

Research on Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem of Urban Bus System Based on the Time-space Network

【作者】 李晋

【导师】 宋瑞;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的加快,城市交通问题日益严重,城市常规公交由于其建设成本低、机动性好的优点在解决交通拥堵问题上发挥了巨大的作用。常规公交企业通过采用多车场车辆调度模式可以调配多条线路的车辆、人员等资源,以提高车辆的使用效率,实现资源的优化配置。在考虑到我国城市常规公交运营的实际情况的基础上,本文着重研究了基于时空网络的城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题。首先,阐述了城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题的概念,分析了城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题与单车场车辆调度问题之间的关系,说明了城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题的复杂性。其次,研究了城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题的网络描述,分别给出了连接网络与时空网络这两种网络的结构、简化方法以及相应的数学模型,并且给出了时空网络的构建步骤。同时,对连接网络与时空网络在任务表示方法、接续关系表示方法和网络规模上进行了比较。再次,在分析了城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题的基础上,基于时空网络建立了考虑公交车辆离场时间约束的城市常规公交多车场车辆调度问题的集分割模型,并且设计了基于分枝定价的大规模邻域搜索算法。最后,通过算例对基于时空网络建立的考虑公交离场时间约束的城市常规公交多车场车辆调度模型及其算法进行了验证,结果说明了设计的基于分枝定价的大规模邻域搜索算法的可行性和有效性。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of urbanization, urban traffic problems, are becoming increasingly serious. As a result, urban bus system has played an important role in solving traffic congestion for its low construction cost and flexibility. By applying multiple depot vehicle scheduling mode, urban bus system enterprise can dispatch vehicles and crew on different bus lines so as to improve the vehicle efficiency and eventually achieve the optimal allocation of resources. Considering the actual situation of urban bus system in our country, the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem of urban bus system based on a time-space network is studied.Firstly, the concept of multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem of urban bus system is elaborated and its complexity is also analyzed. The relationship between multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem and single depot vehicle scheduling problem is analyzed.Secondly, the network used to depict the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem of urban bus system is studied and the structure, simplifying method and the corresponding mathematical model of connection-based network and time-space network are demonstrated. The construction steps of a time-space network model are given. Meanwhile, the task-depicting method, connection-depicting method and network scale of the two different models are compared.Thirdly, after analyzing the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem of urban bus system, the set partitioning model which has taken the departure-duration constraint of buses into consideration is built up based on a time-space network. To solve the model, a branch-and-price-based large neighborhood search algorithm is also designed.Finally, the set partitioning model and the algorithm are verified by an case. Thé result shows that the branch-and-price-based large neighborhood search algorithm is feasible and effective.


