

Design and Implementation of Algorithm to Generate Electronic Documents’ Security Label Based on Information Hiding Technology

【作者】 敖宇钢

【导师】 刘辉;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 信息安全, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,国家对保密工作越来越重视,并在相关测评指南中明确指出了密级标识的重要性。由此可见对密级标识的研究具有重要意义,但目前对于在电子文档中生成密级标识的算法仍在研究阶段,没有统一标准。本文提出一种基于信息隐藏技术的电子文档密级标识的算法,算法中提出安全可信的基种子集概念,并由基种子来产生工作种子来实现算法的安全性保证;通过将密级标识信息作为待隐藏信息,Word电子文档内容作为载体信息来隐藏密级标识信息。算法实现了在Word电子文档中安全有效地隐藏密级标识信息,并确保密级标识信息与载体文档不可分割。本文在第四章介绍了基于上述算法所设计的密级系统,并详尽地介绍了系统的功能设与实现。第五章介绍了密级系统的测试,验证了密级系统的正确性和算法的可行性。最后对本文进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 At present, the national security work gets more and more attention, some assessment guide involving state secrets points out the importance of security classification marked and Measurements rules that security classification marked is a necessary item. So the research of security classification marked is very important, but the algorithm to generate security classification marked in the electricity document is in the study phase and has no standards. This paper proposes an algorithm to generate security classification marked in the Word document based on information hiding technology. The algorithm proposes the concept of safety credible Base seed set. The Base seed can generate Work seed and it can make sure the algorithm is secure. In the algorithm, the security classification marked is to be hidden information, the Word document is information carrier. The algorithm hides the security classification marked securely and effectively, and keeps the security classification marked and information carrier entirety.This paper’s fourth part introduces the security system based on the algorithm and describes the design and implementation of security system. The fifth part introduces the test on the security system and proved the correctness of the security system and feasibility of the algorithm. The last part is summarizes and look into the distance of the author.


