

The Rationality Research on the Ticket Pricing of the Passenger-dedicated Line in China

【作者】 彭超

【导师】 曾进;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 电子商务, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高速铁路的不断发展,客运专线网络已经成为铁路中长期路网规划的主要方向,客运专线的票价制定问题被越来越多的学者所关注。本文主要是对我国客运专线客票定价方法的合理性研究,在分析了铁路旅客票价制定的相关方法与模型的基础上,给出了基于旅客时间价值及双层规划思想的定价模型,该模型考虑了不同收入水平旅客的出行行为选择,并通过实例验证了其合理性。有关客运专线客票定价方法的合理性研究对于铁路运输企业提高客运服务质量,引导旅客出行方式选择的意义重大。本文主要是对我国客运专线客票定价方法的合理性研究,具体工作如下:首先,在参阅了大量相关文献的基础上,根据国内外相关问题的研究现状,分析了客运专线票价的主要影响因素和相关定价理论,并对一些主要的客票定价模型的合理性进行了评析。其次,根据不同收入水平的旅客的时间价值不同,引入舒适度变量,提出了基于旅客时间价值的双层规划客票定价模型。最后,以京沪客运专线为例进行客运票价的实例计算,选取北京站及北京南站为调研地点,通过实例论证模型的可行性和合理性,旨在为铁路客运专线的运价形成机制与票价策略研究提供参考。本文针对铁路客运定价问题,运用旅客时间价值及双层规划的思想建立了定价模型,并进行了实例验证。结果表明,所建模型是可行和合理的,为客运专线的票价制定提供了依据。

【Abstract】 With the development of high speed railway, passenger-dedicated lines have become the main direction of the transportation planning, more and more scholars are paying close attention to the problem about how to formulate the fare of passenger-dedicated line. This paper mainly aiming at the rationality of the passenger-dedicated lines’pricing method, on the basis of analysis the method and the model, a pricing model is given based on the travel time value and double-layer planning idea. The model considers the different income levels of passenger travel choice behavior, and through an example to verify its rationality. The rationality of the ticket pricing research for railway transportation enterprise to improve passenger service quality, guide the passenger travel choice way has great significance.This paper is mainly to the rationality research on the ticket pricing method of the passenger-dedicated line in china.The main work of this paper is as follows:First, in the refer to a number of literature, and according to the domestic and foreign research status, has analyzed the influence factors of fare passenger special line and related pricing theory, and to some of the major ticket pricing the rationality of the model is analysed.Second, according to different income level of different passengers have different time value, introducing comfort variables; the pricing model is put forward based on the time value of the passenger and bi-level programming model.Finally, with the Beijing-shanghai passenger dedicated line as an example of the passenger ticket price case calculation, the selection of Beijing station and Beijing south station location for investigation by the example demonstrates the feasibility of the model and rationality, for the purpose of high-speed passenger railway freight rate formation mechanism and fare strategy research to provide the reference.This article in view of the railway passenger pricing issues, using the value of travel time and bi-level programming thoughts established the pricing model, and an example is given. The results show that the model is feasible and reasonable, the ticket price for passenger special line formulated to provide the basis.

  • 【分类号】F530.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】333
  • 攻读期成果

