

The Research on Linkage Development of China’s Notrheast Border Regions and the Hinterland

【作者】 齐义振

【导师】 衣保中;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的主要内容是我国东北沿边地区与腹地的联动发展。加大沿边地区开发开放步伐,加强腹地中心城市对沿边地区的支持力度,实现沿边地区与腹地的有机联动,对于促进东北区域经济协调发展具有重要意义,同时有利于东北老工业基地的全面振兴,有利于我国在东北亚国际开发合作中争取更加有利的竞争地位。东北沿边地区与腹地之间的联动发展存在诸多问题,表现有:沿边口岸地区发展相对缓慢,边境地区日益萧条,沿边地区与腹地发展失衡的局面日趋严峻;周边地区复杂的国际环境造成双边交往层次不深,经贸往来过多依赖资源性贸易和边境小额贸易;对外经济联络形式单一,政府采取的扶植政策和措施收效不明显;沿边口岸中心城市的窗口作用发挥不足,缺少与内陆腹地的协调互动等。关于沿边地区的发展,传统的研究思路通常仅着眼于沿边地区本身的发展,研究的视角相对狭窄。本文试图把沿边地区的发展与腹地的发展统筹起来综合分析,通过二者的联动发展研究来探索沿边地区开发开放的新路径。本文整体上共分为四部分。第一部分集中阐述论文中所涉及的相关概念和范畴,对相关区域经济理论进行梳理和进行文献综述。第二部分运用定量与定性相结合的方法,对东北沿边地区与腹地的联动发展进行现状分析。第三部分指出了我国东北沿边地区与腹地联动发展的不足,并详细分析了产生这种不足的原因。第四部分进行沿边地区与腹地联动发展的策略研究,进一步阐明了联动发展的涵义,并提出了相应的对策主张。

【Abstract】 The main content of this paper is the linkage development of China’snortheast border regions and the hinterland in economic and social.Topromote the coordinated development of the Northeast Regional Economy,efforts should be made on increasing the pace of development and openingof the border regions,giving more support from central city to borderareas, strengthening the linkage development of border and centralcity.And also,these efforts are conducive to the overall revitalizationof Northeast Old Industrial Base,helpful to fight a strong competitiveposition for China s in international cooperation in Northeast Asia.However,the linkage development above mentioned is not progressingwell. Border ports development is relatively slow,the imblance betweenborder and hinterland is growing. Complex international environment ofthe surrounding area, resulting in not deep-level bilateral exchanges,economic and trade exchanges.The form of foreign economy relations issingle and the country s foster policys are not effective enough. Thetraditional study on the topic of the development of border regions isusually only focus on borderregions itself,so the research perspectiveis relativelynarrow. This paper attempts to co-ordinate the developmentof border region and the hinterland,and explore new paths in the studyof economy development between different regions.This article as a whole is divided into four parts. The first partfocuses on the relevant concepts involved in this article, the scope ofliterature review and sort out the basic theory.The second part mainlycarries on case studies on the linkage development between northeastborder regions and the hinterland areas.using a method of combination byquantitative and qualitative. The third part points out the lack oflinkage development between northeast border regions and the hinterland,and analysis the reason of this lack in-depth. Part IV tries to findStrategies for promoting the development of border areas and thehinterland, and further clarified the meaning of linkage development, andput forward corresponding suggestions and countermeasures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】232

