

On the Principal and Accessory of the Joint Crimes

【作者】 彭辉

【导师】 王志远;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 共同犯罪理论被称之为刑法理论的“绝望之章”,是犯罪论的永恒的难题。在我国的共同犯罪制度模式之下,如何正确的理解和解决共同犯罪理论的一个前提和核心的问题就是正确的区分主犯与从犯的关系。有感于此,本文将在共同犯罪人的视角之下,以我国的刑法规定和刑法理论研究为基础,对我国的共同犯罪人的主与从进行梳理和剖析,希望能够提出合理的区分主犯与从犯的建议。本文通过对我国共同犯罪制度模式的讨论,试图尽可能的找出我国现有的对共同犯罪人分类标准的不足,分析其对我国司法实践中对主犯与从犯区分的的不利影响,并进而提出笔者自己的完善化建议,以弥补不足,为司法实践更好的服务。整篇论文通过对我国共同犯罪的制度模式的介绍入手,分析在我国共同犯罪的理论下区分主犯与从犯的意义所在,并在对我国共同犯罪人的理论分类的分析和完善的基础上,期待能够提出适合我国共同犯罪制度模式的区分主犯与从犯的应然合理的标准,从而对我国的共同犯罪的理论研究贡献一份微薄之力。既然是在我国的共同犯罪制度模式下区分主犯与从犯的研究,首先需要以我国的共同犯罪制度模式为切入点进行分析。对照世界各国的相关规定,可以确定我国采用的是区分制的共同犯罪制度模式,并分析在这种“主从关系”的参与犯处罚原则下的司法逻辑展开,在我国的共同犯罪制度下,司法审判实践中处罚共同犯罪人的逻辑在于首先确定共同犯罪的成立,然后在共同犯罪人中区分主犯与从犯,在对主犯定罪量刑的基础上,根据我国“从犯从宽”的处罚原则,再对从犯进行定罪量刑。由此可以得出我国区分主犯与从犯体现了刑法的罪刑均衡原则、刑法的正义观、报应论观念和谦抑性原则。其次,想要正确的区分主犯与从犯需要理清我国共同犯罪人的分类,在清晰的框架下分析共同犯罪参与人的分工和作用大小,最终达到对主犯与从犯的明确认定。本文在对我国的刑法理论的分析之后,提出了在我国共同犯罪制度模式下共同犯罪参与人的合理化的分类标准,即以分工分类法为基础,进行两步分类区分法,在共同犯罪人分类的基础上实现对主犯与从犯的正确区分。如何对共同犯罪人的主犯与从犯进行正确区分是我国参与犯处罚制度的核心问题,而此核心问题的前提是在我国共同犯罪制度模式之下,正确理解共同犯罪参与人的分类问题。本文最后将对共同犯罪参与人的分类标准展开,进而分析我国共同犯罪人的主犯与从犯的区分标准问题,提出合理化的标准,并对现实司法实践中存在的难以区分主犯与从犯的情况一同进行分析,具体讨论本文中提出的主犯与从犯的区分标准是否适用于此类情况,对主犯与从犯的区分标准进行合理的解释。

【Abstract】 The common crime theory is called "the despair chapter" in the theory ofcriminal law, it is the eternal difficulty in the crime theory. In the common crimemode of our country’s system, how to understand and solve the problem of commoncrime correctly is a precondition and core issue is to exactly distinct main andaccessory in the common crime. Inspired by these, this paper will card and analyzethe main and accessory of common crime from the common criminal perspective, onthe basis of the rules of our criminal law and the theoretical study of criminal law,hoping to put forward some reasonable suggestions to distinguish the main andaccessory of common crime.This article through to our country system of joint crime patterns are discussed,trying to find out the current classification of joint offenders lack of standards, on theChinese judicial practice in the main and accessory distinguish adverse effects, andthen put forward the author’s own suggestions for improvement, to make up for thelack of justice, practice for better service. The whole thesis introduces the commoncrime system in our country, analyzes the significance of the theory of common crimein our country under the distinction between main and accessory, and on the basis ofanalyzing and improving of the classification of joint crime theory in our country,expecting to put forward a reasonable standard of joint crime patterns to fit ourcountry system and to distinguish the main and accessory, and make a contribution tothe common crime theory.Since the research to distinguish the main and accessory is under the system ofjoint crime mode of our country, first of all we need to take our common crimesystem model as the starting point for the analysis. Compared to the relatedstipulations in the world, we can say that the joint crime pattern that our countryadopts is distinguishing pattern. Under this system of "master-slave relationship"punishment principle of judicial logic, the judicial practice of punishment of joint crime logic is first identify the common crime, and then in the common crime todistinguish the main and accessory, the criminal conviction and sentencing basis,according to China’s "accessory treatment " principle of punishment, to an accessoryconviction and sentencing. It can thus be our distinction between main and accessorycriminal law embodies the principle of balance between crime and punishment,criminal justice, retribution idea and the modesty principle.Secondly, to correctly distinguish the main and accessory, we need to sort out thedivision of labor and the effect in the common classification of criminals under aclear framework. Eventually identify the main and accessory more clearly. In thispaper, after an analysis in criminal law theory, we put forward a rational classificationstandard in the system of common crime in our country。That division classificationas the foundation, the two step and classification method, in the common criminalclassification based on the correct distinction between main and accessory.How to correctly distinguish between the main and accessory in common crimeis the core problem of China’s common criminal punishment system, and the coreproblem is how to correctly understand the classification of common crime under thesystem of common crime pattern in our country. This paper finally expand thediscussion the participant classification criteria in common crime, and analyze thestandard of distinguish to the main and accessory in China, put forward a reasonablestandard, and take some analysis and reasonable suggestions for the difficulty todistinguish the main and specific discussion presented in this article the main andaccessory distinguishing standard is applicable in such cases, the main and accessorythe distinction standard of a reasonable explanation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200

