

Stylistic Analysis of Phonetic Characteristics of Television News Programs Announcers’ Speech

【作者】 柳芭(Sinitsyna Liubov)

【导师】 孙克文;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是从语音修辞角度来描述中国电视新闻主持语言的语音特征。进行修辞分析时我们参考俄罗斯学者的论证以及句法、词汇、语调和语境的相互关系。在论文中我们采用听觉方法(hearing analysis)和比较研究法进行分析,其中听觉方法包括统计分析法和修辞分析法,比较研究法则将电视新闻节目的录音作为调查的资料。本论文就选题的研究现状、研究的目的与意义、研究的创新与不足、电视新闻语言调查、新闻节目的分类等方面进行了分析。我们按照俄罗斯语音修辞学概念对电视新闻进行了分析。我们摘录了一段时长为20分钟左右的新闻录音,然后把这段录音刻录在碟子上,分析播音员是如何发音,播音员如何正确划分段落和在语句中进行停顿,如何对调型和调型中心进行正确判断,如何掌握语速。我们按照4种题材对新闻信息进行了对比分析,即国内时政新闻、国际新闻、地方新闻、娱乐文化新闻.从分析中我们得出结论:国内时政新闻的结构通常由导语和主体部分组成,在导语中主语通常用列举的同等成分和语段成分来体现,语段平均长度为8个音节;在国家政府新闻里基本语段占据主动地位,关键词通常由语势起伏变化来强调;与国内时政新闻相比国际新闻,地方新闻,与娱乐文化新闻采用各类的处理语调方式,此特征使播报风格更加个性化。我们还从语段划分、停顿、语速和音量的大小等四个方面对播音语言进行了详细的分析,分析他们的语势起伏变化及关系特征。经过分析我们得出结论:影响播音员语速的因素是语段平均长度数值、节奏变化、播音员个人的特征等。通过对俄罗斯和中国播音员语言的研究和对比,可以得出以下结论:俄罗斯播音语言属于通讯公众音体,中文播音员语言属于陈述语体。最近俄罗斯与汉语语言学家都发现了在播音语言中出现的明显的变化,这个变化就是“口语化”。在中文播音语言中口语化的特征是在句子结构得到体现,它使了解新闻内容的过程更容易;在俄文播音语言中口语化不仅在结构体现而且在语音系统中也体现出来。从发音和新闻分析两个方面对中国播音员语言进行分析后我们发现中国播音员语言更加侧重于题材,而在俄语学科中新闻的题材的题目并不是本质的问题。在俄语播音员语言里从语调层面来看新闻报道的组成部分是对立的,比方说俄罗斯专家划分出导语基本逻辑形式并在结尾中通常采用较短语段来作为区分子主题的信号,在中国播音语言里从语段划分来说导语、主体和结尾之间没有什么明显差异。此外,本论文中我们还介绍了电视新闻主持语言的语音特征及对对外汉语新闻课教学的影响。我们通过电视新闻的教学,提高了学生的阅读、口语、听力、发音等的综合语言掌握能力,帮助他们更好的学习汉语。

【Abstract】 This thesis describes stylistic analysis of phonetic characteristics of televisionnews programs announcers’ speech. In the analysis we are guided by the thesis ofRussian scientists, according to which the meaning of the text is formed by theinteraction of lexical and syntactic meaning, intonation and context. We used themethod of hearing analysis, comparative analysis, as well as stylistic and statisticalmethods. The purpose of the study is to describe the intonational characteristics oftelevision news programs announcers’ speech. According to the concept of stylisticanalysis, presented in the research works of Russian scientists, we recorded a fragmentof a television news programme (playing time20minutes). We have analyzed thespecific of syntagmatic segmentation and pauses, temporal characteristics. We analyzedfour types of news: domestic political news, international news, local news,entertainment and cultural news.As shown by our analysis, domestic political news generally include two parts: theinitial part and the main part. The initial part of news reports usually consist ofhomogeneous parts of the sentence. The average length of domestic political newssyntagmas is8syllables, the basic syntagmatic segmentation dominates additionalsyntagmatic segmentation. News report key words are expressed as a raising of sound’sintensity. International, local, entertainment and cultural news, as opposed domesticpolitical news, are characterized by a variety of intonation that suggests the kind ofpersonification, when the announcer introduces the personality traits of reading thenews. The analysis found that the temporal properties of the announcer’s speech aredepend on the following factors: the average length of syntagmas, cases of fused castsyntagmas, rhythmization and individual characteristics of the reading.Comparing intonational features of Chinese and Russian announcer’s speech, wereached the following conclusions. Russian announcer’s speech belongs to informationaland journalistic phonetical style, Chinese announcer’s speech is characterized by thenarrative style. In recent years, both in Chinese and Russian announcer’s speechscientists found spoken language features. However, in Chinese announcer’s speechspoken language features relate only to the syntactic level, and their purpose is tofacilitate the news perception of the media audience. In Russian announcer’s speechspoken language features are found on the phonetic level. In the pronunciation of news Chinese announcers pay great attention to the thematic component, while for Russianannouncers news’ thematic component is not essential. In Russian announcer’s speechdifferent components of news report’s structure are opposed. Thus, as opposed to initialand main parts, the final part of the news reports can be characterized by a fractionalsyntagmatic segmentation. In Chinese announcer’s speech there is no such cleardistinction.We have also assumed that the proposed method of stylistic analysis televisionnews can be used in the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Reading thenews, not only contributes to the development of listening skills, but also improvesconversational, reading, and pronunciation skills.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H15
  • 【下载频次】264

