

The Research of the Relationship Among Work Values Work-family Conflict and Work Engagement

【作者】 孙玲辉

【导师】 于楠;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 工作投入与多种工作结果(如工作绩效、离职率等)相关,因此研究影响工作投入的因素对组织保持良好的绩效、留住人才和长远发展具有重大意义。在影响工作投入的因素中,工作价值观和家庭因素值得关注。工作价值观作为对个体工作倾向性的基本评价,其对工作投入的影响已得到普遍认可,然而,对各类型的工作价值观在多大程度上影响了工作投入的研究却并不多见。另外,工作家庭冲突一直是工作和家庭领域的热点研究话题,它可以分为工作-家庭冲突(工作对家庭的妨碍)和家庭-工作冲突(家庭对工作的妨碍)。现有研究较多地关注了工作-家庭冲突这一冲突方向及其对家庭的影响,而忽视了家庭-工作冲突对工作的影响。针对文献中的缺口,本研究提出了相关的理论模型以探究变量之间的作用机制,并就模型提出了三个基本的研究假设:(1)工作价值观影响工作投入;(2)不同类型的工作价值观对工作投入的程度施加不同的影响;(3)家庭-工作冲突会弱化工作投入的程度。本研究以高校教师(N=368)和企业员工(N=359)两个群体为研究对象,共回收有效问卷727份,利用所收集的样本,使用Spss18.0分别就工作投入、工作价值观和家庭-工作冲突等三个变量在人口统计变量上的差异进行分析,并对研究假设进行了检验。结果显示,(1)工作价值观对工作投入具有显著影响,其中,地位与独立性价值观对工作投入的影响作用较大,舒适感和安全感、权限与成长性价值观对工作投入的影响作用较小;(2)家庭-工作冲突对工作投入的影响不显著。本研究的研究结果对组织的招聘、培训等人力资源管理活动有重要启示,对个人和组织实施有针对性的家庭平衡策略提供了一定的指导。最后,本文提出了研究的局限性和未来研究方向。

【Abstract】 Work engagement is related with a variety of results (such as job performance,turnover etc.), so research on the factors that affect the work engagement ismeaningful for the organizations to maintain a good performance, and to retain talentsand long-term development. Work values and family factors that affect workengagement are worthy of attention. As a basic evaluation of the individual’spreference for work, work value’s impact on work engagement has been widelyrecognized. However, research on the extent to which the various type of work valuesaffects the work engagement hasn’t been done much. In addition, the Work FamilyConflict has been a hot research topic in the field of work and family balance, whichcan be divided into work - family conflict (work’s interference with the family) andfamily - work conflict (family’s interference with the work). The existing research hasmore concerned about the work - family conflict and its impact on families, andneglected impact of the family - work conflict on the work.For the gap of existing literature, this study proposes a theoretical model toexplore the mechanism of the variables, and makes two basic assumptions: (1) workvalue affects work engagement; (2)different work walue affects work engagement todifferent degree; (3)family - work conflict weakens the degree of work engagement.In this study, we collects 727 valid questionnaires which include two groups:university teachers (N = 368) and enterprise employees (N = 359). Using thesesamples, we analyze the three variables on their demographic variables differencewith the Spss18.0, and tests the assumptions。The results show that (1) work valueshave a significant impact on work engagement in general,and particularly Status andIndependence aspect of work values has greater effect on work engagement thancomfort and security, Competence and Growth aspect of work values;(2) family -work conflict had no significant effect on work engagement. The findings of this study will be useful to the organization’s recruitment,training activities and the other important HRM practices,and will provide guidancesto individuals and organizations for their implementation of targeted work familybalance policies. Finally, the limitations of this study and future research directionsare pointed out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】783

