

Empiircal Analysis of Money Demand in the Condition of Credit Economy

【作者】 曲华锋

【导师】 孟庆福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 信用经济与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自中国的改革开放以来,中国的金融体系不断完善,经济体制也由计划经济向市场经济转变。然而在转变的过程中,存在着很多问题,这就需要政府通过相关的宏观调控来解决这些问题。在调控过程中,货币政策的制定和实施是政府重点关注的问题之一。在研究货币的问题上,货币需求是一个很重要的方面,建立一个稳定的货币需求函数对于计算货币需求量进而制定货币政策具有重要意义。本文以影响货币需求的主要经济指标出发,以前人的理论为基础,对影响货币需求的主要经济变量——经济收入,货币化水平,利率水平进行分析。除此之外,在研究货币需求时,我们发现,除了传统意义上对货币需求的影响因素之外,社会信用因素对货币需求也有重要的影响。通过理论分析我们发现社会信用因素对货币需求的影响是不可或缺的,因此在研究问题时,本文在模型中加入信用化指标进行实证分析。在大量文献的基础上,本文在实证分析时采用协整的方法对中国货币需求函数进行实证分析,具体文章结构如下:第一章,绪论部分。首先介绍本文的研究背景和研究意义。货币在学术界一直是讨论的热门话题,而其中货币需求函数是货币研究工作的重点之一。随后通过对过往国内外文献的阅读,确定了利用协整的方法对货币需求函数进行研究。第二章,货币需求理论部分。首先先对货币进行明确的定义,并结合中国实际情况对货币进行划分。其次,对传统的货币需求理论进行简单介绍,以此为基础对货币需求函数进行构造。第三章,中国货币微观基础部分。本章将从微观角度对中国货币需求进行分析。分别从企业、个人、政府三个角度对这三个部门的货币需求进行分析。第四章,信用与货币需求关系理论部分。本章以货币的本质是信用为出发点,对中国货币需求与现有信用状况的关系进行分析。通过对企业、个人、政府三个角度信用状况与货币需求之间的关系进行分析后发现,目前中国信用状况较发达国家仍存在差距,但是信用对货币需求有比较重要的影响。第五章,实证部分。本章将通过协整的方法对货币需求函数进行构建和回归,通过实证分析我们发现,我国广义货币需求量与国民收入水平GDP、利率r,货币化指标M2/GDP,以及信用指标存在着长期稳定的协整关系。实证回归结果表明,信用化指标与货币需求之间存在正相关关系,虽然目前影响程度不高,但随着信用状况的不断好转,信用对于货币需求的影响将会越来越强。最后,根据建立的货币需求函数以及其他章节的理论部分,得到文章的结论,并根据需求函数结合中国现实情况给出合理的解释和说明。

【Abstract】 Since the Reform and Opening-up,China’s financial system is getting well,theeconomic system is transforming from planned economy to market economy.But withthe transforming,a lot of problems appear.This problem should solve by thegovernment macroeconomic regulation and control.With the control,a most importantproblem is the formulation and implementation of monetary policy.When we researchthe problem of money,the demand of money is a very important part.It is a greatsignificance to build a money demand function to make sure the monetary policyimplement well.This paper is based on the points which affect the demand of money,than learnabout classical theory, analyze the demand of money with the classicalpoints——income, monetization and rate.Besides,when we research,we find out thatthe demand of money is also affected by credit point.By the analysis of credittheory,we find credit point is important,so,when we build the money demandfunction,we add credit index.Based on the lots of paper,we use the method of cointegration to build thefunction.The specific structure of this paper is as followed:The1st chapter,part of introduction.First we introduce the background andsignificance of the reserch.Money is always a top topic in academia,among this,aimportant part is the demand of money.Than,by reading home and abroad papers,wedetermine using the method of cointegration.The2rd chapter,part of the theory of the demand of money.First we give a cleardefinition of money,and than combine with the China’s actual conditions to divide themoney.Than we introduce the theory of the demand of money,and base on thisaccount,we build the function. The3th chapter,part of basis of micro-foundation of the Chinese currency.Thischapter,we analyze the demand of money from the microscopic point.we analyze thedemand of money from three part, enterprise, individuals and government.The4th chapter,part of the theory of the relationship of credit and demand ofmoney.This chapter is starting by a proposition that the nature of money iscredit.Based on this,we analyze the relationship of redit and demand of money.Byanalyze the three part——enterprise,individuals and government’s credit condition,wefind that the credit condition fall behind the developed country.But the demand ofmoney is affected by credit significantly.The5th chapter,part of empirical.By building the function,we find that M2isaffected by GDP,r,M2/GDP and credit point.The empirical results show that the creditand demand of money have a relationship of positive correlation.Although the degreeof influence is low, But with the continuous improvement of the credit status,thedegree of influence is getting strong.The last part is conclusion.We use the empirical results to give a reasonableexplanation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】F822.0;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】99

