

Jurisprudence Analysis of the Strict in Military Law

【作者】 陈英

【导师】 李韧夫;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 军事法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代法治社会,一支现代化的军队必然是一支制度体系完备,法律法规健全并且依法运转的军队。军无法不立,法无严不威。军法从严,是古今中外一切军队普遍实行的治军之道。从中外军事法发展的历史来看,一部军法史也就是军法从严的发展史。但是,军法何以就要从严呢?本文试图通过介绍军事社会的结构特点,军法从严的正当性和军法从严所追求的价值目标三方面来分析军法从严的基础和依据。论文的第一章第一点在对“严”字进行语义分析的基础上,对刑法领域的从重与加重也进行了分析,从而得出三者从某种意义上说是有着密切联系的。尤其是在军事刑法领域,从重就成为了军法从严的核心内容。除此之外,笔者认为军法从严之“严”还应该包括“严密”、“严格”、“严厉”之意。本章第二点对军法从严的涵义进行了简要的梳理,得出学者们大多是从军事刑法的角度来理解军法从严的。为了适应国家依法治军、从严治军的要求以及信息化条件下军事斗争的需要,我们应该重新审视传统意义上的军法从严的内涵,并且应该赋予其更深层次的内涵和意义。笔者认为,军法从严应该从广义上来理解,而不应该只局限于军事刑法领域,应该扩展到整个军事法的军事立法、军事执法和军事司法各个环节当中,包括军事法的总体要求从严,军事法的规定从严,依法审判从严,适用范围从严,执行军法从严等内容。论文的第二章通过分析军事社会的结构特点——军人的特殊角色、军事社会实行严格的上下级管制、军事社会强调“义务本位”和军事社会具有封闭性等特点,揭示军事社会与普通市民社会是有区别的,是两种不同的社会结构形态。正是由于军队的性质和职能的特殊性,使它有别于普通市民社会,这种差别性的存在就为军法从严的存在提供了生存和发展的土壤,是军法从严的社会基础。论文第三章第一点通过分析军队与国家安全、国家政权的关系,得出国家安全、国家政权的存亡离不开军队,军队的这种重要性使得军法从严成为必要,进而为军法从严的正当性提供政治基础。本章第二点通过分析战争的不可避免性、国际局势的不稳定以及我国周边安全形势严峻这种客观存在的现实,急需一支具有强大战斗力的军队来对外震慑国际恶势力,对内稳定军心民心。而军队强大战斗力的形成除了具有高科技的武器等物质需要之外,也急需通过军法从严——制定严格的军法军规,严明纪律等精神需要来形成强大的内聚力。这就为军法从严的存在提供了现实基础。本章第三点讲述了新时期党提出的依法治军、从严治军的理论,进而得出进入法治时代,依法治军、从严治军的关键就是要军法从严。也就是说依法治军、从严治军的理论为军法从严的正当性提供了理论基础。论文第四章通过分析法的价值和军事法的价值的内涵,得出从价值内容上来看,军事法的价值应该体现与维护国家军事利益、军事秩序、军事正义、军人权益、人道性价值等诸价值及其统一。而在军事法的这一价值体系中,军法从严很好地体现了维护国家军事利益和军事秩序这一价值目标。换言之,在军事法的价值体系构成中,军法从严是以军事秩序为核心的价值追求并以国家军事利益为最高位阶的价值追求的。在科学定位的基础上,要准确把握军法从严的内涵。通过理性分析军法从严存在的基础与依据,有助于推动军事法朝着科学化、理性化的方向发展。

【Abstract】 In the era of the rule of law, a modern army must be sound and regulate, and thesystem must be complete and functioning in accordance with the law. The militarycould not stand and no majesty if there be no strict legal. Strict martial law, is widelypracticed in all times and all the army Troops. From the history of the development offoreign military law, the history of a martial law is the strict history of thedevelopment the martial law. However, why martial law is necessary to strictly? Thisarticle attempts to analyze the three aspects of the martial law and strict basis andfoundation, legitimacy and value goal, by analyzing the structural characteristics ofthe military society.The first point of the first chapter of this paper is the semantic analysis of the"strictness". And then, analyzed the Field of criminal law be given a heavier andheavier. Thus it concluded that the three have close ties in a sense. Especially in thefield of military criminal law, it is severely to become the core content and strictmartial law. In addition, I believe that the "strict" of martial law should also includethe meaning of "tight","strict" and "severe". The second point of this chapter is abrief combing the martial law and strict meaning, concluded that scholars understandthe strict martial law mostly from the perspective of the Military Penal Code. In orderto meet the requirements of management of the army on legal and strictly, and theneed of military struggle preparation, there is a need for the traditional sense of themilitary strictly meaning to be rethink, gift its new connotation. The author thinks,military strictly should be understood broadly, but not be limited to military criminallaw, should be extended to the whole of the military law of military legislation,military law and the military justice among each link, including the generalrequirements, the provisions, the trial, the scope and the implementation of militarylaw.The second chapter reveal military society and ordinary citizen society aredifferent social structure, through the analysis of the characteristics of military social structure-military role of special military society, strict upper and lower control,military society emphasizes" duty standard" and closed military society and so on.And due to the particularity nature and function, the army is different from theordinary citizen society, this difference exists to provide the soil of the survival anddevelopment for the military strictly existence, and it is its social foundation.The third chapter of the thesis first point comes to national security, nationalpolitical power is inseparable from the army, by analyzing the military and nationalsecurity, national political power relations, and the importance makes military strictlybecome necessary, and for its legitimacy to provide a political basis. Such anobjective existence of the second point of this chapter to clarify that China is urgentneed a strong fighting army to shock and awe international evil forces of external, tostabilize the morale of the people, by anglicizing the inevitability of war, instability ofthe international situation and China’s grim reality peripheral security situation. Armystrong combat effectiveness in addition to high-tech weapons and other materialneeds, but also urgently needed by strict martial law--to create a strong cohesion bydeveloping a strict military law, regulations, discipline and others. This provides arealistic foundation for the existence of strict martial law. The third point of thechapter is about The Party has put forward the theory of governing the forces strictlyin the new period, and then come to the key of the theory is strict martial law whenentering the rule of law era. That is in army, from the strictly theoretical to provide atheoretical basis for strict martial law legitimacy. The fourth chapter of the paperobtained the value of military law should reflect and safeguard the interests of thenational military, military order, military justice, military interests, and humanitarianvalues such as value and unified, from the value of content by analyzing the value oflaw and military the connotation of the value of law. Martial law strictly embodies theprinciples of safeguarding the interests of the national military and military ordervalue, to the value system of military law. In other words, martial law is strict militaryorder as the core value of the pursuit of the interests of the national military value ofthe highest levels.On the basis of scientific position, we should to accurately grasp the connotationof martial law strictly. It helps to promote the development of military law towards a rational, scientific direction, by analyzing the foundation of strict martial law andbasis of its existence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

