

【作者】 禤春裕

【导师】 段利忠;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中医和中药是中华民族宝贵的非物质文化遗产,经过几千年的中医临床实践,其疗效的确切性得到了验证,是我国人民珍贵的智慧结晶。但是在科技高速发展的今天,现代医学技术突飞猛进,中医的发展与之相比,显得跟不上时代的步伐。中医诊疗水平发展受到多方面因素的影响,弄清哪些因素是关键影响因素并进一步解决好这些关键因素是促进中医诊疗水平发展的关键问题。本研究是在国家中医药管理局横向课题《综合医院中医药工作指南》和北京中医药大学院级课题的支撑下和樊星星前期关于中医诊疗技术现代化研究的基础上开展的,旨在探索研究中医诊疗水平发展影响因素中的关键因素。目的:运用灰色关联分析模型探索影响中医诊疗水平发展的关键因素,并通过对关键影响因素的定性分析,据此提出相关建议,为决策部门制定政策提供参考。本研究的结果有助于促进中医诊疗水平的发展,使中医药能够更好地为广大的人民群众服务。方法:本研究同时运用了定量研究和定性研究的方法。1、文献查询法,首先通过文献资料的查阅,从文献中提炼出中医的理论和研究方法、社会因素、中医诊治方面、医生的观念和行为、西医对中医的影响、中医院校、中医医院等7方面的26个相关影响因素。2、专家访谈法,通过相关专家的访谈,进一步确定相关影响因素。3、问卷调查法,于2010年1月至2010年6月,在我国东中西三个地区5个省市的12家医疗机构进行了《中医诊疗水平发展影响因素研究》实地问卷调查。4、灰色建模法,通过建模对问卷结果进行分析。结果:通过灰关联分析得到26个影响因素各自不同的灰关联度,灰关联度的大小的排序代表了影响因素的重要程度。模型运行结果表明,在研究的26个影响因素中,中医治疗效果、中医医生的技术、中医的研究人才、中医科研方法、现代科技的介入中医的学术等6个相关因素是影响中医诊疗水平发展的最关键因素。结论:本研究中的问卷调查对象对因素的重要性的认知和对分值的衡量带有个人主观性,缺乏客观标准,因此对26个影响因素的打分差异较大。各因素量化后的数值机制信息不完备、行为数据很稀少、其固有内涵不清楚的,所以用灰色关联分析较合理;分析的26个相关因素中,模型结果表明中医诊疗效果是影响中医诊疗水平发展的最关键因素,后续的研究需要对该因素进行详细地分析和探讨,找到促进其发展的有效措施和实施办法,为改善中医诊疗水平发展现状、促进中医药发展做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation. After thousands of years of practice to prove the accuracy of its efficacy, it has become the precious wisdom of our people. In the modern society which science and technology develop rapidly, modern medicine progress by leaps and bounds, compared with that, Chinese medicine seems behind the times. Efficacy is the key in Chinese medicine progress. How to improve the efficacy is a key issue in the development of Chinese medicine. This research relies on the support of college_level topics of BeiJing university of Chinese medicine and it carried out on the basis of previous research on modernization of Chinese medical technology. The purpose of the research is find out the key factors which affect the development of Chinese medical technology.Objective:This research will filter, analysis and evaluate the factors which affect the development of Chinese medicine treatment technology using grey relational system models, further more, some suggestions were put forward for policy setting. This research will help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, improve the image of Chinese medicine in people’s minds and make it serve the masses of the people better.Method:The research carried out from both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. First, Based on reading literature, extract related factors in seven aspects including Chinese medicine theory and research methods, Chinese medical treatment, influence from western medicine, society factors, Chinese medicine hospital, concept and behavior of doctors, Chinese medicine colleges, further more confirm related impact factors by interviews with experts. From January to June in2010, we carried out a questionnaire survey named "the impact factors of Chinese medicine treatment technology " in5cities,12General Hospitals. Finally, grey relation analysis was adopted to analysis the result of questionnaires.Results:Though the Grey relational analysis, we get different gray relation degree of26factors. The size of the gray relational grade represents the degree of importance of factors. Results show that the effect of Chinese medicine, research talent, the technology of Chinese medicine doctors, research method, intervention of modern medicine and academic were most critial in28factors.Conclusion:With certain subjective, different respondents have different understanding on the factors. Because of having incomplete running mechanism, lacking of behavior date, devoid of experience in treatment, being naked inherent connotation, the Influencing Factors of the Chinese Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic Improvement fits for the method Grey Relational Analysis; effect of Chinese medicine treatment is the most critical factor in26related factors. In order to promote the development of Chinese medicine, we should conduct a detailed analysis and research to find the key steps for its development and implementation.


