

The Research on Indirect Principal Offender

【作者】 王婷婷

【导师】 郑军男;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 间接正犯是指利用他人实施犯罪的情形,与一般正犯利用的物质工具不同,其利用对象是人,而这一点与共同犯罪理论中的教唆犯有类似,为解决这样一种特殊的犯罪形态的刑事责任问题产生了间接正犯理论。理论来源于实践,其最终目的是指导实践,间接正犯理论亦如此。然而,由于间接正犯行为结构的特殊性及相关理论的复杂性,迄今学者们对间接正犯问题仍是众说纷纭,分歧很大。因此,为深化理论研究,更好地服务于司法实践,对这样一个重要理论进行深入探讨很有必要。基于此,本文选取了间接正犯理论中争议较大的几个问题进行了梳理分析,希望能为司法实践中有关问题的解决提供参考。本文除了引言、结语之外总共分为三大部分:第一部分为间接正犯的理论基础,介绍间接正犯理论之争及间接正犯的性质。间接正犯理论之争涉及到间接正犯存废问题,分为间接正犯肯定说和间接正犯否定说两部分,其中分别对限制的正犯理论、扩张的正犯理论、共犯从属性说及共犯独立性说与间接正犯的关系进行了梳理,然后在对上述理论综合分析的基础上肯定了间接正犯的存在价值,并进一步讨论间接正犯的性质。间接正犯的性质是指间接正犯的法律性质,即间接正犯究竟属于正犯还是共犯的问题,这一小节首先对间接正犯的性质进行了整体分析,然后肯定了间接正犯的正犯性,接着围绕间接正犯的正犯性逐步展开,主要介绍评论了工具理论、因果关系说、规范的障碍说、实行行为说、行为支配说等学说,最后在对各种学说评析的基础上提出笔者认为的间接正犯的正犯性依据。第二部分为间接正犯的类型,本部分以间接正犯的正犯性为前提,首先对大陆法系国家和我国学者关于间接正犯的分类进行总体介绍,然后选取了其中争议大且比较具有代表性的类型做了详细分析,具体包括利用无责任能力者、利用他人的过失行为、利用有故意的工具、利用有不同犯罪故意者的行为、利用合法行为者的行为、利用被害者自身的行为六大类,并对其中比较复杂的情形又作了进一步的细化和阐释。第三部分为间接正犯的限界认定。间接正犯既具有正犯的特征又具有共犯的特点,而前文已将其划为正犯范畴,因此无论理论上还是实践中准确划分间接正犯的边界又理清它与共犯的界限十分必要。本部分首先讨论了是否存在不能以间接正犯形式实施犯罪的情形,具体内容为间接正犯与自手犯、身份犯的关系;其次分析了间接正犯与教唆犯之间界限,同时也对间接正犯的着手认定进行了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 Indirect principal offender is a situation that the perpetrator commits crimestaking people as an agent, which is different from general principal offenders who usematerial tools to commit a crime.The object indirect principal offender use is man,but this point is similar to instigator. The theory is based on practice and its ultimatepurpose is to guide practice, so does indirect principal offender theory.However,because of the particularity and complexity of indirect principal offender’sbehavior,scholars of criminal law all over the world have still been controversial withit so far. Therefore, in order to deepen the theoretical research and better serve thejudicial practice, it is very necessary to do further study on such an important theory.In addition to the introduction and the conclusion,this thesis consists of three parts:The first part is the theoretical basis of indirect principal offender, and it mainlyintroduces the dispute of indirect principal offender theory and the nature of theindirect principal offender. The dispute of indirect principal offender theory is aboutits keep or abolish, which is divided into the doctrine of supporting indirect principaloffender theory and the doctrine of refuting indirect principal offender two parts. Therelationship is discussed between limited principal offender theory, the expansion ofprincipal offender theory, the dependency of accomplice theory, the independence ofaccomplice theory and indirect principal offender respectively, and then based oncomprehensive analysis of the above theories the thesis affirms the existence value ofindirect principal offender, and further discusses the nature of it. The nature of theindirect principal offender is set around the characteristics of principal offender. Thispart mainly introduces and analyzes the tool theory, causal relationship theory,normative barriers theory, execute behavior theory, behavior control theory and soon.Then the thesis puts forward the basis of the characteristics of principal offenderafter analyzing various theories.The second part is the type of indirect principal offender.Firstly,this part introduces classifications of indirect principal offender in continental law systemcountry and our country, and then selects types of representative to do a detailedanalysis. In particular, it includes commitment in the use of people with no criminalresponsibility, commitment in the use of people’s negligent actions, commitment inthe use of people with criminal intent, commitment in the use of people with differentcriminal intent, commitment in the use of people’s legal actions and commitment inthe use of victim’s own behavior six kind, and then the thesis makes a further analysison some troublesome issues.The third part is the boundaries and identification of indirect principaloffender.Because indirect principal offender both has the characteristics of principaloffender and the characteristics of accomplice, therefore, it is necessary to accuratelydivide and clarify boundaries among indirect principal offender,principal offenderand accomplice either in theory or in practice. This section first discusses whetherthere are crimes that cannot be implemented in the form of indirect principal offender,which mainly refers to personal commitment and status commitment. Then the thesisanalyzes the boundaries between indirect principal offender and instigator, and alsomakes a preliminary discussion on identification of indirect principal offender.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】168

