

Research on the Model of Assembling in the Urban Rail Transit Platform

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 尹相勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市交通需求的增长,城市轨道交通成网建设,乘客在城市轨道交通车站站台上,聚集拥堵状况趋于严重,尤其是在一些客流量较大的车站站台,高峰时段由于客流集中涌入,站台聚集拥堵情况表现得更加突出。如果客流得不到及时疏散,就会使地铁的运营效率受到严重影响,导致乘客难以顺利上车,并带来安全隐患等问题。本文针对地铁站台乘客聚集问题进行研究,通过分析站台客流特征,参照计算站台聚集人数的算法,设计实现了地铁站台乘客聚集模拟系统,模拟了地铁列车到达车站的乘客上下车与乘客到达、离开站台对车站站台乘客聚集的动态关系,由此可得到任意时刻站台上的聚集人数及聚集效果,为地铁车站与地铁运营组织,缓解车站站台拥堵,提l供了决策依据。本文结合地铁北京南站具体情况,基于该站的实际调查数据及编制的计算机模拟软件,对站台乘客聚集现象进行计算机模拟,通过改变参数得出不同条件下乘客在地铁站台的聚集情况。论文选取乘客平均密度作为站台乘客人数的评价指标,应用Anylogic模拟软件,对地铁车站站台乘客聚集进行仿真评价分析,把地铁北京南站站台划分为西部入口区域、东部入口区域及中部区域三部分,设计不同方案进行仿真评价,基于方案评价提出了相应对策,验证了仿真模型的有效性。

【Abstract】 Along with the growth of the urban transportation demand, rail transit constructed into nets, passengers on the station platform gathered into congestion more and more seriously, especially in some large stations, it is more serious of the situation because of large passengers flowing in at a small period of time. If the passenger flow cannot be evacuated, the subway metro operation efficiency will be affected and result in going on the train not smoothly. It also can cause safety problems.This paper studied on the Assembling of the Urban Rail Transit Platform, through the analysis of passenger flow characteristics and referring to the calculation about assembling of platform, selecting passenger average density as evaluation parameters for evaluation, it designed and realized Subway Platform Passengers Assembling Simulation System,which could simulate the platform assembling dynamic relationship about passenger up and down、 arriving、leaving, it could be used to get a random moment assembling and effect on the platform, and it provides decision-making basis for subway station and the metro operation organization.Based on the specific situation about the subway of Beijing south station,this paper analyzed the assembling of platform through current data and simulated using computer,and obtained assembling under different conditions by changing the parameters.Then it created a simulation platform using Anylogic, explained the phenomenon of assembling, and divided the subway station into three parts: western entrance area、eastern entrance area、middle area, evaluated and Verified the effectiveness of the model.


