

On Improvement of Chinese Case Guidance

【作者】 吴景闻

【导师】 黄文艺;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年11月26日,最高人民法院公布了《关于案例指导制度工作的规定》(以下简称《规定》)。虽然该规定只有十条,但是却实实在在地构建起了我国的案例指导制度,也是长久以来对建立中国案例指导制度讨论的一个官方回应。但随着制度的建立,质疑之声也随之而来。《规定》的概括性自不必说,其他一些明显的缺陷也受到了质疑。虽然2011年12月20日,最高人民法院公布了第一批指导性案例后,就该制度现存的一些质疑进行了澄清,例如案例指导制度的效力问题。但是对其他类似于合法性的质疑依然没有给出明确回复。所以目前构建起的案例制动制度还存在一些问题,本文试图找出这些问题,并做出一些基础性分析。本文的研究是基于我国新构建的案例指导制度展开,共分为三部分。第一部分是对案例指导制度的梳理,其中包括对该制度在我国发展的历史研究和对现有制度的解析。只有在对该制度有了全面了解的基础上才能对其优缺点有准确深入的把握。于案例发展的历史来说,由于建国前的案例制度不是本文的研究重点,所以大略介绍。而对于建国后的案例制度,则具体分为四个时期进行论述。此外,该部分还对当下的案例指导制度进行解析,根据《规定》的具体内容,分别从案例指导制度构建的目的、责任主体、指导性案件的来源、制定和发布程序以及案例指导制度的效力五个方面对该制度进行了深层的解读。文章的第二部分是对当前案例指导制度存在的缺陷做出的检索,区分为内部问题和外部问题。这些问题既有由案例固有性质所导致的,也有因我国制案例指导制度构建缺陷所造成的。并且从目前情况来看,因为构成其实质内容的指导性案例数量稀少,所以它更多承载的是该制度从无到有的意义,而实质的调整作用还有很大的扩展空间。另外,案例指导制度的模糊性、合法性、机械适用等都是存在的重大问题。从外部来看,案例指导制度的顺利运行即需要一定的社会环境,也需要良好司法环境。但是深思,我国的成文法思维模式已经根深蒂固,这本不利于案例指导制度的运行。所以,改善外部环境,突破传统观念是十分必要的。针对文章第二部分所提出的问题,本文的第三部分针锋相对地提出了解决的建议。其中既有就程序性事项建议,例如案例指导制度编纂的周期、编纂主体等,也有对制度性问题的探索,例如提出了案例指导制度双层审批体制的概念。这不但是制度的创新,也是对传统理念的大胆突破。综上,完善我国案例指导制度,不但需要充实我国指导性案例,还要解放思想,大胆赋予指导性案例于强制效力。

【Abstract】 On November26,2010, the supreme people’s court promulgated "on the caseguidance system requirements"(hereinafter referred to as the regulations). Althoughthe regulation is consisted of only ten statutes, it did build China’s case guidancesystem, and also, it is an official response to the issue, which has been discussed for along time, of building China’s case guidance system.The regulation includes thesystem construction, purpose, case issued subject, case, specific responsibilities rangeprocedures for institutions, and case guidance system for six aspects of the buildupthe system, but following criticism of also has a lot of. Not mention to the generalityof the regulation, much sharp criticism comes from the validity of the regulation. OnDec.20,2011, the supreme people’s court announced the first batch of guiding cases.And in the case after the announcement, some doubts have been clarified, such ascase the validity of the guidance system. But for other questions such as thelegitimacy is still not giving a definite reply. Visible, at present the case guidancesystem still have lots of flaws.The paper tries to find out the flaws, and make somebasic analysis.This study is based on the country’s present case guidance system, which can bedivided into three parts. The first part is the summary of the guidance system,including the system’s development history and the current situation of the structure.The author thinks that only when the system been thorough understood that theadvantages and disadvantages can be grasped fasten. As the pre-founding system isnot the key point, so only roughly introduced. While the guidance case after thefounding of the system is so important, so the discussion comes from four periods.What’s more, in this part, the case guidance system was destructed into six aspects such as the purpose of the system construction,responsible subject, source of the case,formulate and release procedure and the power of the guidance system, which canhelp us understand the system better. The second part of this article is about thedisadvantage of the current case guidance system, which divided into the internalproblems and external problems. Some of the problems derive from nature of the caseitself, while some others because of the country realism. From the current situation inChina, case guidance system still on the meaning of system, for the essence of thecontents of the guiding case, it’s difficult to realistic the value of the guidance system.In addition, the case of the guidance system fuzziness, legitimacy, such as mechanicalapplicable problems exists significantly. From the outside term, the smoothly runningof the guidance system needs a certain social environment, also need good judicialenvironment. But the fact is, our country’s thinking model already entrenched, so,improve the external environment could improve its soft power. Follow the secondpart of the question raised by, the third part is proposed on solve these problems. Boththe specific system advice, such as case guidance system, and compiling the cycle ofthe compilation, etc., also to the exploration of the institutional problems, such as thedouble authority examination system, it is not only a innovation, but also thebreakthrough of the traditional concept. Therefore, to perfect our case guidancesystem, not only need to enrich our country guiding case, but also to emancipate themind, endow the system with the compulsory effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】258

