

Suez Crisis and the Countermeasures of U.S. and U.S.S.R

【作者】 马祖杰

【导师】 王绍章;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 美国与苏联围绕1956年苏伊士运河危机展开的博弈,是冷战时期两个超级大国争夺中东地缘政治利益的一个重要回合。苏伊士运河的国际战略地位重要,因此成为大国争夺的对象。到第二次世界大战结束前,英国、法国两个老牌殖民主义国家依然控制着运河,把持着埃及的经济命脉。二战后,英法两国的实力受到削弱,美国和苏联试图取代英法的这种地位。埃及成为美苏争夺的焦点。美国试图建立以埃及为中心的地区军事组织来遏制苏联,但苏联却利用埃及对武器的需求把势力渗透到中东。为了惩罚埃及,美国撤消了对阿斯旺大坝的贷款,此举成为苏伊士运河危机发生的导火索。埃及将苏伊士运河国有化后,英、法主张武力解决危机并得到以色列的支持,而互为冷战对手的美苏却主张和平解决危机并为此进行外交斡旋,这在冷战史上是不多见的。美苏虽然都主张用和平方式解决危机,但这只是两国加强其对中东影响的一种手段,它们的目的都是要借助苏伊士运河危机来扩大自己对埃及乃至中东的影响。美、英、法在防范共产主义的威胁上有共同利益,但各自在埃及的利益却不同。西方盟国在解决苏伊士运河危机的立场上存在分歧,反被苏联加以利用。

【Abstract】 This paper based on previous studies and analysis of original documents,as main lines of the target, method and result, tries to explore the gamebetween the two countries in Suez Crisis and taking Egypt as an example,investigates the race for the two countries of the third world in the Cold Warand the influence of Suez Crisis on the relations between the United Statesand the Soviet Union.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part is the international background of the Suez Crisis.Many countries are very concerned about the Suez Canal, becauseit’s importantly strategic position. Suez Canal is an international shippingwaterway of a bridge connecting Asia, Africa and Europe, after the SecondWorld War, its importance is more prominent, because it is linked with theoutput of oil in the Middle East. Second, the British control of Egypt is graduallyweakened; the changes in Egypt’s domestic politics forced the British tochange the relationship with Egypt. Finally, the Cold War between the UnitedStates and the Soviet Union expanded to the Middle East. In order to deter theSoviet Union’s penetration of the Middle East, the United States set up theBaghdad Treaty Organization. Through arms trade agreement reached withEgypt, the Soviet Union divides the so-called”Northern Defense”.The second part is the diplomacy of the Suez Crisis.Fund-raising of the Aswan High Dam controversy, ignited the fuse ofEgypt nationalized the Suez Canal. Western countries in the dam loans backed on its word, which provides an opportunity for theintervention of the Soviet Union. Nasser decided to use theproceeds of the Suez Canal to support the construction of the dam.Four countries, Britain, France, the United States and the SovietUnion facing Nasser’s nationalization of action have two propositions: Britain,France advocated the use of force, the United States; the SovietUnion advocated resolving the crisis through diplomatic means. The latter ideawas recognized by the parties. Twice the London Conference and GeneralAssembly meeting held in this context. However, the United States, Britainand France were difficult to reach a unanimous position. The Soviet Union tookthe opportunity to expand its influence.The third part is the Suez Canal war.In the end, Britain and France selected force to resolve thecrisis, this behavior had the support from Israel. The United States and theSoviet Union exerted diplomatic pressure on the military operations of threecountries. Soviet Union not only to provided diplomatic support Egypt, andeven sent military intervention of the signals to Britain and France, UnitedStates used means of financial assistance. The contest between Old andnew colonial powers in Egypt was moving towards a climax. Crisis haddifferent effects on the countries involved. The influence of Britain and Franceon the Middle East disappeared. The Soviet Union obtained overwhelmingbenefits in the crisis. The United States not only alienated the allies, and it alsofailed to prevent the penetration of the Soviet Union in the Middle East.

【关键词】 苏伊士运河危机埃及美国苏联
【Key words】 Suez CrisisEgyptU.S.U.S.S.R
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D502;F551
  • 【下载频次】230

