

The Problems in the System of Supply of Public Goods in Rural Areas and Improvement Measures

【作者】 刘志平

【导师】 孙德超;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是个农业大国,农村人口占中国总人口的大多数,“三农”问题滞留,不仅制约着经济的进一步迅猛快速地发展,同时,也阻碍了现代化进程,直接关系到经济和社会的可持续发展。改革开放30多年来,社会、经济快速发展,农民生活水平得到不断提高,同时广大农民群众对卫生、教育、社会保障等等各方面的公共产品的需求量也在不断地增加。“三农”问题也在经济与社会的蓬勃发展和现代化进程的加速中逐渐突显出来了。所以,本文针对这一现实问题对农村公共产品供给制度等相关问题进行了深入的研究,并给出了一定的解决建议和方案。本文第一部分对农村公共产品供给制度中的相关概念予以释义,介绍了国内外对公共产品和农村公共产品的认识和内涵透析,根据对公共产品制度的认识从非排他性、非竞争性、不可分割性三个角度认识公共产品的特征,进而深入到农村公共产品制度的认知,从内容和特征两个角度展开对本文主体的探讨并且理清当今先行的农村公共产品供给的制度。第二部分从历时角度对农村公共产品供给制度的发展历程作以回顾,把握制度发展的历程。人民公社时期的农村公共产品供给体制我国的采用了工业化、城市化、现代化的经济发展模式,将农业创造价值向工业部门的转移,成功地实现了农业对工业的支援,但对农村供给还存在不足,财政、劳力等单方面的向工业倾斜,造成了农村供给的严重失衡。改革开放后到税费改革前,农村公共产品供给体制改革以家庭联产承包责任制的正式实施为标志,它撤消了人民公社制度,建立起了乡镇级别的人民政府和农村村民委员会,并且设立了乡镇财政制度。但是乡镇政府由此失去了直接的经济管理职能,无法再直接获取经济剩余,使国家难以获得经济上的直接受益,因此对农业的财力有限。农村税费改革后的农村公共产品供给中采取“一事一议”的办法将农村公共产品供给由制度外纳入制度内进行管理,但由于配套体制改革并没有同步提升,此次改革类似是对传统行政运作机制的强制推行。历程回顾能够清晰地看到不同时期中制度完善带来的成效,它使农村九年制义务教育基本普及、新型农村合作医疗试点不断扩大、农村基础设施建设不断健全、农村最低生活保障制度不断完善。但是在为取得的成绩高兴的同时,我们也要看到现存制度的不足,比如农村公共产品供给总量不足、城乡公共产品供给水平差距拉大、农村公共产品供给结构扭曲等等。第三部分从两个方面入手透视农村公共产品供给制度不完善的根本原因:第一是观念障碍,传统乡村社会靠亲人以家庭为单位形成的小农经济意识扩展蔓延至市场经济使价格准则备受挑战;以“己”为主体的关系本位“私人关系”起决定作用,很难形成自发的群体组织,集体行动一般要靠外力维持;等级差序的臣民心里使民众缺乏民主意识;“家”思想的生存信念又使农民自身丧失责任意识。第二是制度障碍,城乡二元经济结构农村单方面地向城市提供资金、劳动力和廉价的土地,为在较短时期内建立起完整的工业体系和现代化提供雄厚的物质基础,但是,我国在过渡关注农业现代化进程中忽视了农业生产,大量的资源和资金流向城镇,造成农业投入不足、生产率低下。我国农村实行自上而下的供给决策机制,缺乏公共产品的消费主体——农民缺失自身对公共产品的支付意愿,表达渠道不畅通,农村公共产品供给的种类、供给的数量等等基本上是由基层政府决定的,并没有农民的参与。因此,基层政府官员的决策很可能是偏离公众意愿的。我国分税制改革后实行集权模式,打破了原来统收统支的财政体制,各省级财政向中央财政集中,各地财政向省级财政集中,中央政府下放了事权,却没有给予相应的财权,尤其是乡镇政府,他们的事权大于财权,乡镇负担过重且不能满足农民对公共产品的需求。政府主导型供给体制,政府成为供应制度的主体,承担着公共产品供应的主要来源,但是受限于决策目标以及财力的影响,政府单一的供给方式毕竟不能全方位地满足各种需求,更不能满足农民对公共产品多样化、高质量的产品要求。资金筹集机制单一筹资短效性特征明显,渠道狭窄,缺乏持续、稳定的资金来源,而且高交易成本的弊端。第四部分就如何应对制度弊端提出几点看法:树立城乡一体化观念是改变城乡二元结构,实现城乡一体化的必要过程。统筹城乡发展规划,主要是要解决城乡发展上的盲目无序问题在规划设计上要按照发展定向、功能定位、布局定点的要求,将城乡有机地统一在一个发展空间,作为一个大系统来运筹。统筹城乡产业发展一体化,重视城乡产业发展,强化城乡三次产业之间的内在联系,以现代服务业的发展推动三次产业的融合,形成三次产业相互促进、联动发展的格局。统筹城乡劳动力就业一体化,保障城乡劳动力在就业上机会平等,努力实现城乡劳动力就业上的事实平等,挖掘和拓宽农民就业的渠道。统筹城乡基础设施一体化,一方面要防止和克服把新农村建设等同于新村建设的倾向,另一方面要注意从看得见、摸得着的现实问题抓起,以农村基础设施建设作为切入点,力求在较短时间内使农村面貌发生比较明显的变化。统筹城乡社会事业一体化,加快发展农村的教育、文化、卫生事业,核心是提高农民素质,培育有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民。统筹城乡三个文明建设一体化,一要加强基层民主建设。二要以实施乡风文明为重点,三要继续加强农民的法制教育和社会综合治理工作,妥善处理好涉及农民群众切身利益的矛盾。健全和拓展多元化筹资机制,国家的财政支持在农村公共产品筹资中应占居主导地位,依靠政府雄厚的财政实力为农村提供基础设施,同时对部分产品可以放开市场准入,最大程度上利用社会资金,缓解政府财政的压力,拓展非政府组织筹资渠道。调动各种资源渠道促进农村公共产品资金支持力度,在国内提高对农村经济生活的重视,引导各种慈善机构宣传、引导和鼓励各方人士参与自愿捐献,增加国内自愿捐献比重。完善农村公共产品的供给决策机制,建立一种全新的“自上而下”和“自下而上”相结合的农村公共产品决策制度,真正反应民意需求。建立并完善农村公共财政制度,以事权定财权,确立各级政府提供公共产品的职责分化体制,我国各级政府的权利责任范围按照公共产品受益范围确定;完善农村转移支付制度“兼顾纵向和横向公平的基础上,考虑公共服务均等化,采取分类实施、分布实现的优化途径”;调整财政支农结构,加大农业基础设施建设、加大农村基础教育投、加大农村医疗卫生投入、扩大合作医疗制度覆盖范围、加大农业教育、加大对农民知识技能的培训等等。促进农村公共产品供给主体的多向发展以及多元化发展趋势,农村纯公共产品必须由政府提供,但是,如果存在有排他性技术,那么私人的供给方式也可以很好的成为供给来源。还可以发动社区供给,基于实际需求,居民可根据协商原则由农民自行集资或者农村集体集资来提供。社会非营利组织成为主要的供给主体,即公民自愿组成的社会组织,并不是以营利为目的的。完善农村公共产品供给的监督机制,加快农村公共产品的制度化、法制化、民主化的步伐;建立体制外监督制度,用以提供需求主体表达渠道,还可以适当地起到减少决策系统内部分歧的作用,促使决策层达成共识。

【Abstract】 China is a large agricultural country, the rural population accounted for themajority of China’s total population, the "Three Rural Issues" stranded, not onlyrestricting the further rapid economic rapid development, but also hindered theprocess of modernization, is directly related to the sustainable economic andsocial developments. For over30years of reform and opening up, social,economic rapid development of farmers’ living standards are rising, while thedemand for public goods of the broad masses of peasants all aspects of health,education, social security, etc. is also increasing. Acceleration of the "three rural"issues is also economic and social dynamism of development and modernizationgradually exposed. Therefore, this paper, the real problem of rural public goodssupply system issues related to in-depth study, and gives certain recommendationsand proposals.The first part of the relevant concepts in rural public goods supply system beInterpretation awareness and content of dialysis at home and abroad on publicgoods and public goods in rural areas, according to the understanding of thesystem of public goods from the non-exclusive, non-competitive, indivisible sexthree perspectives to understand the characteristics of public goods, then plungeinto the rural public awareness of the system, expand the content andcharacteristics of the two angles of the main body of this article explore. Systemto sort out today’s first supply of public goods in rural areas: top-downgovernment decision-making system; system of financing of rural public goodsoutside the system, the use of the management system of the rural production ofpublic goods and public goods and rural public goods system.The second part from a diachronic perspective on the course of developmentof rural public goods supplies system to review, and grasp the systemdevelopment process. People’s commune period of the rural public product supplysystem in China with the economic development model of industrialization,urbanization, and modernization of agriculture to create value for the transfer to the industrial sector, the successful realization of the agricultural industry support,but the rural supply inadequate. After reform and opening to the taxes before thereform, the rural public product supply system reform to the formalimplementation of the household contract responsibility system as a symbol, it hasto undo the people’s commune system, and establish a township-level people’sgovernment and rural villagers’ committees and the establishment of townshipfiscal system. Township government thus lost direct economic managementfunctions can no longer direct access to the economic surplus; the country isdifficult to obtain economic benefit directly, with limited financial resources foragriculture."Discussions" to take to the supply of public goods in rural areasoutside the system into the system to manage the rural supply of public goods inthe reform of rural taxes, but because of the supporting structural reform andsimultaneously enhance the reform similar to the traditional the mandatoryadministrative operation of the mechanism. Retrospect can clearly see the systemto improve the effectiveness of different periods, it makes the rural nine-yearcompulsory education basically popularized and new rural cooperative medicalcare pilot programs continue to expand and continuously improve ruralinfrastructure, rural minimum living security system for continuous improvement.But for the results obtained happy at the same time, we have to see thedeficiencies of the existing system, such as the total lack of rural public goodssupply, widening the gap between the level of urban and rural public goods supply,rural public goods supply structural distortions.The third part of the root causes of the perspective of rural public goodssupply system is flawed from two aspects: the first is the concept of obstacles, atraditional rural society rely on relatives of the family unit to the formation ofsmall-scale peasant consciousness expansion spread to the market economy to theprice criteria for highly challenge; to "own" as the main relationship-based"personal relationship" play a decisive role, it is difficult to form spontaneousgroups, organizations, collective action is generally to rely on external forces tomaintain; Graded Sequence subjects heart so that people lack a sense ofdemocracy;"home" The survival of thinking and beliefs and enable farmers tolose the sense of responsibility. Institutional barriers, the urban-rural dualeconomic structure in rural areas to the city unilaterally to provide capital, labor and cheap land, and provide a solid material foundation for a relatively shortperiod to establish a complete industrial system and modernization, however,China The transition concerned about the neglect of the agricultural productionprocess of agricultural modernization, a lot of resources and capital flows towns,resulting in inadequate investment in agriculture, low productivity. Rural andtop-down supply decision-making mechanism, consumption of the main farmers’lack of willingness to pay for their own public goods in the absence of publicgoods, the expression of the channel is not smooth, the type of rural public goodssupply, the number of supply is essentially a grass-roots government, and withoutthe involvement of farmers. Therefore, the primary government officials,decision-making are likely to deviate from the public wishes. Tax system reformin China after the implementation of the centralized model, breaking the originalunified revenue and expenditure of the financial system, the provincial financialfocus to the central budget, local financial focus to the provincial finance,decentralization of central government powers, has not given the correspondingproperty rights, especially township government, their powers greater thanproperty rights, the township burden is too heavy and can not meet the farmers’demand for public goods. Government-led type of supply system, the Governmenthas become the main supply system, subject to the policy objectives and thefinancial impact of the public goods provided not only the number is limited, butthe quality is not high, does not meet the farmers’ public goods diverse,high-quality product requirements. Funding mechanism for short-actingcharacteristics of a single fund-raising, narrow channels, the lack of sustained,steady and foot World sources of funding, and the drawbacks of the hightransaction costs.Part IV, how to deal with system defects are a few points: establish theconcept of urban-rural integration is to change the urban-rural dual structure, toachieve the necessary process of urban-rural integration. Urban and ruraldevelopment planning, mainly to solve the blind and disorderly on the urban andrural development in accordance with the requirements of the developmentorientation, functional orientation, layout, fixed on the planning and design, urbanand rural organic unity in a room for development, as a large system, logistics.Integration of urban and rural industrial development, emphasis on industrial development in urban and rural areas, and strengthen the intrinsic link betweenthe three industries in urban and rural areas to promote the integration of the threeindustries, modern service industry development, the formation of the threeindustries promote each other, the pattern of linkage development. Coordinationof urban and rural labor employment, integration of urban and rural laborsafeguard in employment on the equality of opportunity to realize the urban andrural labor employment fact equality, mining and broaden the channels ofemployment. Integration of urban and rural infrastructure, on the one hand, toprevent and overcome the tendency of new rural construction is equivalent to theVillage building, on the other hand pay attention to grab from the visible, tangiblereality, as the cut to the construction of rural infrastructure point, and strive tosignificant changes occurred in a relatively short time to make the rural landscape.Integration of coordinating urban and rural social undertakings, and to acceleratethe development of rural education, culture, public health, the core is to improvethe quality of farmers, and cultivate educated, skilled, will operate the newfarmers. Coordination of urban and rural integration three civilizationconstructions, we must first strengthen the building of democracy at thegrass-roots level. Next, want to implement the countryside civilization as the keypoint. Third, we must continue to strengthen the farmers’ legal education andcomprehensive management of social work, and properly handle well thecontradictions involving the vital interests of the peasant masses. Sound anddiversifying funding mechanisms, the country’s dominance of financial support inthe financing of rural public goods, relying on the financial strength of theGovernment for the provision of infrastructure in rural areas, while liberalizationof market access for some products, the use of social capital, the maximum extentpossible to ease the pressure on the government finances the expansion of NGOfunding channels. Mobilize resources to channel to promote rural public funds tosupport efforts to increase the importance of rural economic life in the country,and guide the publicity of a variety of charitable organizations, to guide andencourage the parties to participate in voluntary contributions, increasing theproportion of domestic voluntary donations. Improve the supply of public goodsin rural areas and decision-making mechanism, the establishment of a new"top-down" and "bottom-up" a combination of rural public decision-making system, the real reaction of public opinion demand. Establish and improve thepublic finance system in rural areas, given property rights to the powers and dutiesdifferentiation system established at all levels of government to provide publicgoods, the scope of rights and responsibilities of governments at all levels inaccordance with the public goods benefit to determine the scope; improve therural system of transfer payments to take into account the vertical and horizontalconsider the equalization of public services on an equitable basis, to take theclassification of the implementation of distribution to achieve optimizationapproach "; adjust the Fiscal structure, increase the agricultural infrastructure, andincrease the rural basic education investment, increase investment in rural healthcare, expand cooperative medical care system coverage, increase agriculturaleducation, and increase farmers’ knowledge and skills training. Promote thesupply of public goods in rural areas the main development trends in thedevelopment and diversification, as the main body of the supply of public goods,pure public goods in Rural Areas must be provided by the government, but if thereis exclusive technology, then the private supply well become a source of supply.Can also launch a community supply, based on the actual needs of residents inaccordance with the principle of consultation by the farmers on their ownfund-raising or rural collective fund-raising to provide. Social non-profitorganizations to become the main subject of supply, namely, civil societyorganizations, voluntary not-for-profit purpose. Perfect the supervisionmechanism of the rural supply of public goods, speed up the institutionalization ofpublic goods in rural areas, the legal system, the pace of democratization; outsidethe system, the supervisory system for the needs of the main channels ofexpression, can also serve to reduce the decision-making system of internaldifferences role in promoting the decision-makers to reach a consensus.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F320
  • 【下载频次】340

