

Research on Development Policy and Its Effect of China Urban Creative Economy

【作者】 付淳宇

【导师】 李政;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 创意经济是现代都市的灵魂。创意时代的城市将更主要依靠人的创意和创新能力来推动其在全球经济中的发展。极富创造力的城市创意经济活动是创意时代城市活力的重要来源,它将推动城市产业发展形态和社会运作方式发生根本性变化。由于创意产业与城市经济发展关系密切,发达国家已从较成熟的创意产业发展中获得丰厚的利益,并因此赢得了良好的城市形象。目前,几乎所有的国际性大都市都将创意城市作为未来城市的发展目标。随着创意经济在现代城市经济中的崛起,发展中国家许多城市也将创意城市作为未来的发展目标。例如,中国先后共有18个城市提出建设创意型城市。然而,发展中国家创意经济是可以创建的吗?如果可以的话,又是如何创建的呢?建设的效果如何?对此,目前的文献尚未给出令人满意的答案。为此,本文在对中国城市创意经济发展现状进行描述和测算的基础上,对政府政策在促进城市创意产业发展、构建创意城市过程中所起的作用进行实证研究,以期弥补现有研究的不足,并为发展中国家创意产业发展和创意城市建设提供经验借鉴。

【Abstract】 Creative economy is the soul of a modern city. A city in the creative era,especially the development of a metropolis, will largely rely on the creativity andingenuity of people to promote its competitiveness in the global economy. Highlyinnovative creative economic activities are important sources of urban vitality increative times, which will promote fundamental changes in urban culturalcommunications structure, industrial development patterns and societal operationalmodes. Because of the close connections between creative industries and urbaneconomic development, developed countries have gained a lot of benefits from themore mature creative industry development and have established good city image.Currently, almost all international cities have chosen creative city as their future urbandevelopment goals. With the rise of creative economy in modern urban economy,many cities in developing countries have also had creative city as their futuredevelopment goals. For instance, 18 cities in China have proposed to build a creativecity according to incomplete statistics. However, can developing countries buildcreative economy? If so, how can they build it and how about the results? In thisregard, existing literature cannot give a satisfactory answer. This paper, on the basis ofmeasurement and description of China’s urban creative economy development, carriedout an empirical research on the function of government policy in promoting urbancreative industry development and in the process of constructing creative cities. Themain goal is to compensate for the deficiency of existing research and to providelearning experiences in creative industry development and creative city constructionfor developing countries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

