

Key Problems Research on the National Standardization of Variable Message Signs

【作者】 魏婧

【导师】 朱广宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着可变信息标志(VMS)自身功能和基于VMS的交通管理措施的不断完善,VMS已经成为智能交通系统的一个重要环节。我国如北京、上海、广州、沈阳等很多大城市开始重视VMS的应用研究及推广。目前,我国VMS系统建设的相关理论和实践的研究仍在不断发展,VMS的设计、建立、运行及维护等方面的研究都在逐步趋于完整和规范。因此,研究VMS的标准化问题,规范VMS的系统建设和标准应用,特别是形成VMS的相关国家标准,不仅是提升智能交通系统能力的要求,也是提高交通管理效率,构建和谐交通系统的直接需要。本文针对我国可变信息标志国家标准定制的几个关键问题进行研究。首先,研究分析了我国现行国家标准中有关VMS的主要内容及相关规定,然后对VMS国家标准的文本结构及内容进行了设计;其次,针对VMS国标设计中的关键问题及其原则,包括VMS的分类、屏面要素设计、布设位置等进行了研究;最后,结合案例,对VMS标准化的合理性和适用性进行了分析。论文重点研究了VMS屏面要素设计和布设位置的原则和相关方法。论文将VMS屏面设计内容划分为主要设计元素和辅助设计元素,并在屏面路网拓扑、指示意图的图形元素、文字及屏面尺寸、LED亮度、色彩和信息显示周期等方面,提出了设计方法和参考示例。从VMS的布设点位和前置距离两个方面给出了VMS的布设原则,对相关文献进行引述和总结,并结合基于驾驶员对VMS信息的响应过程的前置距离模型,给出了两类VMS的前置距离参考值。论文以北京市VMS的屏面设计和布设位置为例进行案例分析。选取了三类典型的VMS,分析其屏面设计要素,并选取相关布设点,分析布设原则设置的合理性。论文所做的研究,为VMS国家标准的定制以及VMS在我国的推广应用,起到了一定参考作用。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of the function of variable message signs (VMS) and the development of urban traffic management based on VMS, VMS has been an important part of ITS. Now, more and more cities are benefit from using VMS, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenyang. The specifications for guiding the VMS at design, setting and maintenance are continuously improved. Standardization of VMS is demand of improving ITS ability and buiding efficient, harmonious traffic system. Therefore, it is very important to establish a national standard for VMS.This paper made a study of several key issues on customizing national standardization of VMS in China. At first, the paper analyzed some of the major contents and specification about the VMS according to current national standards. Then, the paper revised the structure and improved the content of the text of VMS national standard. At the sometime, proposed and studied several key issues on design VMS, including classification, design of screen surface elements, location setting, etc. of VMS. At last, it analyzed a case to explain rationality and applicability of standardization of VMS.Specifically, the paper made a main study on the methods of designing screen elements and locations of VMS. The main elements of designing screen are topology of road network figures in screen, characters, dimension of screen, luminance and display cycle. Proposed some design procedure and typical examples. Proposed some advises and values of preposition in setting the VMS about site location and preposition. Based on the driver’s response of information, established a preposition model of VMS. Found three sites to explain the rationality of screen design, location sites and setting principle of VMS.The results of this study provided some theoretical and technical materials and proposed some references to improve the normalization and standardization of VMS.

  • 【分类号】U491.52
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】171

