

The Institutional Innovation of Private Enterprises and Business Growth in Contemporary China

【作者】 肖旭东

【导师】 齐平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,我国私营企业在促进经济社会平稳较快发展、提供就业岗位、增加财政收入、推动经济结构调整等诸多方面发挥着不可替代的作用。但在这风光的背后,一个长期困扰私营企业且不可回避的问题是其寿命短,长不大,整体处在一个较低的层次上。究其原因,见仁见智,本文认为,私营企业现有制度的缺陷以及制度创新的不足是制约其进一步成长壮大的根本原因。如今,我国经济步入第十二个五年规划时期,对于私营企业来讲,其站在了一个新的历史起点上,国内外经济形势的巨大变革使企业成长将紧紧围绕“加快转变经济发展方式”这一主线展开。而私营企业转变发展方式所需要的人才、资金、技术等要素必然需要一个合理的制度予以保障。因此,制度创新是根本。从理论上探明企业制度创新对企业成长的作用机理是研究的前提和基础。在第二章,本文择取产权制度、组织制度、管理制度、企业文化作为企业制度的主要架构并对其进行简要介绍,同时重点介绍了古典与新古典经济学的企业成长思想、基于交易费用的企业成长分析以及基于企业经营管理角度的现代企业成长理论。之后,本文将两者结合起来,集中探讨制度创新与企业成长的关系,指出企业成长是企业制度创新的过程,企业制度创新能够促进企业成长。第三章是对当今影响私营企业成长的主要因素的分析。从微观、中观、宏观三个层面分别探讨了企业内部因素、市场竞争因素、宏观经济因素对企业成长的影响。其中,企业内部因素包括人力资源、制度创新、技术创新,市场竞争因素包括产业集群、市场服务体系,宏观经济因素包括经济发展、宏观政策。第四章深刻剖析了当代私营企业制度现状并研究其对企业成长的影响。本文首先探讨了当代我国私营企业的产权制度特征、组织制度特征、管理制度特征及企业文化特征,之后就制度优劣势及其对企业成长的影响进行了分析,最后针对制度优劣势进行简要的评价并指出制度创新的必要性。第五章提出了相关对策建议。在产权制度创新上,提出了明晰产权、实现产权结构多元化、引入职业经理人、完善公司治理结构四条建议。在组织管理制度创新上,提出了实现向公司制转化、调整优化组织结构、完善人力资源管理制度、加强研发管理四条建议。在企业文化创新上,从提高企业家素质和增强员工凝聚力两个角度提出相关对策建议。在外部保障措施上,提出了基于市场、政府角度的对策建议:市场层面的建议有建立完善要素市场与市场服务体系,政府的作用在于为私营企业成长营造良好的市场环境、政策环境、法治环境、社会环境。理论界对私营企业采取家族制度一直有不同看法。一些学者认为在当代中国,家族制度仍具有其他制度无法比拟的优势,另一些学者从家族制度所具有的缺陷出发,认为私营企业应建立起现代企业制度。对此,本文认为应动态地看待这一问题,即“十二五”时期,企业规模的扩大、外部环境的改善以及竞争压力的加大使企业进行制度创新的条件日趋成熟,依靠制度创新来实现企业成长会成为越来越多的私营企业的选择。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the private enterprises have played an irreplaceable role in promotingthe stable and rapid development of socio-economy, providing jobs, increasing thefiscal revenue and promoting adjustment of economic structure. However, behind this,a problem which has been puzzling the private enterprises for a long time and can’t beavoided is that the private enterprises have a short life and can’t grow big. What’s more,the development of the private enterprises is at a lower level as a whole. There are manyreasons for these problems, but the paper shows that it’s the defects of the institution ofenterprises and lack of innovation that constrain the enterprises’ further growth. Today,China’s economy goes into the period of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, as for privateenterprises, which have stood at a new starting point, the business growth will closelyrevolve around “accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development” dueto great changes occurring to economic situation at home and abroad. The talent, capital,technology and other elements which private enterprises need when they transform the modeof development will inevitably need to be protected by a rational institution. So, theinstitutional innovation is fundamental.The study is based on the premise that the institutional innovation has a positiveeffect on business growth in theory. In second chapter, property rights institution,organization institution, management institution and culture are chosen as the mainenterprise institution and introduced briefly. Meanwhile, the paper also introducesbusiness growth ideas of Classical and Neo-classical economics, business growthideas based on transaction cost and business growth theory based on management.Then, the paper probes the relationship between the institutional innovation andbusiness growth, showing that business growth is the process of the institutionalinnovation and the institutional innovation can promote the business growth.The third chapter analyses the main factors affecting the growth of privateenterprises in contemporary China. From micro, meso and macro levels, the paper respectively probes how the internal factors, competitive factors in market andmacro-economic factors affect business growth. Among them, the internal factors includehuman resources, institutional innovation and technological innovation, the competitivefactors in market include industrial cluster and market service system and themacro-economic factors include economic development and macroeconomic policy.The fourth chapter profoundly analyses the current situation of institution ofprivate enterprises and studies its impact on business growth. Firstly, probing thefeatures of property rights institution, organization institution, management institutionand culture. Secondly, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the currentinstitution and their impact on business growth. Thirdly, evaluating the advantagesand disadvantages of the current institution and pointing that it’s necessary to promoteinstitutional innovation.The fifth chapter puts forward with relevant countermeasures. From the aspect ofinnovation of property rights institution, it proposes four methods of clearing propertyrights, achieving diversification of ownership structure, introducing professionalmanagers and improving the corporate governance structure. From the aspect ofinnovation of organization and management institution, achieving the transformationto the corporate system, adjusting and optimizing the organizational structure,improving human resources management system and strengthening R&Dmanagement. From the aspect of cultural innovation, the related countermeasurescome from two angles: improving the quality of private entrepreneurs and enhancingthe cohesion of employees. In addition, the paper puts up with external securitymeasures which are divided into two aspects. At the market level, factor markets andmarket service system should be established and improved, while the governmentcreating a favorable market environment, policy environment, legal environment andsocial environment for business growth.When arguing the private enterprises which take family system, theorists alwayshave different opinions. Some people believe that in contemporary China, familysystem still has advantages over other systems, while others believing private enterprises should adopt modern enterprise system because of the defects of thefamily system. For this, the paper argues that the issue should be viewed dynamically.In the period of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, the conditions of institutional innovationwill be mature with the expansion of business scale, the improvement of the externalenvironment and increase in competitive pressure, and more and more privateenterprises will use modern enterprise system to promote business growth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【下载频次】469

