

Air Conditioning Energy Consumption Measurment and Energy-saving Analysis of a Library in Guangzhou

【作者】 林济楠

【导师】 刘丽孺;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 市政工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国节能工作的开展,大型公共建筑节能日益引起人们的广泛关注。面积超过两万平方米的图书馆属于大型公共建筑,其能耗是住宅的5-15倍,而其中空调系统能耗是最大的组成部分,占建筑总能耗的40%-60%。然而,目前针对图书馆空调能耗,系统的监测、诊断、分析手段还较为缺乏,对能源系统各个环节能耗情况的认识还不够清楚,这些因素成为影响其节能改造的一个突出问题。因此,对图书馆空调系统运行状况的实测,有助于诊断分析各环节的能耗情况,对降低图书馆的能耗具有重大的指导意义。广州某高校的图书馆正是此类高能耗的大型公共建筑,本文通过对其历年的能耗数据分析可知,图书馆单位面积冷气费用是该校区行政楼的2.5倍,是教学楼的6倍。全年累计耗冷量指标为135.5kW/(m2·a),处于较高水平,而图书馆单位面积空调能耗为163.28kWh/m2,大幅度高出同地区公共建筑。对此进行深入分析,得出造成该校图书馆空调能耗高的主要原因有两方面:一、空调系统主要能耗设备本身运行存在问题,导致空调系统用能效率低下;二、全玻璃幕墙的外围护结构所消耗的建筑空调能耗过高,导致建筑空调耗冷量指标过高。根据调查可知,该图书馆空气品质不可接受率达到33.33%。高能耗的空调系统却依然存在着空气品质难以满足使用人员要求的问题。经实测计算,该图书馆冷冻水输送系数为29.08,空调末端能效比为5.87,空调系统的主要能耗设备的全年平均能耗指标都略低于规范的限定值。因此从空调末端能效比和冷冻水输送系数出发,制定实测方案,对建筑空调系统主要能耗设备(空调末端和输配系统)用能状况进行实地测试和分析。结果表明,由于冷站端供水温度过高和板式换热器换热效果较差,引起图书馆冷冻水供水水温过高和供回水温差过小,使得末端空调处理器除湿能力差,最终导致主要能耗设备年平均能耗指标过低和空气品质不可接受率过高。针对空调系统本身存在的问题,利用DeST-c能耗模拟软件建立建筑模型,采用现场实测和理论模拟相结合的方法提出合理的节能改造措施。通过综合分析提出采用安装冷水机组来提供建筑冷源替代区域供冷冷源的措施,并对该方案进行节能效果模拟和经济性分析。结果显示:改造后图书馆的能耗指标都能满足《空气调节系统经济运行》要求,空调系统运行效果有很大改善,改造后图书馆年节省121.08万元,投资回收期仅为1.94年。针对该校图书馆空调能耗高的两方面原因,除了从主动角度来实现空调系统本身的节能,还可以从被动角度减低建筑空调系统的冷负荷,以达到节能的目的。根据实测和模拟分析可知,造成该图书馆单位面积耗冷量指标高的主要原因是大面积采用玻璃幕墙结构,因此提出采用专业贴膜对玻璃幕墙进行节能改造的措施,通过对各种贴膜的模拟分析,得出采用复合型窗膜威固28H后,该图书馆单位面积耗冷量指标为117.4kW/(m2·a),投资成本回收期为4.4年,可以作为玻璃幕墙节能改造的方案。同时分别对天窗和各面玻璃幕墙进行组合贴膜的方式来分析最佳经济性方案,得出天窗、南面和西面同时贴膜比全建筑贴膜的回收期短半年,投入资金降低了40万左右。

【Abstract】 The large public building energy-saving is attracting more and more attention as the development of energy-saving work in our country. Library area more than20,000square meters as the large public buildings, energy consumption is the residential buildings5to15times, and the energy consumption of air conditioning system is the largest component of the total energy consumption of the building. Generally about40%to50%of building energy is consumed by air conditioning system. However, at present, in view of the library air conditioning energy consumption, there is lack of monitoring, diagnosis and analysis methods of system, and it is not clear enough to understand all aspects of energy consumption, these factors become an outstanding problem that affects energy-saving of air conditioning system. Therefore, the library air conditioning system running status measurement contribute to the diagnosis and analysis of all aspects of energy consumption, it has a great guiding significance to reduce the energy consumption of the library.A university library in Guangzhou is a large public building of such high energy consumption buildings. By its annual energy consumption data, it is known that library unit area of air conditioning costs are2.5times that of administration building, six times that of the classroom building in the same university. Cold consumption in unit air conditioning area of the library is135.5kW/(m2·a), in a high level, what’s more, energy consumption in unit air conditioning area is163.28kWh/m2, significantly higher than the public buildings in the same region. By in-depth analysis, it is known that the main reason of high energy consumption of air conditioning system has two aspects:First, The energy consumption of air conditioning system equipment operating improperly, result in air conditioning system with low energy efficiency; second, the full glass curtain wall outside the structure that takes up too high energy consumption of the air conditioning system, result in the air conditioning cooling consumption level of the building is too high;According to investigation, it is known that the library air quality unacceptable rate reach33.33%.The high-energy air conditioning system still exists air quality is difficult to meet the use requirements. By the measurement calculation, water transport factor of chilled water is29.08, energy efficiency ratio of terminal system is5.87, annual average energy consumption index of the major energy consuming equipment in air conditioning system are slightly lower specification limit values. Therefore, focused at the energy efficiency ratio of terminal system and water transport factor of condensate water to scheme further measurement program, Field testing and analysis building air conditioning system energy consumption equipment energy situation.The measuring result illustrates that, the temperature is too high supplied from the refrigerator station and the plate heat exchanger is less effective, result in the supply water temperature of chilled water is too high and the temperature difference between supply and return water is too small, and thus the dehumidification air conditioning ability at the end of processor gets low,which eventually led to energy efficiency ratio of air conditioning system low and unacceptable rate of the library air quality high.For air conditioning system problems, used the DeST-c energy consumption simulation software to establish building model, adopte the method combined local measurement with theoretical model to present reasonable energy-saving measures. Through a comprehensive analysis, propose the measures that install chillers to provide building cooling source alternative for area cold source, and Energy-saving effect of the program was simulated and economic analyzed. Results:After transformation, the energy consumption index of the library can meet the requirement of the air conditioning system of economic operation, the operation effect of air conditioning system has greatly improved. After transforming library years to save1.2108million yuan and the investment capital can be recovered in just1.94.Focus at the two reasons for the high school library air conditioning energy consumption, aparted from the active point of view to achieve energy-saving air conditioning system, also from the passive point of view to reduce the cooling load of the building air conditioning system in order to achieve the purpose of energy saving. Measurment and simulation analysis "shows that the main reason for the high unit area of the library cooling consumption indicators is that a large area of glass curtain wall structure, therefore proposed a professional film on the glass walls for energy saving measures. Simulation analysis on a variety of film, obtained that after fliming with complex IQue28H of glass flim, cooling consumption indicators unit area of the library is117.4kW/(m2·a) the investment capital can be recovered in4.4, can be used as energy-saving programs of the glass curtain wall. At the same time, simulated skylights and each side of the glass curtain wall film combination to analyze the best economic program. Obtained a short payback period of six months that the film of skylights, south and west than the film of the whole building, and invested to reduce by about400,000.

  • 【分类号】TU831;TU111.195
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】276
  • 攻读期成果

