

Research on Fiscal Policy of Increaseing Farmers’ Income

【作者】 乔强

【导师】 邵学峰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 财政学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自2007年美国房地产次贷危机爆发以来,世界各国经济都受到了不同程度的冲击,引发了连锁反应导致国际金融危机,给我国出口产业带来致命打击。如今金融危机基本消散,但却给我们留下深刻启示:扩大内需,实现经济可持续发展。2012年,是“十二五”时期承上启下的关键一年,也是中国经济最困难的一年。在当前严峻经济形式下,增加农民收入不仅有助于启动农村市场拉动内需,减轻我国经济对外依赖程度,保持经济平稳较快发展,而且有利于缩小城乡收入差距促进社会和谐,同时也是解决“三农”问题核心所在。本文是从财政学的角度下研究农民增收问题,通过对我国农民收入现状分析充分说明了解决农民增收问题的必要性与紧迫性;探讨了公共财政和农民增收之间的内在关系,得出公共财政支持对农民增收的客观必然性;接下来论述了国外增加农民收入采取的财政政策措施及对我国的启示,我国政府应结合国情从实际出发,借鉴国外财政支农政策的成功经验,反思教训,采取一些适合我国实际的财政政策措施。除绪论外,文章有四个部分构成。第二部分概括系统阐述了财政支农政策理论基础,及对农民增收客观必然性进行分析,得出要增加农民收入有必要建立公共财政。第三部分通过分析当前农民收入现状,说明了农民增收的紧迫性与必要性。从财政学、公共经济学角度分析了制约农民收入增加的原因。第四部分介绍了国外财政政策对促进农民增加收入的成功经验及给我国的借鉴。第五部分从我国实际出发,从财政支农力度、财政支农结构、财政支农体制等方面提出现阶段我国增加农民收入切实可行的财政政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since U.S. real estate sub-prime crisis broke out in2007, the world economy have beenimpacted to varying degrees, causing a chain reaction of the international financial crisis,whichleads a fatal blow to China’s export industries. Today, the basic financial crisis has dissipated, butleft us with a profound revelation. We must expand domestic demand and achieve sustainableeconomic development. The year2012is not only the nexus of "five-second period, but alsoChina’s most economically difficult year. Increasing farmers’ income in the current severeeconomic forms is not only to help the rural market to stimulate domestic demand, to reduceChina’s external economic dependence, and to maintain stable and rapid economic development,but also help to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, which is to promote socialharmony, and is the core to solve the "three problems about countryside,agriculture and famers ".His article is a study of farmers’ income from point of view of finance, and fully explains thenecessity and urgency of solving the problem of farmers ’income by analyzing the status quo ofChina’s farmers’ income. The article explores the intrinsic relationship between the public financesand increasing farmers’ income, and is objectivly necessary for the public to supply financialsupport for farmers’ income. The article next discusses the fiscal policy measures on farmers’income that is taken by the foreign countries. Our government should learn from the successfulexperience of foreign Fiscal policy, and take some of China’s actual fiscal policy measures.In addition to the introduction, the article has four parts.The second section summarizes the theoretical basis of the Fiscal Policy, and discusses theobjective necessity of increasing farmers’ income. It is necessary to establish the public finances toincrease farmers’ income.The third part analyzes the current income of the farmers for the status quo, and illustrates theurgency and necessity of farmers’ income. The article also discuss the reason for the increase offarmers’ income from the point of view of financial and public economics.The fourth section describes the successful experience of foreign fiscal policy to promote theincome of the farmers.The fifth part discusses some practical fiscal policy proposals of increasing farmers’ incomefrom three points,China’s reality, Financial support for agriculture, Fiscal structure and the FiscalSystem.

【关键词】 农民增收收入差距财政政策
【Key words】 Farmers’ incomeThe income gapFiscal policy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F812.0;F323.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】467

