

Study of Working Memory in Simultaneous Interpreting

【作者】 刘菲

【导师】 景超;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 英语口译, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着全球经济的快速发展和各国在文化、政治、科技等领域的频繁交流,口译作为不同语言间交流的桥梁,越来越成为语言类人才择业的重要考虑对象和研究者关注的热点。在科学技术领域,随着科技的飞速发展,科学技术交流的日益频繁和国际贸易的飞速发展,该领域对口译员的需求迅速增大。众所周知,我国是一个能源消耗大国。受中国煤炭赋存量的先天限制和相关技术不成熟的制约,我国在今后的一段时间内仍要进行煤矿资源的国外购买和学习国外的先进的采煤运输技术和加工、引进国外先进技术装备以保证实现煤炭工业的安全、高效、环境友好开采以及科学、高效和可持续发展。因此,该领域急需一批能为此行业服务的高素质口译员。同声传译作为最复杂、难度最大的口译活动之一受到了国内外研究者的高度重视。同声传译员几乎要同时完成包括源语听辨,信息储存,关联长时记忆的提取,源语理解,目标语表达和流程调控在内的所有认知活动。所以很多学者致力于描述同声传译的信息处理过程。其中Gile的认知负荷模式因完善,清晰地展示了同传过程的整个信息处理过程,所以最具影响力。随着研究的深入,研究者开始关注同声传译的各个认知环节,结果研究者发现记忆在同声传译过程中发挥这至关重要的作用。开始阶段研究者采用Atkinson&Shiffrin的多层次记忆模式来解释口译过程中的记忆过程,但是研究者慢慢发现该多层次记忆模式并不能完全解释同声传译过程中记忆环节所涉及的复杂的认知过程。直到Baddeley在多成份工作记忆模式中提出了工作记忆—负责信息处理及信息储存—的概念,口译过程中记忆环节所涉及的复杂的认知过程才被很好的诠释。所以Baddeley的多成份工作记忆模式受到了研究者的追捧。但研究者或者只研究同声传译的信息处理过程,或者单单研究口译中的工作记忆模式,很少将二者结合。因此本文依据Gile的认知负荷模式和Baddeley的多成份工作记忆模式的理论基础,提出同声传译过程中工作记忆信息处理的模式,以便更准确,清晰的展示同声传译中所涉及的工作记忆信息处理过程。而且本文还分析了煤炭工业领域英语的特点和相对应的翻译策略,结合同声传译过程中工作记忆信息处理的模式及影响同声传译过程中工作记忆效率的因素,以煤炭工业领域为例提出了提高同声传译过程中工作记忆的主要方法,包括逻辑整理练习,复述练习,丰富长时记忆,心理建模练习,影子练习。作者希望本文可以为以后打算从事煤炭工业领域口译事业的同行们提供一些学习的理论依据和系统的练习方法。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of world economy and frequent exchanges of nations inthe scopes of culture, politics and science and technology, interpreting as the bridge forpeople using different languages has been the hot spot attracting researchers’ attention. Anincreasing number of language graduates choose interpreting as their career. In scientificand technological domain, due to the booming of science and technology, frequentexchanges of advanced techniques and the leap of international trade negotiations, there areincreasing demands for expert interpreters.It is widely accepted that China is a leading energy consumer. In virtue of limitationsof coal-storing insufficiency and backwardness of some techniques, China has to beengaged in the procurement of coal mines and learning other nations’ advanced techniquessuch as coal mining, transportation and processing as well as introducing abroad advancedequipments for guaranteeing safe, highly efficient and environment-friendly exploitation,and scientific and sustainable development. Therefore, coal industry is in need of a numberof qualified interpreters to serve in this field.Simultaneous interpreting (SI) has attracted great attention of home and abroadresearchers since it is one of the most complex and difficult interpreting tasks. Interpretershave to do the following cognitive tasks almost at the same time: listening to the sourcelanguage speech, extracting meaning of the source language information, retrievingrelevant information from long-term working memory (WM), storing information for laterprocessing, integrating relevant information, producing the source language messages in thetarget language smoothly, and monitoring the target language production for possiblecorrections. So many researchers have attempted to illustrate the information processing inSI. Gile’s Effort Models of interpretation is one of the most salient and influentialrepresentative owing to its clear and vivid exhibition of SI process. With the developmentof researches, researchers started to attach great importance to each cognitive stage engagedin SI, memory in particular. At the beginning, most researchers applied Atkinson&Shiffrin’s multi-store memory model, including the sense memory, the short-term memoryand the long-term memory for explaining memory process in interpreting. However, researchers progressively found that the multi-store memory model cannot completelydemonstrate the complicated cognitive processing of WM in interpreting. Until Baddeleyproposed the concept of working memory (WM) accounting for information store andprocessing in the multi-component model of WM, the problem has been solved. Hence,Baddeley’s multi-component model of WM has exerted remarkable influences on thisdomain.Presently, researchers focus either on information processing in SI or just on WMmodel of interpreting while few attempts to combine them together for describing the WMprocessing in SI. Therefore, based on the theories of Gile’s Effort Model of SI andBaddeley’s multi-component model of WM, the WM model in SI is put forward in thethesis to reflect information processing and storing engaged in WM during SI. In addition,the features of English for coal industry are analyzed and special interpreting strategies aresuggested in the thesis. By integrating the analysis with WM processing model in SI withfactors affecting WM in SI, main methods for improving WM in SI are suggested,particularly for staff that tend to engage in coal industry. These methods consist of logicreconstructing exercise, retelling exercise, enriching long-term memory (LTM), mentalmodeling exercise and shadowing exercise.The author hopes that the thesis can provide some theoretical basis and systematicalexercise methods for those who want to work as interpreters in coal industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】90

