

Assembly of A Camp Project Schedule Plan Research of General Armament Department

【作者】 李果青

【导师】 孙巍; 王权;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 项目管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以总装某所的营院综合整治工程项目为研究对象,着重研究了该项目的项目进度计划方面的内容。本文分为五章,分别是:引言;第一章:总装某所营院综合整治工程项目的进度控制问题;第二章:营院综合整治工程项目的进度计划制定;第三章:营院综合整治工程项目的进度计划控制;第四章:营院综合整治工程项目的进度计划实施的保障措施;最后是结论。引言部分,介绍了国内外对项目进度计划研究方面的情况,在本文的研究中也借鉴了一些相关的管理理论;在论文第一章,主要介绍本项目立项的背景和项目的整体要求,项目的背景信息和项目要求是制定项目进度计划的基础,只有充分了解项目的基础上,才有可能制定出切合项目实际的项目进度计划,否则制定的项目进度计划就难以实现;在论文第二章,主要介绍项目编制常用的一些方法,其中着重介绍了工作分解结构图(WBS)、网络计划图、计划评审技术等项目管理技术,后面两节则详细介绍了本项目是如何利用工作分解结构图和网络计划图进行项目计划的制定的,先是对营院综合整治工程项目进行了工作分解和相关责任任务的分配,然后制定出项目的总体计划甘特图;第三章,介绍本项目的项目进度控制所用到的方法,主要是本项目的控制流程和项目事前、事中、事后控制等控制方法;第四章,介绍为了保证本项目的顺利实施,所采取的一系列保障措施,主要有信息化管理,团队建设和风险管理等。最后,总结全文,得出一个结论。本研究,首先借鉴了大量的项目管理理论,同时又充分考虑营院综合整治项目的具体实际,把管理理论和项目具体实际相结合,在项目实施中采用了先进的项目计划管理方法,有力的推动了项目的进展。本文的研究是项目管理理论在项目实践中的又一次应用,本研究也体现了理论与实践相结合对于管理科学的重要性,尤其是项目管理这个与实践结合紧密的学科,必须不断地用实践进行检验,项目管理科学才能不断完善。通过本文的研究,不但对项目管理知识体系进行了一次比较深入的学习,而且把许多原来在书本上学到的知识进行了实际应用,通过应用,发现了许多值得探讨的问题,这也是写作本文的另外一个重大收获。

【Abstract】 In this paper, to assemble a yard project as the research object, focuses on theproject schedule planning aspects of the content.This paper is divided into five chapters, respectively is: the first chapterassembly; a camp project progress control problem; the second chapter, camp projectscheduling; Chapter third: camp project progress control; the fourth chapter: campproject schedule plan safeguard measures; the last is the conclusion.The introduction part, introduces the research of project schedule aspects of thesituation, in this study also draws out some related management theory; in the firstchapter, mainly introduces the background of this project, and the projectrequirements, project background information and project is the development ofproject schedule based, only by fully understanding project basis, is likely to developa project schedule planning, or make the project schedule is difficult to achieve; in thesecond chapter of the thesis, mainly introduced the project compiled a number ofcommonly used methods, which focuses on the work breakdown structure (WBS),network plan, program evaluation and review technique project managementtechnology, behind two is presented in detail in this project is to use the workbreakdown structure and network plan project plan, first on the camp projectperformed the task decomposition and related responsibility assignment, then workout the overall project plan Gantt chart; third chapter, is mainly introduction of theproject progress control method used therefor, this is the main program control flow.Eye prior, during and after the event, control methods; the fourth chapter, introduced in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, has adopted a series ofmeasures, the main information management, team building and risk management.Finally, a summary of the full text, draw a conclusion.In this study, first of all from the massive project management theory, but alsogive full consideration to camp comprehensive treatment project is specific and actual,put the management theory and project specific reality, in the implementation of theproject has adopted the advanced project management method, a strong impetus tothe progress of the project. This study is the project management theory in the projectpractice in another application, this research also reflects the combination of theoryand Practice for the management of scientific importance, especially in projectmanagement this combined with the practice the discipline, must constantly inpractice for inspection, project management science can continue to improve.Through this research, not only of the knowledge system of project managementfor a more in-depth study, and many of the original books in the school to theknowledge of the practical application, the application, discovered many problemsthat are worth to discuss, the writing is the another significant gain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】E235
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】75

