

Research on Voltage Control of Wind Farm

【作者】 马实一

【导师】 黄梅;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 相对火电、核电能源,风电作为一种成本低、污染小的清洁能源,已被当今社会高度认可。风力发电虽然具备资源丰富、经济效益高、污染小等优点,但其仍然有着不容忽视的缺点:风能的波动性。风速和风向的随机不可控,成为风力发电稳定性差的根本原因。当风速强烈波动时,风电机组出力大幅度变化,势必会影响系统潮流分布、电压的波动。另一方面,电网出现故障或扰动时,异步风力发电机组需要从电网吸收大量的无功功率,将会影响电网运行的稳定性。本文针对风电场自身不具备电压-无功调节能力的问题,分析了无功补偿技术及有载调压变压器的调压原理,并设计了适合风电场并网点的无功-电压协调控制策略,并在仿真的过程中逐步优化此控制策略。在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了优化后的无功-电压协调控制模块,通过监测并网点的电压与功率因数,实现了有载调压变压器分接头调压与无功补偿装置调压的协调作用,最终实现了并网点的电压-无功协调控制。本文在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了含恒速异步风电机组及含双馈式风电机组的风电场并网模型,分别对无控制措施、仅安装无功补偿装置SVC及安装电压-无功协调控制模块三种并网模型,进行风速扰动、电网故障条件下的仿真分析。得到结论:(1)在恒速异步机并网点安装无功补偿装置SVC后,对于并网点电压、功率因数的调节有一定程度的改善作用。(2)在恒速异步机并网点安装电压-无功协调控制模块,对于并网点电压、功率因数的调节有非常好的改善作用,其效果优于仅安装SVC的情况。(3)电压-无功协调控制策略对双馈式风电机组并网点电压的调节影响不大。

【Abstract】 Comparing with thermal power and nuclear energy, wind power is highly recognized on the society as a kind of natural resources which costs lower and has less pollution. Although wind power has the advantages of rich resources, high economic benefit and low pollution, it still has shortcomings which cannot be ignored:the fluctuations of wind resource. The uncontrollable speed and direction of wind, becomes the causes of instability wind power of the root causes of instability of wind power generation. The power flow calculation result will get fluctuant as the change of wind speed. Further more, when there is a fault happens in the grid, the wind turbine will absorb much reactive power from the grid, which will cause instability of power system.According to the problem of wind farm lack of voltage-reactive power adjustment ability, this paper has analyzed the principle of reactive power compensation technology and on-load transformer changer regulating voltage, then designed a reactive power and voltage coordination control strategy for the node voltage of wind farm accessing to the Grid, and optimized the control strategy according to the simulation. This paper has built the control strategy which is optimized in matlab/simulink software. According to monitoring the voltage and power factor of the accessing node, this paper well performed the control effect, and finally achieved the node voltage control effectively.The models of fixed speed induction generator wind farm and doubly-fed induction generator wind farm are built in the paper, and simulate in the following conditions: no control measures, just installing SVC and installing reactive power and voltage coordination control strategy. And at last the conclusions are given by the simulation results:(1) After installing SVC in fixed speed induction generator wind farm model, the adjustment ability of adjusting the voltage of PCC.(2) After taking reactive power and voltage coordination control strategy in fixed speed induction generator wind farm model, the adjustment ability of the voltage and power factor of the accessing node get much more better than that when only install SVC.(3) Reactive power and voltage coordination control strategy doesn’t have much effect on the node voltage control of the doubly-fed induction generator wind farm accessing to the grid.


