

A Study on Animal Exploitation of Changning Site,Qinghai Province,Northwestern China

【作者】 李谅

【导师】 汤卓炜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 长宁遗址是在青海省东部湟水流域发现的一处重要的齐家文化的居住址。本文立足于该遗址发掘出土的大量动物遗存,通过对这些标本属种的鉴定、分类,数据的统计、分析,并借助于相关问题的研究,尝试分析长宁遗址动物资源利用的特点,借以透视齐家文化生业模式所存在的差异。本文共分为以下八个部分:引言,这一部分主要说明了开展此项研究的缘由,理论和实践意义。第一章是遗址概况。对长宁遗址所处的地理位置、发掘过程和文化面貌进行了简要的介绍。第二章是长宁遗址的动物属种构成。介绍了动物遗存鉴定的基本状况,包括标本量,可鉴定标本数和不可鉴定标本数,各属种的最小个体数和其在整个动物群构成中所占的百分比。这一部分是后文研究的基础。第三章是驯化研究及动物遗存描述。这一部分对长宁遗址动物构成里家畜和野生动物进行了以形态学为主的区分,可以明确的家畜有山羊、绵羊、牛、猪、狗五种,水牛属和马属的性质并不明确,并对其他野生动物进行了简单的讨论。第四章是长宁遗址古环境研究。这一部主要利用动物群构成的生境分析,结合孢粉数据和文献资料尝试复原长宁遗址古代环境,是后文动物资源利用的研究背景。第五章是长宁遗址动物资源利用。这一部分主要讨论了不同属种的动物在遗址中出现的可能性原因,并对主要的肉食对象进行了肉食贡献率的比较分析。得出的认识为:牛羊等家畜是长宁遗址最主要的肉食来源,马鹿、狍子等野生动物是重要的补充。第六章是从长宁遗址透视甘青地区新石器时代晚期至青铜时代生业模式的变迁。这一部分首先分析了长宁遗址与齐家文化其他遗址在生业模式上存在的差异和可能的原因。进而将齐家文化放在整个甘青地区新石器时代晚期至青铜时代史前文化的变迁过程中,考察处于过渡期的齐家文化的经济形态所发生的分化或转变,并推测其可能的环境和文化方面的原因。第七章是结语。概括了本文的主要认识,指出了存在的问题,提出了对今后进一步研究的建议。

【Abstract】 Changning Site, an important early settlement of Qijia Culture, is located in theHuangshui Basin of eastern Qinghai Province. This region belongs to the ecotonebetween agriculture and animal husbandry in north China; it is also along the HexiCorridor where cultural exchanges and confluence of western and eastern areas tookplace. Evidently, researches of prehistoric culture in this region have specialsignificance.Zooarchaeology takes an irreplaceable role in understanding the key points ofanimal exploitation in ancient China. However, the previous zooarchaeologicalstudies in this region are relatively weak and the animal exploitation is poorlydiscussed, as a consequence, the exploration of ancient culture is severely restricted.But now, a large number of animal bones were unearthed through the excavation ofChanging Site, which provide abundant materials for this study. Proceeding from theidentification and classification of animal bones of different species, this paper triesto analyze the characteristics of animal exploitation of Changing Site, so as to probethe differences of subsistence strategy within Qijia Culture.The results of identification demonstrate that the fauna remains could represent30different species at least. Goat, sheep, cattle, pig, dog are domesticated and theminimum number of individuals (MNIs) of this five species account for66%of thetotal number of individuals; wild animals, such as red deer and roe deer, take up34%on the total number of individuals. Fauna assemblage of Changning Site suggestshigh biodiversity and suitable environment for multiformity of economic patterns atthat period. The structure of livestock and wild animals also indicates that thesubsistence pattern of Changning site is Farming-Grazing-Hunting, this pattern issimilar with other sites(such as Qinweijia Site, Dahezhuang Site)of Qijia Culture asa whole, while it differs from them in internal constitution. For one thing, goat, sheep and cattle, rather than pig are the main body of livestock in Changning Site;for another, the proportion of wild animals in Changning Site is larger than that ofQinweijia Site and Dahezhuang Site. The reason for these differences may lie intemporal and spacial disparities. The internal diversity of economic formation inQijia Culture could be related to transition from farming to grazing. Thistransformation has both culture causes and environment causes, and it is likely toimply better adaptability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】199

