

Discussion on the Strengthening Relationship of the Japan-US Alliance after the Cold War

【作者】 尚光明

【导师】 许琳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 日美同盟是当今亚太地区最重要的双边关系,冷战后随着苏联的解体日美同盟在经历了短暂的“漂流”之后很快走向了全面调整。“9·11”事件后日美同盟强化加快,直到奥巴马政府上台后,日美关系又出现波动。本文从日美同盟强化的轨迹入手,对其强化的根源进行深入分析,在此基础上深入发掘日美同盟强化的影响以及中国的对策。日美同盟的强化是冷战后美国全球战略调整与日本“正常国家”战略契合的产物,研究日美同盟的强化对于准确把握世界局势,保证东亚地区的繁荣稳定有着重要的意义,也有利于我们做出正确的决策,突破日美同盟的围堵,促进中国的和平发展。

【Abstract】 The United States is the only superpower in the world, Japan is theworld’s leading economic power and real military power, the Japan-US allianceis the world’s one of the most important bilateral relationship in the worlds.After the cold war the Japan-US alliance did not weakened because of thecollapse of the Soviet Union, but has been further strengthened anddevelopment.The studying on the strengthening of the Japan-US alliance afterthe cold war has important significance for accurately understanding thechanges of Asia-Pacific and the United States’ Asia Pacific policy. Also it has avery strong practical significance On the Korean nuclear issue, the disputes ofthe South China Sea and the Diaoyu island. The Japan-US alliance is themost far-reaching alliance for China.Researching the alliance can help usgrasp the peripheral dynamic accurately, make adjustment of foreign policytimely.After the cold war the strengthening of the alliance is not going smoothly.Before the1995,The United States and the Japan has more and more frictionin economic, which led to all-round confrontation, although their had thefrequently exchanges in political and military but on the whole,the relationbetween the two countries was in a "drifting".As the conflict mitigating and the"China threat" coming,in Japan and the United States, redefinited theJapan-US alliance timely, making it to be an important tools for the UnitedStates."9/11" incident accelerated the strengthening, the United Statesfocused on anti-terrorism,.At the same time,Japan seized the historicalopportunity to break the peace constitution, developing new act for the troopsoverseas, Japan and the United States entered the" honeymoon period".When Obama became the leader of the United States, because of the"comprehensive engagement" for Asian and Hatoyama Yukio’s "new thinking ", the Japan-US Alliance became worse. When Naoto Kan came to power, theDemocratic Party of Japan had made a very big change, the Japan-USrelationship also greatly improved, but still developed slowly. After thefounding of the Noda Kahiko cabinet, both sides took active measures, theJapan-US relationship becoming to adjusting and strengthening again.The main reason for strengthening of the Japan-US alliance is that afterthe cold war the United States wanted to maintain the hegemony in the world,while Japan is striving for becoming a" normal country," The two countries hadsame strategic interests on the alliance.In addition, the two countries havecommon strategic objectives in the North Korean nuclear crisis, the TaiwanStrait and the South China Sea dispute. Finally the strengthening of theJapan-US Alliance also has the deeper reasons, this article analyze them fromthe multiple perspectives.The strengthening of the Japan-US alliance has a far-reaching influence.Firstly, from the perspective of the region when the Japan-US alliancestrengthened, the Asia-Pacific region went into" security dilemma" further, andthe situation was running high. Secondly, the strengthening also makesKorean peninsula situation worse. Finally, the strengthened is not conducive tothe peaceful development of China, especially it is not conducive to solving theproblem of Taiwan and the South China Sea dispute.In the long run, the two countries need to rely on each other, thestrengthening of the alliance is a trend, which will bring great pressure to theChina’s surrounding environment. Firstly, China should be calm, Then adopt avariety of measures to balance the Japan-US Alliance, striving to safeguardthe rights and interests of the state.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

