

Study on the Optimization of Urban Rail Transit Train Operation Organization under Networking Conditions

【作者】 蔡涵哲

【导师】 张星臣;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国的城市轨道交通已经进入了快速发展时期,新线的不断建设和投入使用,使得轨道交通网络日益完善,网络化特征日益凸显。网络化给城市轨道交通的运营组织工作带来了许多新的特点,适合于线网规模小、结构单一的轨道交通单线行车组织方法不能够满足轨道交通在网络化条件下的客观需要。网络化条件下的城市轨道交通行车组织优化问题是个崭新的领域,有着重要的现实和理论意义。本文试图在这方面作理论上的探索,所做工作有如下几部分:(1)在充分分析城市轨道交通网络特点的基础上,重点对轨道交通线路和换乘节点进行了研究,提出线路重要度和换乘节点重要度的确定方法。(2)对网络客流特点和时空分布特征进行分析,并对行车组织优化的主要问题——列车编组方案和列车交路选择放于成网条件下进行研究,确定了网络化条件下单条线路行车组织优化原则,并以与客流需求相匹配为目标,构建车辆编组和行车间隔优化模型,给出模糊数学规划的求解方法。(3)运用对各线路列车运行线整体平移一定时间变量的思路和方法,研究了网络化条件下多条线路的行车组织协调优化。首先,深入分析乘客在两条线路间的换乘走行过程,运用Weibull函数来描述通道换乘走行时间的分布;接着,以乘客的换乘等待时间最小为目标函数,建立两条线路间列车运行协调优化模型,并通过对目标函数的推导实现了模型的求解。在此基础上分析了多条线路间列车运行的综合协调,设计了相应的递阶协调算法。最后,以北京市地铁部分线路构成的简单网络为例进行了案例研究。研究结果表明,Weibull函数能够较好地描述通道换乘走行时间的分布;采用对各线路列车运行线整体平移一定时间变量的方法,可有效地优化各线路列车在换乘节点的合理衔接;本文构建的两线间列车运行协调优化模型和算法是有效的,具有一定的适用性。论文中图29幅,表11个,参考文献53篇。

【Abstract】 China’s urban rail transit has been growing rapidly in recent years. Continuous construction of new lines has improved the rail transit network and highlighted networking characters.Networking of urban rail transit has brought many new features to its operation. The existing operation theory for small-scale urban rail transit network with single-structure cannot meet the objective demand under the situation of networking operation. The optimization of urban rail transit train operation organization under networking conditions is a new field, which has important practical and theoretical significance. This paper attempts to explore in this field and the following sections are included in its work:(1) On the basis of fully analysis of the characters of urban rail transit network, this paper focuses on the rail lines and transfer nodes, and puts forward a method to determine their importance degree.(2) This paper analyzes the characters of network passenger flow, and then studies the main problem of train operation organization under networking conditions, including train marshaling scheme and train routing chosen. The optimization principles of train operation organization within single line under networking conditions are determined. With targets of matching actual passenger flow volume, an optimization model of train marshalling and train operating interval is built, which is solved by a fuzzy mathematical programming approach.(3) The coordination of train operation organization among several lines is studied, using the method of overall parallel move of train path by a certain period of time. Firstly, passengers’ transfer process is studied and Weibull function is used to describe the walking time distribution. Secondly, the model of minimizing transfer waiting time is formulated to coordinate train operation between two lines, and a solution of the model has been achieved by derivation of the objective function. Then the coordination of multi-line train operation has been analyzed and a corresponding hierarchical coordination algorithm is given. Finally, a case study of a simple network consists of several lines from Beijing subway is carried out. The results suggest that Weibull function could well describe transfer walking time distribution; the method of overall parallel move of train path by a certain period of time could effectively optimize reasonable convergence of various trains in different lines in the transfer node; the model and its solution proposed by the paper are effective and could be used in practice.

  • 【分类号】U239.5;U292
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】461
  • 攻读期成果

