的选择机会。从习惯性社会分工上看,婚丧嫁娶中,建立在血缘、宗族、邻里等关系上的分工,久而久之成为了约定俗成的习惯,人们在习惯中形成的道德判断是维续双庙村日常秩序的纽带。从行政分工上看,双庙村的精英是通过延续政治分工积累的社会资本而成为了新的精英。从技术分工上看,由于双庙村养殖业和农业种植业的初步专业化,使人们表现出对效率和利益的追逐,人们的理性思维得到了发展,契约关系产生并得到人们的认同,简单的关系转变为复杂的关系,守成的道德转变为进取的道德,新的生活方式和新的关系形成了新的习惯,在新习惯和新规矩背后,呈现了一种新的秩序。分工的多元导致了秩序的多元,因此,双庙村的日常秩序呈现出传统的因素和现代的因素互相嵌入的秩序特征,社会的各个领域传统的和现代的因素互相嵌入共同维系着农村社会的秩序。

【Abstract】 This article according to the degree of development and Division of rural typedevelopment mode in China. Including collectivism, atomism in rural areas such asrural in Wenzhou model, developed six types, such as in rural areas.This article ondaily order of undeveloped rural-shuangmiao was studied.Rural no events of thistype,no conflict,does not have the typical characteristics,is universal for most of ruralChina,is in constant change, collapse of the traditional order,new order ofinitiation,appears to be out of,but the order exists in normal daily life.In order to findthe shuangmiao daily basis and logic of the running order,this division of labor angleof daily analysis and interpretation of the facts.Based on the theories of Durkheim’s the d ivision of,This division are dividedinto three types:Natural division of labour,Social division,Technologydivision.Different historical periods,dominant division is also different,differentdivision formed a different way of life,determines behavior and moralconcepts.Therefore, this analysis of logic is:division of labor-order-practice-morals.Daily facts of this article collects the shuangmiao side of the differentmaterials,from the neighborhood, marital relations, intergenerational relations,political relations and other dimensions to analysis and interpretation of the dailyorder of shuangmiao.From a natural division point,under market conditions,divisionof natural history wrong,"men till the land and women weave cloth" into "male femaleno-tillage",long division of agricultural life and simple ways of shaping moralhabits,tend to the conservative, stability and security,employment and life whichmakes many young people choose to return to his hometown.From inborn nature onthe Division of it,gender relations have also been historical,status of women,becausemigrant women have more extensive selection of more choices.Seen from the habitualDivision,in the hunsangjiaqu,based on genealogy, clan division of labour relationssuch as, neighbourhoods,Over time become established habits,people used to maintainshuangmiaocun is the formation of moral judgments in daily order link.Seen from the administrative division,Shuangmiao elite is by continuing political division of theaccumulation of social capital and become the new elite.Seen from the technicaldivision,since the initial specialization of shuangmiao farming and agriculturalfarming,Enables people to demonstrate on the pursuit of efficiency andbenefits,Rational thinking of the people has been developed,Contractual relations andrecognition by the people,Simple relationship into a complex relationship,The moralchanges as a progressive conservative morality,New ways of life and newrelationships formed a new habit,Behind the new habits and new rules, presented anew order.Division of diversity leads to order multiple,Therefore, daily of the traditionalorder of the shuangmiao factors and characteristics of modern embedded in order toeach other,Community in all areas of traditional and modern elements of embedded incommon with each other to maintain social order in rural areas.


