

Analysis of Turn-taking in Cross-generation Conversations

【作者】 陶冶

【导师】 赵杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 话轮转换是会话分析的核心问题。自从20世纪60年代Sacks和他的同事提出会话分析的理论以来,尤其是话轮转换系统被提出后,国内外许多研究者从更广泛地领域对话轮转换现象进行了研究。但其研究兴趣主要集中在医患对话、访谈等机构性谈话,对家庭会话中的跨代对话的系统研究寥寥无几。在前人研究话轮转换方法的基础上,作者分析了跨代对话中的话轮转换系统、策略、标记语的使用特点,及父辈和子辈使用话轮转换的异同点。本研究是基于理论的实证研究。相关语料来自于《走遍美国》第一、二册中的跨代对话。语料分析方法和步骤为:对语料进行分类和编码,在会话分析的理论支持下,作者对语料进行质化量化的分析。所有的数据会在Excel表格中显示。研究发现主要有:1)父辈和子辈在运用话轮转换的特点上确实有相同点和不同点。2)就话轮转换系统来说,句子和句组是组成话轮的主要类型,当前说话人选择下一说话人和说话人自选是话轮分配的基本手段,Sacks等人提出的话轮转换规则有时在语料中并不适用。3)就话轮转换策略来说,陈述、话语未完成语、插入话题、疑问句、回应同一话题分别是话轮发起、保持、夺取、放弃、回应的主要策略。而且每一种话轮转换策略都有相应频繁出现的标记语。论文最后指出了写作过程中的一些缺憾之处及研究意义。

【Abstract】 The research on turn-taking is the fundamental study of conversation analysis.Since Harvey Sacks and his colleagues gave the pioneering research on conversationanalysis and put forward the approaches to conversation analysis in the1960s, andalso especially proposed the turn-taking system, other researchers abroad have tried toinvestigate turn-taking from many perspectives, but few studies were made oncross-generation conversations. So in this paper, the author will conclude the previousstudies on turn-taking and get the specific approach to analyze the cross-generationconversations from the aspect of turn-taking system, turn-taking strategies andmarkers used for turn-taking to ascertain the features of these three aspects andexplore the similarities and differences between parents and children.This study is theoretically formed and empirically grounded. Data collected forthis study is from Family Album USA, which is a typical material of family talk. Theywere coded in categories and analyzed in quantitative and qualitative method underthe framework of the previous approaches to turn-taking. All the data is presented inthe form of Excel.Data analysis comes to the results:1) There are some similarities and differencesbetween parents and children on these aspects.2) As for the feature of turn-takingsystem, sentences and sentence groups are main turn-unit types. Current speakerselection and self-selection are the basic ways of turn-allocation component; theturn-taking rules proposed by Sacks sometimes do not apply in the selected corpus.3)As for the turn-taking strategies, statement, utterance incompletor and hesitation filler,insertion with a topic, question, responding with the same topic are the main device ofturn-initiating, turn-holding, turn-claiming, turn-yielding, turn-responding separately.And there are some frequently used markers for every turn-taking strategy.This thesis ends with a limitation and suggestion for future study, and alsopresents the implication of this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】240

