

Online Electromagnetic Rail Detection Data Management and Monitor System Design

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 刘泽;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 控制工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高速铁路的快速发展,列车的行车安全至关重要。钢轨损坏会直接危及列车的安全,如何高速、快捷、准确的检测钢轨的完整性尤为重要。目前国内外的钢轨探伤方法以超声波钢轨探伤车为主,其检测速度慢、效率低、需要添加耦合剂,不能满足高速钢轨探伤的需求。本文介绍了具有非接触、高速度等优点的电磁涡流检测技术,并将其运用于钢轨探伤中。电磁钢轨探伤能够非接触的、高速、高精度的检测到钢轨的表面及浅表面的缺陷。本文介绍了在线电磁钢轨探伤系统的设计框架。信号激励源将激励信号通过电磁发射探头发射到钢轨表面,同时电磁感应探头检测钢轨的涡流场效应信号,感应信号经过放大和模拟数字转换后被FPGA采样,FPGA经过信号解调可以分析出钢轨是否损坏。如果钢轨损坏,车载嵌入式控制中心将钢轨损坏等级、缺陷位置、探伤线路等信息通过GPRS网路传送给地面的服务器,服务器接收后对钢轨数据进行存储和统一管理。本文设计的车载设备探伤——地面服务器数据管理模式的探伤系统使钢轨探伤任务更加简单、快捷、高效。本文详细的介绍了数据管理与监控子系统的设计和开发细节,主要包括车载控制中心和服务器软件两部分。基于S3C6410处理器、嵌入式Linux操作系统开发了车载控制中心,通过QT人机交互界面配置参数、控制探伤任务,程序后台进行数据传输、缺陷定位、组装报文和GPRS通信。在VS2008平台开发了服务器软件,可以实现对钢轨探伤任务的监控,探伤数据的管理,历史探伤数据的查询、显示和参数配置。车载探伤设备和探伤数据服务器之间通过GPRS网络传输数据,从而保证探伤设备可以装备在高速运行的列车上执行钢轨探伤任务,而数据服务器专门负责探伤数据的管理。钢轨缺陷检测和探伤数据管理各自独立,互不影响,提升了在线电磁钢轨探伤系统的安全稳定性。本文的在线钢轨探伤数据管理与监控系统是将探伤设备装备在普通列车上,地面服务器负责管理探伤数据,使得钢轨探伤任务更加高效、快捷、简单。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of our country’s high-speed railway, train safety is very important. The defective rail will directly influence the safety of the train, how to high speed, quick, accurate detection the integrity of the rail is especially important.at home and abroad, ultrasonic testing rail train is The major rail detection methods, its detection speed slow, the efficiency is low, the need to add coupling agent, and can’t meet the demand of high speed rail flaw detection. With the advantages of non-contact detection and high speed, eddy current testing technology has been applied in the rail flaw detection in this paper.This paper introduces the online electromagnetic rail flaw detection systems design. The eddy current testing probe can detect the electromagnetic induction signal. Through the signal demodulation, FPGA can know whether the rail damaged. The on-board equipment sends defect data to the server, and the server will manage and store defect data. This system makes the rail flaw detection more efficient and simple.This paper introduced the data management and monitoring subsystem design and development in detail. Mainly includes the control center and server two parts. Based on S3C6410processor, embedded Linux operating system, this paper developed the on-board control center. The Qt man-machine interface can control flaw detection task, and the program in background is responsibility for data transmission, defect locating, message assembly and GPRS communication. In VS2008platform, the developed server software can monitor rail flaw detection task, query history rail flaw detection data, view the rail defects detail and configure the parameters.The online rail flaw detection data management and monitoring system can detect rail flaw by the on-board equipment and manage the data by remote server. It meets the high-speed testing requirements.

  • 【分类号】TP368.1;U213.43
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】117
  • 攻读期成果

