

A Discussion on the Ecological Marxism Theory and the Reconstruction of the Pirnciple of Environmental Law in China

【作者】 郝建伟

【导师】 刘红臻;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生态学马克思主义理论作为西方马克思主义的最新流派,对传统历史唯物主义进行了生态化的改造,建立了科学的、辩证的、历史的、生态的唯物主义,并对资本主义生产方式展开了以制度批判为核心,以技术批判、价值批判为扩展的社会理论批判。这对解决当下世界日益突出的环境问题、生态危机具有深刻的启迪意义和指导意义。我国环境法在传统价值指导下确立的“立法目的二元论”,在协调环境保护与经济发展的法律实践中存在着一定的缺陷,尤其明显地体现于环境公益和经济公益之间、环境公益和经济个益之间的矛盾冲突之中,这严重影响了环境法律功能的正常发挥以及社会的正常运行。生态学马克思主义立足于历史唯物主义的框架之内阐释和解决环境问题,坚持历史唯物主义的分析方法和批判精神,这为我国环境法目的的设定、环境法原则和制度的构建提供了重要的方法论指导,有助于创造环境法目的与价值的实现条件,促进环境法功能的有效运行,使我国在生态文明中走向人与自然的和谐发展。本文共分为以下五个部分的内容:第一部分对西方生态学马克思主义理论发展的历史脉络进行梳理,以时间为轴将其划分为产生、发展、完善三个阶段,对每个阶段的主要代表人物、代表著作进行了简单的介绍,并对该阶段的主要理论观点进行了简要的评述,展示了当时的时代背景、客观条件下生态学马克思主义理论的先进性与局限性。本部分着重介绍了以奥康纳和福斯特为代表的两大学术团体通过不同的论证理路开启历史唯物主义视阈的方法:奥康纳通过资本主义第二重矛盾引发的生态危机与经济危机,重新建构了文化历史唯物主义;福斯特通过对马克思、恩格斯的著作中有关生态观点的发掘整理,论证了历史唯物主义的生态唯物主义哲学本质属性。由于奥康纳的理论构建了生态学马克思主义理论的基本框架,因此在第二部分选取了他的理论要点作为核心的分析框架。这部分主要介绍了三个方面的理论论题:一是生态学马克思主义的自然观,与传统马克思主义生产力和生产关系相比较,奥康纳通过文化和自然维度的解读建构了人与自然之间的生态联系;二是通过对资本主义生产条件理论揭示了生态危机产生的制度根源,批判了资本主义生产方式的反生态性;三是建构以“生产性正义”为导向的生态社会主义,通过与“分配性正义”的对比,阐释了“生产性正义”的确定性含义。运用生态学马克思主义理论分析环境问题首先要解决的就是如何与法律进行对接的问题。环境法的目的设定是社会总体应对环境问题时在成文法上所作出的最直接和最明确的价值取向表达。因此第三部分通过对我国现存的环境立法的目的规定及其面临的保护环境与经济发展之间的矛盾处境进行分析,从“人类中心主义”和“非人类中心主义”的争论切入,探讨将生态学马克思主义理论中关于“人与自然”关系的基础论述用以指导我国环境立法目的的设定,确立我国环境法的终极目的是人与自然和谐发展的社会,从而实现生态学马克思主义理论对我国环境法目的论的重构。第四部分旨在通过生态学马克思主义理论完成对环境法功能论的重构。自然环境是经济、社会发展的前提条件,环境立法和决策不能脱离经济、社会因素孤立地进行,环境保护、经济发展与社会公平之间相互作用、相互影响。生态学马克思主义和环境法学建立联系的共同基础在于,都是以环境利益和经济利益的确认、保障、衡平以及利益受损救济为核心,展开对传统的经济发展模式、环境治理模式的改革,从而促进经济、社会与生态环境的可持续发展。笔者在这一部分重点分析环境法所调整的环境公益和经济公益之间、环境公益与经济个益之间这两组关系之间的冲突与矛盾,从而展现环境法所发挥的利益调整功能以及由“生产性正义”所要求的利益增进功能的运行。第五部分通过环境法基本原则的改进和制度化运作的变迁实现生态学马克思主义对环境法基本原则理论的重构。生态学马克思主义作为一种先进的马克思主义理论思潮,其内化到具体的、历史的社会生产过程中,通过对经济发展模式、环境法律治理模式的实践方式的转换,对环境法基本原则和基本制度起着指导和价值评判的作用。笔者借鉴了其中两个角度期望我国环境法的基本原则满足其理论要求。一是为了有效地保护和恢复生产条件,我国有必要建立健全风险防范原则。二是生态社会主义强调国家的民主化控制,因此我国环境立法应将公众参与这一应有原则上升为实有原则,制定切实可行的权利义务保障机制。这不仅是我国社会主义政治民主化的必然要求,同时也是我国环境法律制度完善、环境法律治理方式有效的重要体现。本文运用生态学马克思主义的基本理论对环境法的目的、功能、基本原则及基本制度进行重构的研究虽然并不完善,但是不能否认生态学马克思主义对中国现今所面临的严峻环境问题具有的借鉴意义,尤其是对我国环境法律制度建设所具有的价值评判和方法论指导意义。

【Abstract】 As the latest school of Western Marxism, the Ecological Marxism theory did aecological transformation to the traditional historical Materialism, and established ascientific, dialectical, historical, ecological Materialism. The Ecological Marxismlaunched a criticism of social theory to the capitalist mode of production, whichincludes the institutional criticism as the core while the technical criticism andvaluable criticism for the expansion. It has profound inspiration and guidancesignificance to solve the increasingly prominent environmental issues and ecologicalcrisis."The dualism of the legislative purpose" of China’s Environmental Law whichestablished under the guidance of traditional values has certain defects incoordinating the environmental protection and the economic development in the legalpractice, especially reflected in the conflict between public environment interest andpublic economic interest, the public environment interest and private economicinterest obviously, which has seriously affected the normal functioning of theenvironmental laws as well as the normal operation of the community. The EcologicalMarxism theory interprets and solves environmental problems based on theframework of historical materialism, adheres to the methods of analysis and criticalspirit of historical materialism, which provides an important methodological guidancefor the purpose of China’s environmental law and the construction of China’senvironmental legal system, makes a contribution to create the realization ofconditions of the purpose and value of environment law, promotes the effectiveoperation of the environmental law’s function, and finally achieves the harmonybetween man and nature in China’s ecological civilization.This paper includes five sections.In the first part of the paper, it sorts out the historical context of development ofthe Western Ecological Marxism theory, which can be divided into three development stages: emengence, development and prefection. It simply introduces the mainrepresentative and representative works of each stage, and the theory of core at eachstage are reviewed in briefly, which showes the advance and limitation of EcologicalMarxism theory in historical background and the objective conditions at that time.This section focuses on two different train of thoughts in the argumentation to openthe visual threshold of historical materialism in the two academic groups representedby O’Connor and Foster. O’Connor probed the ecological crisis and economic crisistriggered by the second contradiction of capitalism, and constructed a culturalHistorical Materialism. Foster demonstrated the essential attribute of ecologicalmaterialist philosophy in historical materialism by exploring the ecological point ofview through the writings of Marx and Engels.Owing to O’Connor’s theory constructed the basic framework of the EcologicalMarxism theory. I Selected the main points of his theory as a core analyticalframework in the second part. This part introduces three theory topics.1, The View ofNature of the Ecological Marxism is different from the productivity and relations ofproduction of traditional Marxism. O’Connor constructed the ecological linkagesbetween man and nature through the interpretation of the cultural and naturaldimensions on the productivity and relations of production.2, According to thecaptitalism production conditions theory, O’Connor revealed the instituional origin ofthe capitalism ecological crisis, and criticized anti-ecology of the capitalist mode ofproduction.3, Construct the Ecologic Socialism which is oriented by "productivejustice". Compared with the "distributive justice", this part explained the precisemeaning of the "production of justice".To analyze the environmental problems by using the Ecological Marxism theory,the way to conduct a theoretical integration between the law and he EcologicalMarxism theory must be improved firstly. Setting the purpose of the environmentalLaw is the most direct and clear value orientation of expression in the statute whenthe society as a whole face environmental problem. Thus the third chapter analyzedthe purpose of the provisions of existing environmental legislation, and thecontradiction between the situation in environmental protection and economicdevelopment, cutted through the debates between anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism, in order to explore to guide the setting of the legislativepurpose of the Environmental Law according to the basic discourse about therelationship between man and nature on Ecological Marxism theory, and to establishthe ultimate purpose of China’s environment-the harmonious development society ofmankind and nature, in order to achieve the reconstruction of teleology in China’senvironmental law by use of the Ecological Marxism theory.In the forth part, it ams to complete the reconstruction of the functional theory ofthe environmental law through the ecological Marxism theory. The naturalenvironment is the prerequisite for the economic and social development, theenvironmental legislation and environmental policy can not be divorced from theeconomic and social factors in isolation. The environmental protection, economicdevelopment and social equity are interplaying and interacting each other.wherein-depth analysis is the two conflicts between public environment interest and publiceconomic interest, the public environment interest and private economic interest, toshow the funtion of the coordination of benefit played by the Environmental law, aswell as the function of the augmentation of benefit required by the "Productivejustice". The common basis to establish the contact with Ecology Marxism and theEnvironmental Law is the core of interests recognition, interests guarantee, interestsbalance and the relief of damaged interests between the environmental interests andeconomic interests, in order to carry on the reform in the traditional economicdevelopment model and the traditional environmental governance pattern.In the fifth part, it demonstrated the probability to realize theoretical butt jointbetween Ecological Marxism theory and the environmental law in modern Chinathrough the changes of institutionalization operation. As an advanced theoreticalthoughts of Marxism, Ecological Marxism internalized into the concrete andhistorical social process of production, and played the role of guidance and valuejudgment on the basic principles and the basic system of environmental law, throughthe conversion of the practice model of economic development and the governancemodel of environmental law. Drawing on the two angles, the author expected China’senvironmental law system and principle designed to meet the theoreticalrequirements.1, In order to effectively protect and restore the production conditions, it is necessary to push forward to establish the risk control mechanism that Governmentas the dominant force.2, Ecological socialism emphasized the democratization of thenational control, therefore we should establish a sound Public Participation System inthe environmental law. The principle of natural should rise to the principle of the real.as well as developing the practical rights and obligations of security mechanisms.This is not only an inevitable requirement for China’s socialist politicaldemocratization, also an important manifestation of the sound of China’senvironmental legal system and the embodied in the environmental laws andgovernance.Although the study on the reconstruction of the purpose, the function, the basicprinciple and the institutional level of the environmental law based on the EcologicalMarxism theory is not perfect, e can not deny that the reference significance ofEcological Marxism theory for the severe environmental problems in China today,especially the value judgment and the significance of methodological guidance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】B089;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】175

