

On the Legalization and System Construction of the Act of Surrogate

【作者】 郑雪

【导师】 马新彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 代孕即根据约定,将委托方丈夫的精子注入自愿的代孕母亲的体内进行人工授精,或将人工培育成功的受精卵或胚胎植入代孕母亲的体内,在代孕母亲怀孕、生产后,由委托方夫妻以法定父母的身份抚养子女的情形。根据代孕子女与代孕母亲是否存在基因关系,代孕可以分为局部代孕和完全代孕;根据代孕是否有偿性可以分为有偿代孕和无偿代孕。我国目前关于代孕仅有《人类辅助生殖技术管理办法》中对代孕做出了明确的规定,禁止医疗机构及医护人员从事代孕行为。可以从此看出我国目前立法对于代孕的态度。但是笔者认为禁止代孕是不符合人道主义精神的,满足不了当今社会对于代孕的迫切需求。同时,科学技术的发展需要法律的同步跟进,只有通过法律对如人工生殖技术等科学技术的发展过程予以相应的法律规制,才能保证科学技术不被予以滥用,从而保障其有利于人类社会发展的初衷。而在我国,对代孕予以简单的禁止并不能直接防止代孕在现实中的频频发生,相反导致代孕地下化,委托夫妻和代孕母往往不得己在一些不具备相应医疗条件的地方进行代孕,代孕协议的约定不规范明确,等等这些问题往往导致代孕纠纷的频频出现,反而危害到代孕双方的利益,甚至造成可怕的后果。所以我国应承认代孕的合法性,并通过具体法律制度的建立对代孕行为加以管理规制,使得代孕行为更加规范化,从而有利于社会的安定和谐。代孕是以委托方夫妻的生育权和代孕母亲对自己身体权的自由处分为权利基础的。一些反对代孕的学者认为代孕违背了公序良俗,导致妇女人格受损,沦为生殖工具,甚至不利于家庭稳定和社会和谐。笔者认为,科学技术的发展犹如一把双刃剑,不能因为其有负面影响就因噎废食,只要通过法律对其加以合理的限制,是可以避免其不利的影响。对于代孕,应该深入分析其不同类型的社会效果,通过法律有条件的将其合法化,可以避免上述问题的发生,相反,子女是家庭纽带,如果那些不孕不育夫妻可以通过合理的代孕方式实现孕育子女的梦想,无疑会促进家庭的稳定,从而促进社会的和谐发展。笔者又通过对一些其他国家或地区关于代孕合法化的立法比较,对各国关于代孕合法化的立法的一些不足与优点进行分析,对于我国目前代孕的相关立法,从实证主义的视野再次论证了代孕行为的合法化,为我国代孕合法化及相关法律制度的建立进行制度考察。最后,笔者仅根据目前对代孕有限的理解,对我国代孕的制度构建从允许代孕的类型、代孕主体的限制、代孕管理机构的设立等方面提出一些建议,以期促进我国未来有关于代孕立法的完善,并有助于相关实践问题的解决。

【Abstract】 The act of surrogate refers to the mutually agreed upon process in which, firstly,the sperm of the intended father is artificially fertilized with the germ cell of thesurrogate mother, and secondly, the intended parents then acquire the parenthood afterthe delivery. The act of surrogate could be categorized by the existence of the geneticrelationship as partial surrogate and complete surrogate, meanwhile by the existenceof the payment as paid surrogate and voluntary surrogate.So insufficient and vague is the domestic legislation on the act of surrogate, theonly one of which explicitly prohibits the medical workers from assisting the act ofsurrogate, that most of the acts of surrogate are left unregulated and then form theorigins of disputes and chaos. As far as I’m concerned, current situation is far frombeing acceptable according to the humanitarian causes and modern urgentcircumstances. To simply ignore the reality is of course not an option of thedevelopment of law, which on the contrary calls for the corresponding legislativeprogress due to its very nature of caring for the real world. Especially when it comesto the relatively high frequency of the act of surrogate in China, the direct prohibitionis too simple and powerless to balance the interest of involved parties, whichstimulates the current situation deteriorate to the worse instead of what the legislatorsintended. To be specific, intended parents may turn to unauthorized agency, whosecapability and professional moral are never guaranteed. As a result, the legalization ofthe act of surrogate may not only contributes tremendously to the greater happiness ofthe involved parties, namely, the intended parents, surrogate mother and medicalworkers, but also benefits the harmony and welfare of the whole society, in whichcase well answer back the continually reiterated criticism such as the contrary to thepublic policy, the depreciation of women’s dignity and the sabotage of traditionalfamily relationship. Through my extensive comparison of the legislation on the act of surrogate fromdifferent countries or areas, I’m going to construct the complete system regulating thetype of the act of surrogate, the limitation on the actors as well as the administrativemethods required, as a result of which hopefully the legislation on the concept andapplication of the act of surrogate is well estabilished.community garage

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】R-051;D923
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】839

