

Business of Merchants on the Basis of the Confucian Culture

【作者】 朴赞珠

【导师】 王桂妹;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文坚持从文本出发的实证立场,运用比较研究的方法,通过对《胡雪岩》和《商道》的个案比较分析,探讨两部作品在同源文化关照下所反映出的传统文化精神及在其荫蔽下的商业世界,从而发掘在西方价值理念主导的全球化的背景下,同处东亚文化圈的中韩两国是如何借助商贾历史小说的文学想象来表达其经济与文化的焦虑与反思。本文共分为三个部分。绪论部分对中韩两国的商贾历史小说进行简要的回顾,同时对这一选题研究现状予以分析和评价。第一章论述了《胡雪岩全传》与《商道》中对传统社会中商贾社交网络的刻画,旨在分析作品中的外围人物,如官员群体及女性群体,通过对这些相对次要的人物进行分析,发现两国的商贾世界中所内蕴着的极为相似的以儒文化为底色的东方文化特质,在传统社会中商人与权力阶层的“集团联姻”、在父权家长社会中商人对于女性的“工具性使用”。第二章论述了两部小说中所反映的东亚儒文化背景下士商关系变迁状况,通过分析作品中主人公在商场与宦海的人生浮沉,一方面,发掘在朝鲜时期的儒学之北学与明清之际的新四民论这样的儒学背景下,商人阶层与士人阶层有别于以往的“互动关系”;另一方面,关注这种新型关系所必然带来的士人精神在商贾活动中的渗透,东方传统中关于“过度追求”的训诫是商贾经营乃至现代商业运作中颇值借鉴的价值理念和精神归宿。

【Abstract】 In terms of East Asian Cultural Circle,China and South Korea clturesderive from homologous culture, contains the spirits ofConfucianism,Buddhism, and Taoism. In terms of East Asian EconomicCircle, although China and South Korea have chosen different models ofeconomic development, they both give impetus to prosperity of East AsianEconomic. Essentially, China and South Korea are both in dilemma ofremaining local culture value in the press of western economic as well asculture. On one hand, they hope to catch up with western country so urgentlythat Business concept. Commercial mode of operation and Commercial culturebenefits have been considered as the concentration. On the other hand, in theconsequence of searching for the economic parameters, traditional culture andmoral values have been neglected. In such Context, there has been certainsimilar phenomenon in Chinese and South Korean literature: businessmannovels have being praised highly. Therefore, in such upsurge of businessmannovels, it may be an meaningful angle that choosing Chinese and SouthKorean novels as an objective to do comparative studying. Basing on theconsiderations above, with analysis of the traditional spirit and businessstrategy on the influence of their homologous culture in these two works bycomparing with The Biography of Hu Xueyan and The Law of Business, thearticle simplifies that Chinese and South Korean novels convey the concernsand reflections on their economic as well as culture by literary imagination.In the part of introduction, the article summarize the history of thebusinessman novels of Chinese and South Korean literature and do someanalysis on the research of it.In chapter one, the article elaborates the description of Merchants'Socialnetwork in The Biography of Hu Xueyan and The Law of Business, aiming at analyzing secondary characters such as bureaucracy and groups of women inthe works. In this way, the article indicates the similar oriental culturalcharacteristics on the basis of the Confucian Culture in their merchants world,which is the alliance between the merchants and the power I traditional societyand instrumental utilization of women of businessmen in the patriarchy.In chapter two, the article elaborates the diversification of relationshipbetween scholars and merchants on the basis of the Confucian Culture in thetwo works. By analyzing the business and political careers of the protagonist,the article emphasizes the diversification of relationship between scholars andmerchants. On the other hand, the article pays attention to penetration ofscholars culture to business activities contributed to the different relationship.In traditional oriental culture, admonition about excessive desire andappropriate disclaim are operation values and spiritual home in both traditionalmerchants and modern commercial.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】146

