

A Research on the Formation Mechanism and Operation Mode of Enterprise-lead Famer Cooperative

【作者】 宋玉姝

【导师】 邬文兵;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 家庭联产责任承包制度在推动我国农业迅速发展的同时,其弊端也逐渐显露,为了缓解大市场与小农户分散生产之间的矛盾,农民专业合作社应运而生。在农民专业合作社的发展过程中,由于我国农业发展的特殊性及各参与主体的资源禀赋的差异,真正由农户自发组建成立的合作社比例很低,大部分合作社都是依靠外力作用“牵头”成立的,公司作为其中的一类牵头者也参与了组建专业合作社。自2004年我国陆续出台一系列中央“一号文件”和2007年《农民专业合作社法》正式颁布,国家和地方开始支持并鼓励企业作为牵头组织者领办专业合作社,公司领办型专业合作社日趋成为最具发展潜力的一种合作社组织形式,并形成了特有的“龙头企业+专业合作社+农户”的运营模式。在这种背景下,本文将公司领办型专业合作社作为研究对象,在现有研究成果的基础上从政治学和经济学角度归纳出公司领办型专业合作社的形成机理,并结合数学模型和经济模型对公司领办型专业合作社进行实证分析。然后结合具体农产品的生产模式,运用系统分析的方法构建了公司领办型专业合作社的运营模式框架。最后阐释了政府在支持合作社发展和运营中采取的各种政策措施和扶植方式,并配合外部监督和约束机制来规范专业合作社的运营发展。具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文通过对公司领办型专业合作社的形成机理和运营模式研究,得出了以下结论:(1)公司领办型专业合作社的出现具有必然性,它的存在符合经济理性并具有稳定性。(2)专业合作社作为龙头企业与农户合作的桥梁稳固了双方之间的关系,与单纯由农民组建的专业合作社相比,龙头企业参与了合作社的运营。公司领办型专业合作社的运营模式包括生产模式、物流模式、服务模式和组织协调模式,通过企业、专业合作社以及农户三方的一体化合作和全要素合作,实现了企业盈利和农户增收。(3)政府通过外部政策环境和监督体系的构建,规范并促进了公司领办型专业合作社的发展。

【Abstract】 The family-contract responsibility system promoted the rapid of China’s agriculture development and also reveals disadvantages of the system itself, in order to alleviate the contradiction between small-scale famers and big market, the farmer professional cooperatives came into being. In the development process of the famer cooperative, due to the special nature of China’s agriculture production and source endowment of different participants, most cooperatives are established and led more by external force than by famers. As one of the establishers and leaders, the enterprise is involved in the formation of cooperative. In addition, China has put forward a series of "Central first document" since2004and promulgated "The Law of Famer Professional Cooperative", our nation and local government began to support and encourage enterprises to lead the famer cooperatives as a leader as well as an organizer, and give its legal status. The enterprise-lead famer cooperative increasingly becomes the most potential development mode of all the professional cooperatives, forming a unique "enterprise+cooperative+famer" formation mode.In this context, the article takes the enterprise-lead professional cooperative as an research object, illustrates its formation mechanism from the angle of sociology, political science on the basis of existing research, using mathematical models and economic models to make empirical analysis of the enterprise-lead cooperatives. Then combined with specific agriculture products mode, using the system analysis to re-integrate and optimize the operation mode of the enterprise-lead cooperatives. At last, this article clarified various policy measures and supporting methods which are taken by governments in the development and operation of cooperatives, in the meantime, the government also takes external oversight and restraint mechanisms to regulate cooperatives. It has theoretical and practical significance.This article study the formation mechanism and operation mode of the enterprise-leading cooperatives, draw conclusions as followed:(1)The emergence of enterprise-lead professional cooperative has its inner necessity, its existence has economic rationality and stability.(2)The cooperative stabilize the relationship between the enterprise and famer, compared with the simple professional cooperative which is formed by famers, the enterprise takes part in the operation and development of the cooperative. The enterprise-lead famer professional cooperatives include four modes: production mode, logistics mode, service mode and organizational coordination mode, through the tripartite cooperation of enterprise, cooperative and farmers, combined with total factor cooperation, it realizes famers’income and enterprise’s profit.(3)The government can standardize and promote the development of the enterprise-lead cooperatives by creating external policy environment and build supervision system.


