

The Reachable Paths Finding Problem with Constrain of Last Trains in Urban Mass Transit Network

【作者】 杜婷婷

【导师】 秦勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通网络化的进程不断加快,给人们出行带来极大的方便。与此同时,城市轨道交通网络化的发展也为人们的出行带来了新的问题,例如由于各线路列车末班车时间不连续,乘客进站乘车后不能经过换乘到达目的地等。随着轨道交通路网规模的不断扩大,乘客出行路径的选择越来越多,如何为乘客提供实时的出行可达路径是本文研究的出发点。本文针对末班车条件下的可达路径问题研究,旨在为末班车条件下的乘客出行路径诱导提供一种实用的方法。首先,本文定义了末班车条件下可达性的概念,指出末班车条件下的可达性由三部分组成,即空间可达性、时间可达性以及可达便捷性,并对影响末班车条件下空间、时间可达性以及可达便捷性的因素进行了分析。然后建立了城市轨道交通网络简化模型,结合本文对有效路径的定义,提出了一种改进的深度优先搜索算法,用以搜索路网中所有OD对间的有效路径集。本文针对路径中换乘站和交路端点站对路径可达性的影响,给出了路径可达性的判断规则,提出了OD间最晚可达乘车时间的推算方法和指定时间的实时可达路径集生成算法。在分析了路径可达便捷性的基础上,定义了可达路径的广义费用函数,用以对生成的OD间各条可达路径进行评价。最后,设计实现了北京地铁末班车可达路径查询仿真系统,并以实例验证了算法的正确性。

【Abstract】 The process of urban mass transport network continues to accelerate, to bring great convenience to the people when traveling. At the same time, the development of urban mass transport network brings new problems for people to travel, such as passengers who travel by subway cannot get to the destination by transfer due to the time of the last train of each line is not continuous.With the constant expansion of urban mass transit network, the choice of passenger travel path becomes more and more, how to provide passengers with real-time reachable-path is the starting point for research in this article. In this paper, reachable-path under the conditions of the last trains designed for passenger travel path under the conditions of the last trains induced to provide a practical way.First, the article defines the concept of reachability with the constrain of last trains, points that the reachability with the constrain of last trains consists of three parts, namely space reachability, time reachability and reachable convenience. And deeply analyzes the factors that affecting space and time reachability and reachable convenience under the last trains condition.Then established a simplified model of urban mass transport network in accordance with the definition of efficient path, an improved depth-first search algorithm was proposed for searching the efficient paths set during network among all OD pairs. Considering the transfer station and the routing endpoints station play a secisive role in judging the reachability of a path, some judgment rules was proposed. Then a method to calculation the latest boarding time that can be reachable between the OD pairs was raised, and so was the algorithm for generating real-time reachable paths. Considering some factors of reachable convenience, a generalized cost function was defined to evaluate every reachable path between O and D.Finally, the path searching simulation system with constrain of last trains in of Beijing subway was designed and implemented. And the model and algorithms in this paper was verified by living example.


