

The Land Reserve Syetem of Our Country and Financing Problems Research

【作者】 李玉辉

【导师】 杨松林;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的土地储备制度产生于20世纪90年代,是在我国实行改革开放、进行社会主义市场经济体制改革和土地使用制度改革的大背景下产生的,是我国在土地管理方面的一项重要创新。我国的土地储备制度从产生到现在虽然只有十几年的时间,但是,取得的成果是值得肯定的,它在我国的经济发展和城市化进程中发挥了不可替代的作用。同时,由于其在我国的发展时间比较短,所以还存在着许多不健全和不完善的地方,在当前情况下,土地储备资金不足、融资渠道单一已经成为制约我国土地储备制度发展的“瓶颈”,因此,进行土地储备融资研究,拓展融资渠道,优化融资结构,丰富和完善我国的土地储备融资机制,对我国土地储备制度和城市经济的发展将具有非常重要的意义。本论文在对国外以及我国城市土地储备制度的发展现状进行比较分析的基础上,综合运用比较分析法、案例研究法、文献资料法、经验总结法等研究方法,结合相关方面的调研,针对我国土地储备制度所面临的融资困境,以及现有融资模式和融资方式中存在的不足,同时,借鉴世界上其它国家的在土地储备领域的融资方式以及我国其它基础设施建设领域成功融资的经验,从直接融资和间接融资两个方面对融资渠道进行拓展研究,提出成立综合性的土地储备决策部门、土地使用权预出让、土地置换、建立城市土地基金、土地储备融资债券等融资方式,并对其运行模式、可行性与主要障碍进行分析研究。此外,论文中还对层次分析法这一数学方法在土地储备融资决策中的应用进行了研究,提出了层次分析法在进行融资方式决策时所依据的六个标准,构建了土地储备融资决策的层次结构模型,对具体的运算进行详细研究,并以案例对其应用进行了说明,从而来完善土地储备机构的决策机制,优化土地储备的融资结构。

【Abstract】 Our country’s land reserve system produced in the1990s, under the background of the reform and opening up, the socialist market economy system reform and land use system reform, it is an important innovation on land management in our country. Our country’s land reserve system has developed only ten years of time from its production to now, but its achievements is worth being confirmed, and it has played an irreplaceable role in the economic development of our country and the urbanization process. At the same time, because the time of its development in our country is short, so there are some aspects that are not sound and perfect. Under the current circumstances, the insufficiency of land reserve capital and the single financing channels have the "bottleneck" in restricting the development of our country’s land reserve system. Therefore, researching the land reserves financing, expanding financing channels, optimizing the financing structure on the basis of the current development situation of our country’s land reserve system will have a very important significance.On the basis of the comparative analysis of the city land reserve system’s current development situation at home and abroad, this paper comprehensively utilizes the comparison analysis method, the case method, the literature material method, the experience of research method, and so on. And according to the investigation and research of related aspects, the financing difficulties that our country’s land reserve system has faced and the defects of the existing financing mode and financing ways have been put forward. At the same time, references to other countries of the world in the field of land reserve in the financing ways and the successful financing experiences in the other infrastructure construction in our country, from the two aspects of direct financing and indirect financing, this thesis puts forward several financing channels, such as establishing a comprehensive decision-making departments of land reserve, the pre transfer of the land-use right, the land replacement, establishing urban land fund, issuing land reserve financing bonds, etc, and its operation mode, the feasibility and the main obstacles have been analyzed. In addition, the paper also researches the application of the mathematical method-analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in the financing decision of land reserve, proposes the six standards in the financing way for decision-making with analytic hierarchy process, builds the hierarchical structure model of the financing decisions of land reserve, researches the specific operation in detail and explains its application with a case, so as to improve the decision-making mechanism of land reserve agency and optimize the financing structure of land reserve.


