

A Corpus-based Study of Chinese Noun-Verb Conversion

【作者】 张玉

【导师】 司显柱;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 名词和动词是大多数语言中最重要的词类,因而名动之间的转换也一直是研究者关注的焦点。就汉语来说,名词不经过任何形式的变化直接被用作动词的现象在古代汉语中已经比较常见。现代汉语中,名词被用作动词的现象也相对比较普遍。因此,名词动用是非常有价值的研究对象,有助于我们进一步研究语言创新现象的本质。回顾名词动用的研究历程我们发现结构主义语言学派、转换生成语言学派、认知语言学派和功能语言学派都曾经从不同的理论出发,不同程度地对名词动用现象做出描写和阐释,他们的努力对于更好地理解这一语言现象做出了很大的贡献。然而,已有的名词动用研究存在以下方面的局限性。一是对于汉语中名转动词语料收集不足,只局限于对个别典型的名转动词例子的分析、解释等。并未对汉语中名转动词做出较为系统的研究,未能展示出汉语中名转动词的全貌。二是前人的研究中涉及名转动词在各种体裁中的分布情况较少。三是对现代汉语名转动词的研究所采用的理论基本上都是语法隐喻,对名转动词的机制以及名转动词语义的理解应有所突破。为了弥补之前研究的不足,本研究在以下方面做了有益的尝试。一是收集现代汉语名转动词语料,建立现代汉语名转动词的转类语料库。本研究基于《现代汉语词典》和北京大学现代汉语语料库。作者首先将《现代汉语词典》中只标注了名词词性的词输入到北京大学现代汉语语料库中,下载相关的语料,并借助名词和动词的基本特征以及动词的句法槽进行甄别,收集所有包含名转动词的语料。建立名转动词语料库。此语料库可以清楚的展示现代汉语中有多少个名词正在经历名转动词的转类过程。同时,读者可以看到在何种体裁下名词被用作了动词以及转类语料详细来源;二是对名转动词的语料进行描述。本研究试图对名转动词的语料进行全面的描述。因此,在本文中作者对名转动词的语料进行了定量和定性描写的基础上,分析了转类语料的分布、转类频率以及语料的来源;三是解释名转动词的语料。作者运用概念合成理论,分析了名转动词转类的机制以及名转动词语义的理解。本研究共有6章,第一章介绍了名转动词的研究意义,研究目标等。第二章是文献综述,本章从语法、修辞、认知以及对比等角度介绍了当前名转动词的研究情况。第三章对现代汉语词典以及北京大学现代汉语语料库做了详细的介绍,并呈现了语料收集的过程以及收集方法等。第四章对名转动词的语料分布情况做了描述。第五章是语料解释,作者采用了概念合理论对名转动词的机制以及名词转类动词的语义理解做了解释。第六章是总结部分,在本章中,作者介绍了研究的成果以及研究的不足。

【Abstract】 In most languages, nouns and verbs are the most significant word class, so the conversion between them is also the focus concerned by researchers all the time. In the case of Chinese, it’s relatively common in ancient Chinese for the phenomenon of nouns used as verbs directly without variation. In contemporary Chinese, it’s comparatively general for the phenomenon of nouns used as verbs. Hence, the study of noun-verb conversion is a very interesting language subject and can help us to get a better understanding of the nature of language creativity.Reviewing the previous research of denominal verbs, the author discovers that the structural, generative, cognitive and functional linguists have all described and interpreted the phenomenon of denominal verbs from different perspectives. Their efforts make a great contribution to comprehending such linguistic phenomenon better. However, the existing research on denominal verbs have some limitations, shown as below.1) It is restricted to analyzing and interpreting the individual and typical sentences of denominal verbs, as the cases of denominal verbs collected in Chinese are not enough. There is no systematic research or no overview displayed on denominal verbs in Chinese.2) Most studies study noun-verb conversion in isolated words or sentences, ignoring the levels of phrases and discourses, and frequency distribution of denominal verbs in different texts as well.3) The theory adopted in the research of denominal verbs in contemporary Chinese is mainly grammatical metaphor whereas there shall be some breakthrough for the mechanism and semantic comprehension of denominal verbs.In this research, the beneficial attempt will be done in the following areas to make up for the shortage of the former research. Generally, there are three objectives in this thesis.The first objective is data collection. Since this research is based on the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (5th edition) and CCL (Center for Chinese Linguistic PKU), the prerequisite for doing so is to find out all the words that are experiencing the process of conversion from nouns to verbs. In order to fulfill this goal, first of all, all the words which are tagged as and only as nouns in the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary will be selected, then input these words separately into CCL to check whether there are examples in which the target words are used as verbs, if there are such examples, examples will be collected. By doing so, all the converted words from nouns to verbs will be collected, which can illustrate how many noun words at present in The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary are experiencing conversion to verbs, what are the genres in which conversion happen, and what are the specific sources in which converted word examples come from and so on. In a word, data collection will objectively illustrate all the verbs converted from nouns and make up for the description-inadequacy of the previous study.The second objective is data description. This thesis will try to give a relatively comprehensive description for the data from the aspects of qualitative and quantitative description, analyze the distribution, frequency and source information of the denominal verbs. By doing so, the converted words will be illustrated objectively to readers.The third objective is data explanation. In this thesis the author adopts the conceptual blending theory which reveals the mechanism of the noun-verb conversion and also the semantic comprehension of denominal verbs.This thesis has six chapters. In chapter one, the author introduces the related background for this study, elaborates the significance of study, sets research objectives, and illustrates the research methods. The second chapter is about the literature review which can show its readers the background or the related studies on Chinese noun-verb conversion. Chapter three is about the procedure of data collecting. Chapter four is mainly about the frequency of conversion in different genres. Chapter five is the discussion part; in this part the author adopts the conceptual blending theory to explain the Chinese noun-verb conversion. Chapter six is the conclusion part which analyzes the findings, and at the same time gives some suggestions for future studies.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】167

