

Study on Mechanical Characteristics of New-style Transition Section Behind Abutment to the CRTS ⅡLongitudinal-Continuous-Slab Ballastless Track

【作者】 刘玮玮

【导师】 肖宏;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 无砟轨道结构具有高平顺性、高稳定性、高耐久性和高可靠性的特点,为世界各国高速铁路所接受。我国高速铁路通过引进、消化、吸收、再创新,形成了具有我国特色的无砟轨道系统技术,其中有代表性的如CRTS II型板式无砟轨道,对于这种无砟轨道,由于全桥纵连而产生的连续底座上的温度力和列车的制动力等对路基有很大的影响,需要在桥台后设置锚固体系,改变了传统的路桥过渡段。其中CRTS II型路桥过渡段主要有倒T型端刺和双柱型端刺两种锚固结构,本文对其进行对比分析,研究新型过渡段的力学特性,并重点关心路基垂向方面的各种指标。本文主要做了如下几方面的工作:1)查阅大量资料,对CRTS II型板式无砟轨道台后锚固体系进行了详细的研究,并收集倒T型以及双柱型端刺的理论研究、试验等资料。为充分考虑列车动力作用下的新型过渡段力学特性,采用ABAQUS软件,建立车-线-桥-路基耦合模型。模型中,考虑各部件的作用关系,对其进行模拟。2)利用动力模型研究轨道结构、路基结构在过渡段的合理刚度匹配关系;研究行车速度以及行车方向对锚固体系受力的影响;锚固体系范围内路基填料的性质对整体结构竖向刚度的影响;过渡段不均匀沉降对舒适性的影响以及对车辆与线路相互作用的影响。研究表明:主端刺处结构刚度大,垂向加速度大,垂向位移小,垂向位移最大值发生在主端次后,需要重点关注;行车速度、路基填料以及沉降对各项动力指标的影响明显;行车方向对轮重减载率的影响较大。并将计算结果与现场试验结果进行了对比,验证了模型的合理性。3)为了充分了解新型过渡段结构的力学特性,就双柱型、倒T型端刺锚固结构的力学特性与传统过渡段结构进行对比分析,并对新型过渡段倒T形端刺以及双柱型端刺锚固结构进行对比分析。研究表明:在高速列车作用下,与传统过渡段结构相比,采用新型过渡段结构降低了结构垂向位移,在横垂向轮轨力及车体横垂向加速度方面未引起较大变化,并减小了轮重减载率。相同速度下,倒T型端刺与双柱型端刺锚固结构的垂向轮轨力差距较小,倒T型端刺的横垂向加速度明显大于双柱型端刺;倒T型端刺整体刚度较大,双柱型端刺整体刚度较小;倒T端刺性较双柱型端刺在动荷载作用下的振动稍小。并根据各自特点,进行优化。结果表明优化后较优化前各项指标有较大提高。

【Abstract】 With the high ride comfort, stability, durability and reliability, the ballastless track has been accepted by the high-speed railway all over the world. In our country, the track is also been used widely and through the introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation, a complete set technology of the CRTS II track has been formed. And the longitudinal-continuous-slab-type ballstless track on bridge is a new design idea which has great significance. The structure will bring about huge longitudinal temperature force and brake force and can transfer to the subgrade for that the ballstless track is continuous in the whole bridge. Consequently to resist it, the structure should set the terminal displacement configuration system (TDCS) which is different from the taditional transition section.In this paper, the study is mainly about two anchoring bolting systems which are been used widely: the inverted T-shaped TDCS and the double-column shaped TDCS. Through the comparison between them, the research can get the differences in which vertical index have been with the main concern and can select more reasonable anchoring bolting system.This paper has mainly done the following work:1) reading a large number of paper, have a detailed study to the anchoring bolting system of CRTS II longitudinal-continuous-slab-type ballstless track and collect the parameters of the inverted T-shaped TDCS and the double-column shaped TDCS. Based on the ABAQUS software the vehicle-bridge-subgrade model has been made in which the interaction relationship is considered2) The dynamic model can be used to study the matching relationship of rational rigidity between the track structure and subgrade, the influence to the anchoring bolting system with the different train speed and direction, the influence of vertical stiffness with different roadbed filling in the scope of anchoring bolting system, the influence of uneven settlement in the transition section to comfort and to the interaction between the vehicle and line. Research shows that:the main TDCS has a big stiffness, vertical acceleration and a small vertical displacement. The largest vertical displacement occurred behind the TDCS where it is a wesk point. Driving speed has a great influence to the rate of wheel load reduction.To verify the rationality of the model, the results have been compared with the test results.3) Based on the research results in front, the research compared the new-style tansition section with the taditional transition section, and compared the inverted T-shaped TDCS with the double-column shaped TDCS at the same time. Research shows that:compared with the taditional transition section, the new-style transition section reduced the vertical displacement and the rate of wheel load reduction and changed little to the the lateral and vertical wheel-rail force and acceleration of vehicle. Compared between the new-style transition section, the vertical wheel-rail force has little difference between them in the same velocity, but the lateral and vertical acceleration in the inverted T-shaped TDCS is lager than the double-column shaped TDCS; The integral rigidity of the T-shaped TDCS is lager than the double-column shaped TDCS; Compared with the double-column shaped TDCS, the inverted T-shaped TDCS has a smaller vibration in the action of dynamic loading.And Make a optimization according to their characteristics.The results show that the indexs has greatly improved after optimization.


